加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民54申请更新: 收到CIC发来的email
今天收到CIC发来的email, 给了两个号码,一个是UCI, 另一个是application #, 有了这两个就可以查状态了吧?
回复: 54申请更新: 收到CIC发来的email恭喜进入漫长等待。。。
回复: 54申请更新: 收到CIC发来的email好快啊,我还在等呢,信上咋说的,贴出来看看?
回复: 54申请更新: 收到CIC发来的email"This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada in the Federal Skilled Worker class. The Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism issued instructions which were published in the Canada Gazette on May 4, 2013. Only applicants who meet the criteria specified in these Ministerial Instructions are eligible to be processed in the Federal Skilled Worker class. Based on a review of the information you have provided, your application has received a positive determination of eligibility to be processed on the basis of work experience in an occupation specified in the Instructions issued by the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism and published in the Canada Gazette on May 4, 2013. However a final decision on your eligibility to be selected as a federal skilled worker will be made by a visa office. Your application will be forwarded to a visa office for further processing."好快啊,我还在等呢,信上咋说的,贴出来看看?点击展开...
回复: 54申请更新: 收到CIC发来的email"This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada in the Federal Skilled Worker class. The Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism issued instructions which were published in the Canada Gazette on May 4, 2013. Only applicants who meet the criteria specified in these Ministerial Instructions are eligible to be processed in the Federal Skilled Worker class. Based on a review of the information you have provided, your application has received a positive determination of eligibility to be processed on the basis of work experience in an occupation specified in the Instructions issued by the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism and published in the Canada Gazette on May 4, 2013. However a final decision on your eligibility to be selected as a federal skilled worker will be made by a visa office. Your application will be forwarded to a visa office for further processing."点击展开...恭喜啊,这好像就是传说中的PER了啊!等老大们确认下吧!神速啊!
回复: 54申请更新: 收到CIC发来的email恭喜恭喜。沾点福气先。
回复: 54申请更新: 收到CIC发来的email恭喜恭喜,54的开始动了,我们前面的,何时结束啊
回复: 54申请更新: 收到CIC发来的email可以查,不过查状态还不如查邮件来得快 VO们经常懒得更新那个状态的一切以Email为准今天收到CIC发来的email, 给了两个号码,一个是UCI, 另一个是application #, 有了这两个就可以查状态了吧?点击展开...
回复: 54申请更新: 收到CIC发来的email恭喜楼主,终于有动静了。
回复: 54申请更新: 收到CIC发来的email鸡血~
下一站,加国 超赞 赏 A andy88886666 0$(VIP 0) 802013-06-27#11 回复: 54申请更新: 收到CIC发来的email热烈恭贺版主,请教一下UCI是什么缩写?
回复: 54申请更新: 收到CIC发来的email恭喜!请问楼主是那个职业的?
回复: 54申请更新: 收到CIC发来的email请问有了PER的话,是不是意味着基本已经成功了,只要等待就可以。
回复: 54申请更新: 收到CIC发来的email恭喜呀,真快真幸福呀!继续羡慕中^_^
回复: 54申请更新: 收到CIC发来的emailUCI将来会出现在枫叶卡上。
Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian 超赞 赏 J jessie21 0$(VIP 0) 82013-06-27#16 回复: 54申请更新: 收到CIC发来的email恭喜恭喜
回复: 54申请更新: 收到CIC发来的email请问LZ你的application No. 是什么字母开头的?
回复: 54申请更新: 收到CIC发来的email1112恭喜!请问楼主是那个职业的?点击展开...
回复: 54申请更新: 收到CIC发来的emailE请问LZ你的application No. 是什么字母开头的?点击展开...
回复: 54申请更新: 收到CIC发来的emailME和PL才是王道,拿到ME才是该庆贺的。慢慢等待吧。没有几个月是下不来的,所以该干嘛干嘛吧。
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