加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请教大家-关于学历和成绩单复印件的提交
回复: 请教大家-关于学历和成绩单复印件的提交我没提交,没看到checklist说这个。不过我的经验不能算成功经验。
下一站,加国 超赞 赏 D deepbluegemini 0$(VIP 0) 852013-06-14#3 回复: 请教大家-关于学历和成绩单复印件的提交Canadian Educational Credential or Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) Report For you as the principal applicant: Proof of a completed Canadian secondary or post-secondary educational credential OR Proof of a completed foreign educational credential AND an original ECA report issued by a designated organization indicating the authenticity and equivalency of your completed foreign educational credential(s) to a completed Canadian educational credential(s). Note: Your ECA report must have been issued on or after the date on which the organization was designated by CIC and must meet CIC format and content requirements. In addition, your ECA report must not be more than five years old at the time you apply. Proof of Education/Training/Qualifications For you as the principal applicant and your accompanying spouse or common-law partner, if applicable: Secondary education documents: certification of completion of secondary school (or equivalency); Post-secondary education documents: vocational or technical certificate or diplomas; College or university documents: certification of completion and/or graduation degree, diploma or certificate issued by the college or university and evaluation committee, if applicable; Trade/Apprenticeship documents: certificates and evidence of apprenticeship; Transcripts: transcripts for all successfully completed studies (certificates, diplomas, degrees), if available; Professional qualifications certificates: professional qualifications certificates, if available; Proof of previous study in Canada (if applicable): copies of study permits issued to you and/or your spouse or common-law partner, if applicable, and copies of any certificates, diplomas, degrees awarded. 这里好像说除了ECA报告外还要交复印件的,不知道是不是?在checklist里面有提到的。
回复: 请教大家-关于学历和成绩单复印件的提交我的理解也是除了报告还要有一份学位或者学历的复印件。所以我一并提交了。
回复: 请教大家-关于学历和成绩单复印件的提交需要,我交了
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