加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民省提名技术移民 - 关于NSNP中的Community Identification Stream
小弟想申请NSNP中的Community Identification Stream,请教各位在NS的兄弟姐妹,是否有比较了解这个特殊Stream的操作要求?官方Guide如下:http://novascotiaimmigration.ca/site...Guide_CI_0.pdf其中提到要You must also demonstrate your long established association to the Nova Scotia community by a combination of the following: have close family relations in the community have resided in the community for extended periods in the past have business connections and activities in the community have significant community connections以及You need to demonstrate your efforts to secure employment by providing, for example: Identification of your current and future occupation Identification of your future business plans Information about your research in the community Contacts with professional organizations regarding the recognition of your credentials Other relevant information面对如此多的要求,小弟确实一时不从着手,是否可自行去NS旅游并对当地社区做个考察或事先与移民官约谈,以建立与当地的Strong Connection?望兄弟姐妹们给我出出主意
回复: 关于NSNP中的Community Identification Stream小弟想申请NSNP中的Community Identification Stream,请教各位在NS的兄弟姐妹,是否有比较了解这个特殊Stream的操作要求?官方Guide如下:http://novascotiaimmigration.ca/site...Guide_CI_0.pdf其中提到要You must also demonstrate your long established association to the Nova Scotia community by a combination of the following: have close family relations in the community have resided in the community for extended periods in the past have business connections and activities in the community have significant community connections以及You need to demonstrate your efforts to secure employment by providing, for example: Identification of your current and future occupation Identification of your future business plans Information about your research in the community Contacts with professional organizations regarding the recognition of your credentials Other relevant information面对如此多的要求,小弟确实一时不从着手,是否可自行去NS旅游并对当地社区做个考察或事先与移民官约谈,以建立与当地的Strong Connection?望兄弟姐妹们给我出出主意点击展开...如果你没有一点关系在该省的话,这条很难达到。至于你说的去旅游什么的,VO一眼就看穿了
回复: 关于NSNP中的Community Identification Stream如果你没有一点关系在该省的话,这条很难达到。至于你说的去旅游什么的,VO一眼就看穿了点击展开...旅游是指办签证,过去肯定是类似投资移民的商业考察,针对某个社区进行,就是不知道是否之前要和PNP的官员联系,期间能可以和他们有个面谈,那就更加好了。
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