加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民54新政CIC官方数据8月21日更新
两天后又更新了一次,两个热门职业1112和2174已满 Total received toward the overall cap: 997 of 5,000 Eligible occupation 0211 Engineering managers 721112 Financial and investment analysts 300 (Cap reached)2113 Geoscientists and oceanographers 52131 Civil engineers 402132 Mechanical engineers 522134 Chemical engineers 222143 Mining engineers 12145 Petroleum engineers 12144 Geological engineers 22146 Aerospace engineers 22147 Computer engineers (except software engineers/designers) 1042154 Land surveyors 02174 Computer programmers and interactive media developers 300 (Cap reached)2243 Industrial instrument technicians and mechanics 52263 Inspectors in public and environmental health and occupational health and safety 263141 Audiologists and speech-language pathologists -3142 Physiotherapists 353143 Occupational Therapists 73211 Medical laboratory technologists 333212 Medical laboratory technicians and pathologists' assistants 83214 Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists 13215 Medical Radiation Technologists 23216 Medical Sonographers 53217 Cardiology technologists and electrophysiological diagnostic technologists 4CIC官方统计:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/complete-applications.asp 海外移友统计:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0Aovj20uHVWyzdGFqSGJUOEtVX0h5eWM0cXB5dlAtOEE&output=html
2013年54新政-HK 2014年4月12日DM2014年9月登陆温哥华 超赞 赏 信风使者 0$(VIP 0) 3162013-08-21#2 回复: 54新政CIC官方数据8月21日更新通过汇总各职业人数,目前通过初审总人数应该是1027了。
2013年54新政-HK 2014年4月12日DM2014年9月登陆温哥华 超赞 赏 L luna0512 0$(VIP 0) 162013-08-22#3 回复: 54新政CIC官方数据8月21日更新这个人数是不是就是已经扣款的?
回复: 54新政CIC官方数据8月21日更新应该说是通过初审的人数,款按说是已经扣掉,但不排除国际汇票尚未显示解付状态等类似情况。
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