加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民联邦上诉院将有三位法官组成的陪审团审理此案
http://www.bellissimolawgroup.com/arguments-in-class-proceedings-begins-january-14th-930-a-m-est 25 April 2013Dear Applicants and Counsel,As many of you know by now the Federal Court of Canada has dismissed the application for judicial review. We are very disappointed but want to thank many of you that have taken the time to write in and show your support.Do We Appeal?We have taken a few days to closely review the decision and have decided we do intend to seek instructions from our clients to proceed with an appeal. Some clients have already advised us they wish to move forward with the appeal. Clearly Justice Rennie certified questions for appeal, which he did not have to do, so that the Federal Court of Appeal could review his findings and the very serious issues this case entails. The litigation is unprecedented and affects hundreds of thousands of people and therefore warrants further consideration by a three judge panel at the Court of Appeal.What This Means for ApplicantsAt present, it appears that the Federal Government intends to continue with its plan to eliminate pre-February 28th, 2008 files. As part of this process, government processing fees will be returned to applicants and this will continue. Should an appeal be successful processing of files would resume and/or leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada is a possibility.Next Step We must file the appeal within thirty days of Justice Rennie’s decision. Appeals are usually heard at the Federal Court of Appeal within 8-9 months. Given the importance of this case, the fundamental issues that remain unsettled, the number of lives this profoundly affects, we are prepared to move forward with this appeal and not charge you additional legal fees. Given the thousands of dollars this appeal would cost we would appreciate, without obligation on your part, a $150.00 contribution per main applicant. Payment can be made by cash/debit card, e-transfer, direct deposit at any TD bank, wire transfer, certified cheque, money order, bank draft, or credit card by calling into our office to process your credit card payment by telephone. You may contact Parminder Kaur in our Accounting Department at [email protected] and discuss your preferred payment method.You will have to communicate your intention to join the appeal and sign a new retainer agreement by Friday May 10th, 2013.Court CostsThere always remains the possibility the Federal Court and/or Federal Court of Appeal can award costs against the applicants, although the likelihood of this is low considering the public interest in Constitutional litigation. Justice Rennie has asked for submissions on costs within twenty days of his decision.Can I Join the Appeal?No, only those clients who filed an application for leave at the Federal Court will be permitted to be part of the proceeding before the Federal Court of Appeal.What if I Do Not Want to Appeal? There is no obligation that you join the appeal and should the law be struck down you may still benefit. However, we cannot take any more steps on your behalf and/or include you in any potential settlements should those arise. We will close your file.Closing Remarks We appreciate this has been a very long and frustrating journey, but it is one that has not necessarily concluded. We remain committed to this process and will continue to work diligently on your behalf. We await your instructions.Sincerely Yours,Mario D. Bellissimo
超赞 赏 L Les Paradis 0$(VIP 0) 3,7882013-04-27#2 回复: 联邦上诉院将有三位法官组成的陪审团审理此案这位律师最新发布的消息有价值的points: 1。联邦上诉院将有三位法官组成的陪审团审理此案 2。律师在30天内提交上诉,上诉院8到9个月内开庭审理 3。前期没有参加的人,这次不能参加。只有上次在法院立案的人有权上诉。也就是这次判决书里列出来的1400人 4。1400人可以自由选择是否上诉,不上诉的,只要官司成功了就会受益,但如果是庭外和解就不能受益
超赞 赏 L Les Paradis 0$(VIP 0) 3,7882013-04-27#3 回复: 联邦上诉院将有三位法官组成的陪审团审理此案28万人里的8.6万个主申,只有1400人参加了告违宪的诉讼,占绝大多数的超过8万个主申,已经彻底出局了-----他们无权上诉,无权打官司。 这1400人虽然可以上诉,但不代表肯定能幸免一刀切。我觉得只能抱着“洗洗睡了”的态度继续上诉,不然最后会非常受打击的。从现在起到2014年底,不要抱幻想官司会成功。一年以内上诉院的判决结果会出炉,但不能有太大期望。即使最后官司成功了,结案也要等2015到2016年。 如果我没在去年6月14前参加Tim也不是ME被切的,就再也不会关心这件事了。
超赞 赏 A appollon 0$(VIP 0) 8742013-04-27#4 回复: 联邦上诉院将有三位法官组成的陪审团审理此案也就是肯定在14年9月前判决了。意味着什么?
回复: 联邦上诉院将有三位法官组成的陪审团审理此案意味着联邦上诉院还不是终点。最高法院才是的。另外: 1)百分之百再没有参加不参加都一样的集体诉讼 2)CIC退费-撤案-销毁实体文件都将没有阻碍的按原计划进行 3)坚持到最后的人寥寥无几 4)坚持到最后的那少数人会有回报
也就是肯定在14年9月前判决了。意味着什么?点击展开... 现在看来你原来的感觉是对的。如果这次胜了,更多人就要参起诉。因为败了,原先没参加的根本没有资格再参加了。CIC已经吃了一颗定心丸,不用担心28万人卷土重来,只需要对付数量越来越少的起诉人。
超赞 赏 S shaohaiyue 0$(VIP 0) 1342013-04-27#7 回复: 联邦上诉院将有三位法官组成的陪审团审理此案悄悄的问天堂一句,TIM组600多人之一, 不用缴费吧,担心漏了上诉的机会。
回复: 联邦上诉院将有三位法官组成的陪审团审理此案现在看来你原来的感觉是对的。如果这次胜了,更多人就要参起诉。因为败了,原先没参加的根本没有资格再参加了。CIC已经吃了一颗定心丸,不用担心28万人卷土重来,只需要对付数量越来越少的起诉人。点击展开...不允许更多人加入, 对大家是好事, 这样有和解的可能性, 不就是1400个案子么, 放了也就放了.
回复: 联邦上诉院将有三位法官组成的陪审团审理此案不允许更多人加入, 对大家是好事, 这样有和解的可能性, 不就是1400个案子么, 放了也就放了.点击展开... 1400个也要减少了,很多人这次选择不参加上诉。真正在上诉院立案的人会少于1000。 现在不能抱侥幸心理会放人。即使放人,也要等2015年。CIC还会继续尽最大努力在上诉院赢官司,它绝对不会松懈的。
悄悄的问天堂一句,TIM组600多人之一, 不用缴费吧,担心漏了上诉的机会。点击展开... 你们还是没搞清楚这里的概念,我们Tim组没有败诉,不存在上诉! 只有败诉了才上诉。 我们Tim组接下来的官司是延续614判决,仍然在联邦法庭进行,与那8个败诉了的诉讼组性质完全不同! 既然我们不是上诉,那就不存在交钱了!到底参加谁更物有所值,现在很明眼了吧。最重要的是,6月14前参加Tim的,只能出不能进了。
超赞 赏 S smilon 0$(VIP 0) 1692013-04-27#11 回复: 联邦上诉院将有三位法官组成的陪审团审理此案!!!!
回复: 联邦上诉院将有三位法官组成的陪审团审理此案MOI,难道败诉是好事,彻底断绝了28万人的包袱,解决这1000个case,对于cic简直就是最大的胜利,就算是和解,他们也是赢大发了。
fn:07-3-7 HK QQ:28694783VO:LSL FN:[email protected];[email protected] 超赞 赏 llksz 0$(VIP 0) 942013-04-27#13 回复: 联邦上诉院将有三位法官组成的陪审团审理此案一起加油吧
超赞 赏 羽衣蓝格 0$(VIP 0) 1,0762013-04-27#14 回复: 联邦上诉院将有三位法官组成的陪审团审理此案加油!moi.
疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏MOI,难道败诉是好事,彻底断绝了28万人的包袱,解决这1000个case,对于cic简直就是最大的胜利,就算是和解,他们也是赢大发了。点击展开...不知道 CIC的底线,更不知道CIC无耻的底线,大选年他们会认输吗? 我觉得不太会,他们会让官司打到2014年底吗?反对党在做什么?现在为什么没有人跳出来?如果他们跳出来?什么时候跳?或者他们压根不愿意跳出来!
回复: 联邦上诉院将有三位法官组成的陪审团审理此案我要上诉。
回复: 联邦上诉院将有三位法官组成的陪审团审理此案意味着联邦上诉院还不是终点。最高法院才是的。另外: 1)百分之百再没有参加不参加都一样的集体诉讼 2)CIC退费-撤案-销毁实体文件都将没有阻碍的按原计划进行 3)坚持到最后的人寥寥无几 4)坚持到最后的那少数人会有回报点击展开...不管结果如何,我都会坚持到最后。。。
回复: 联邦上诉院将有三位法官组成的陪审团审理此案坚持半争到底!
2007.10.1递北京;2009.10.16 S2邮件;2010.1.19日S2补料寄北京。(补充:之前状态5)2010.1.29变12;2010年12月CAIPS无果;2011年7月CAIPS查询74分.2011.11.7地址栏消失了几天。2012.3.10Litigation.不管结果如何,我都会坚持到最后。。。点击展开... 谢谢!你有这么大的斗志,这么大的决心,让我感到很受鼓舞!希望一起战斗到最后!
MOI,难道败诉是好事,彻底断绝了28万人的包袱,解决这1000个case,对于cic简直就是最大的胜利,就算是和解,他们也是赢大发了。点击展开... 这次败诉让前期起诉的成员稳定了下来,再也不会有人参加,因为法院不接受了。那些观望的想要被忽悠进来都不可能了。 但对于已经参加的并且继续上诉的人,到底是不是好事,现在下结论太早了。CIC不会轻易放过这些人的,如果轻易放过了,那些没起诉的马上跟进了也要和解。 如果上诉院再败诉,那么最后继续跟进,上诉到最高法院的人应该不会吵过500,那个时候才好结论到底有没有希望。 CIC和解的依据就是25.2,25.2是非常广泛的部长权利,他爱给谁给谁,说不给就不给,完全是自由运用的。这个权利在这次判决书里解释得非常详细了。
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