加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民227-61插队政策的失败
回复: 227-61插队政策的失败唉,,, 移民不是治病, 哪里虚了就补哪里?! 要看远一点, 这个国家什么人都需要, 说白了, 如果不是美国在边上, 目前的人口连保护自己的能力都没有... 谈什么经济发展啊,,,
回复: 227-61插队政策的失败唉,,, 移民不是治病, 哪里虚了就补哪里?! 要看远一点, 这个国家什么人都需要, 说白了, 如果不是美国在边上, 目前的人口连保护自己的能力都没有... 谈什么经济发展啊,,,点击展开...当仔细看一下加拿大的人口分布,文化,经济...加拿大基本上是美国的延伸。
回复: 227-61插队政策的失败失败又能如何,我们还不是被切,现在连官司都基本没戏了!
只要凡事籍着祷告、祈求和感谢,将所要的告诉神,神所赐出人意外的平安,必在基督耶稣里,保守你们的心怀意念! 超赞 赏 fglzyfPIZZA 0$(VIP 0) 1,7922013-06-06#5 回复: 227-61插队政策的失败有什么用?
All because of love!唉,,, 移民不是治病, 哪里虚了就补哪里?! 要看远一点, 这个国家什么人都需要, 说白了, 如果不是美国在边上, 目前的人口连保护自己的能力都没有... 谈什么经济发展啊,,,点击展开...很多坚持多年的人, 本质上还是看在加拿大边上的AMERICA方便呀.否则,很多人是真的看不上CANADA的.这是秘密,不要声张
On the way to travel all the time... 超赞 赏 C chaoszr 0$(VIP 0) 3502013-06-07#7 回复: 227-61插队政策的失败现阶段起诉这事儿就像手抓烂股,长期套牢,也没指望以后能逆风飘红。
回复: 227-61插队政策的失败最近康尼承认移民失业率超过本地人几倍,我估计这主要是227以及61新政的移民。因为227前的移民这么多年应该适应了,而且2011年底增加移民配额时康尼承认雇主认可移民。这样看来,康尼的插队政策是失败的!点击展开... 谢谢David哥给我邮件 你是很可靠的给我安全感的人,不会和我翻脸 也希望你永葆这一份童真
超赞 赏 雾霾和计划生育都害人 0$(VIP 0) 2,6442013-06-08#9 回复: 227-61插队政策的失败不是童真,请看: http://pengxiang88.blog.163.com/blog/static/1041980712011412112614140/
回复: 227-61插队政策的失败Too often the issue of immigration has been used as a polical football, fuelley by misleaded information in the government organ and inflated statistics in the tabloids and to appease the anti-immigration prejudice in Canada, so when the Minister of CIC first mooted his proposal for an indefinite moratorium on immigration, I was deeply concerned that should be attempt to gotce drastic reform through before the clection the next years, not only will it provent skilled workers coming to Canada who Canada society rely on for their desperately needed economic recovery, but it impeaches their humanitarian reputation in providing sanctuary for the people who's fleeting their own countries to pursue the goal of perfection in their life. The unilateral decision of Canadian goverment would play into the xenophobic prejudices of those who seek to turn open Canada into fortress Canada. Their readiness to trample on human rights in a craven attempt to attract votes is of greater concern to me that CIC will make Canada Nazi state.Stupid CIC, stupid Kenny, stupid immigration policy, stupid applicants. Fuking games at all.
回复: 227-61插队政策的失败If "227-61插队政策的失败" is true, we may say politicians and dispers have one thing in common - they should be changed regularly, and for the same reason.Kenny, fucking steps down!But it is nothing good for applicants who's being erased.
回复: 227-61插队政策的失败最近康尼承认移民失业率超过本地人几倍,我估计这主要是227以及61新政的移民。因为227前的移民这么多年应该适应了,而且2011年底增加移民配额时康尼承认雇主认可移民。这样看来,康尼的插队政策是失败的!点击展开...呃,因为 "估计",和"应该",所以得出结论说政策是失败的,这样的论证,总觉得哪里好象有点不妥。
Pendant que par fiertéL'on joue comme des guerriersCroyants, êtres éternelsEt ça nous fait peur现阶段起诉这事儿就像手抓烂股,长期套牢,也没指望以后能逆风飘红。点击展开... 总算弄明白了你的ID chaoszr的意思,原来是“炒酸枣仁”啊。为什么对炒酸枣仁这么迷恋?因为这个能治失眠吗?
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