加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民【原创】============最新提炼的ME组辩论==============
有个很普遍的观点认为418判决书中有两个段落是宣布329后ME629前没DM的案子理应被合法切掉: [34] The applicants point to CIC’s Operational Bulletin 442 which provides that applicants whohad not received a selection decision prior to March 29, 2012 but who had subsequently received aselection decision and had their application finalized before June 29, 2012 are not affected bysection 87.4. This ensures that even if an application should have been terminated by section 87.4,i.e., captured by having been decided during the transition period, the positive selection decisionstands if it was made before section 87.4 became law. [35] In my view, if the FSW application had been determined before Bill C-38 received RoyalAssent then there was no pending application for section 87.4 to terminate. It ceased to be“pending”. It was now spent. Section 87.4 only purports to terminate applications, not anapplicant’s file indicating that he or she has been accepted, much less a permanent residence visaonce it has been issued. Operational Bulletin 442 is consistent with this interpretation. 法官Rennie拐弯抹角的在这里说329到629之间VO做出的selection decision可以作废。这段话也成为ME官司的一个障碍,并且CIC的律师也引用这段话作为辩护的依据之一。 但是就目前法院的动静来看,似乎这段话并不构成ME能被合法切掉的依据,因为法官Beaudry已经给一个ME的个案grant leave了,初步认可了他的观点,被告方CIC则进入了必须为自己defend的阶段。 关于329和629产生的诸多悖论,我很早就通过帖子和邮件的方式进行了论述。现在我又提炼了不少新的论点,来源正是418判决书。 Justice Rennie在418判决书里提供了如何解读interpret 87.4条款的权威方法: [19] The modern approach to statutory interpretation is set out by E. A. Driedger in Constructionof Statutes (2nd ed. 1983), p 87: “…the words of an Act are to be read in their entire context and intheir grammatical and ordinary sense harmoniously with the scheme of the Act, the object of theAct, and the intention of Parliament.” As a corollary to this, when the language of the statute isprecise and unequivocal, the ordinary meaning of the words plays a dominant role in the interpretiveprocess: Celgene Corp v Canada (Attorney General), 2011 SCC 1, [2011] 1 SCR 3, para 21. [22] Courts will not interpret legislation in a manner that removes existing rights or entitlementsunless Parliament’s intention to do so is clear. However, when a statute is unambiguous, there is norole for presumptions or interpretive aids, and the courts may not apply any of the interpretivepresumptions noted earlier [23] Here, the ordinary meaning of the provision governs. The meaning and effect of the word“terminated” is clear. Section 87.4, by its terms, is explicitly designed to apply retrospectively toapplications dated before February 27, 2008 and to eliminate the obligation to further processpending applications. The plain and obvious meaning of section 87.4 requires that the provision beretrospective and interfere with vested rights, regardless of any perceived unfairness. The threepresumptions relied on by the applicants are displaced by the clarity of Parliament’s intention.Further, to interpret the section otherwise would leave it without any effect beyond refunding theapplication fee. 这里有个关键词:unambiguous 简明英汉词典 unambiguous D.J.[ˌʌnæmˈbiɡjuəs] K.K.[ˌʌnæmˈbɪɡjuəs] adj.不含糊的; 清楚的; 明确的 新牛津英汉双解大词典 unambiguous adjectivenot open to more than one interpretation不含糊的,明确的,无歧义的 法官认为Here, the ordinary meaning of the provision governs,87.4条文最普通的字面意义就是它的法律效力,87.4的语言文字是unambiguous的。 87.4所表述的切案范围毫无疑问适用于所有329前没打分,没SD的人,包括旧政补料完整的,91有S2的,以及无S2的人。对于这些人,它就是unambiguous,但是对于329后有打分,并且被使馆要求体检的,而629后又被切的人这个非常特殊的小团体,87.4的语言则是ambiguous 含糊的,不明确的,有歧义的。 ambiguous在哪里呢? 1。87.4没有要求VO在329后停止打分,停止对申请人做出selection decision 2。87.4没有禁止VO对329后打分的申请发放体检表。 3。87.4没有用unambiguous的语言宣布,329后的体检表要作废,体检表产生的独特vested rights要被国会收回。 事实上,ZHU FEI判决书里也提到了329到629期间是个法律真空状态: There is no transitional provision to address applications that were decided after March 29, 2012 and before the new provisions were passed into law on June 29, 2012. http://decisions.fct-cf.gc.ca/en/2013/2013fc155/2013fc155.html 给完成了体检的人切案的CIC触犯了哪一条底线呢? 它明明知道329前没给出SD的人是要被切掉的,但仍然在这个日期后继续做SD,继续发放体检表,并且没有警示该案件可能会被terminate。这就毫无疑问违反了最基本的程序上的公平 procedure fairness。
超赞 赏 反馈:小鼠波波, 秦淮河, 我的小白马 和 11 其他人 L Les Paradis 0$(VIP 0) 3,7882013-08-30#2 回复: 原创============最新提炼的ME组辩论==============再来回头仔细看开始的那两段对ME官司不利的论述。法官Rennie的In my view后,根本没有说体检完毕的人理应被切,他连体检表这个词提都没提。他的措辞是很小心翼翼的,有种不想伤及无辜的感觉。在解读他的话时,也应该按照字面的意思去理解,不能信马由缰随意添加想象的成分。 对于加拿大法院和CIC,有一个expression很适合送给他们: 你能一时欺骗所有人,也能永远欺骗某些人,但不能永远欺骗所有人!
超赞 赏 llksz 0$(VIP 0) 942013-08-30#3 回复: 原创============最新提炼的ME组辩论==============挺
超赞 对于329后有打分,并且被使馆要求体检的,而629后又被切的人这个非常特殊的小团体,87.4的语言则是ambiguous 含糊的,不明确的,有歧义的。 ambiguous在哪里呢? 1。87.4没有要求VO在329后停止打分,停止对申请人做出selection decision 2。87.4没有禁止VO对329后打分的申请发放体检表。 3。87.4没有用unambiguous的语言宣布,329后的体检表要作废,体检表产生的独特vested rights要被国会收回。点击展开... 我解释这么多关于87.4的语言对于ME被切的人是ambiguous的,正因为如此,所以一刀切法律从根本上就不能适用于329后SD得到ME的人! 因为一刀切法律不适用于ME组,所以理所当然的,ME组不需要部长特权25.2 humanitarian and compassionate grounds, 简称H&C 来获得赦免。 为ME打官司的王仁铎,李克伦,Bellissimo都没有要求H&C。 所以日后如果官司赢了,ME组需要二次体检,这里的损失必须由CIC赔偿。
挺点击展开... 我喜欢这样轻描淡写、言简意赅、平淡从容、不带强烈感情色彩而又恰如其分的表达支持的回帖!帖子被网友看后留下这样的痕迹能让发帖人感到心情愉悦!
超赞 赏 annieshenuk 0$(VIP 0) 9402013-08-30#6 回复: 原创============最新提炼的ME组辩论==============好帖
被切后于2014年1月2号递交萨省技术移民申请2014年2月6号AR,至今无IP继续等待中 超赞 赏 反馈:Les Paradis L Les Paradis 0$(VIP 0) 3,7882013-08-30#7 回复: 原创============最新提炼的ME组辩论==============我为什么喜欢西洋文化,原因之一就是那个环境里的人客气得很自然,有一种自然而然不做作的优雅。你挡住了他的路,他会对你说Excuse me示意你让道。你说的话他没听清楚,他也会来句Excuse me示意你再说一遍。这个万能的Excuse me西人是从早说到晚的。并且这个表达是没有过度愧疚的。与此相对的那个Thanks, Thank you也是不离口,但不代表那是他对你的恭维,所以你一天多次收到洋人的thanks也不要得意,那只是一个并不emotional的表达方式。 洋人很少会表现得一会天上一会地下,不会盲目吹捧也不会轻易攻击一个人。 两百年前的Jane Austen就在她的几部小说里围绕manners做了相当精彩的描述,她的小说的环境都是设置在封闭落后的英国乡村。。。更重要的,英国人的manners并不是纸上谈兵。。。 现在的台湾,也很接近这个状态了。。。
好帖点击展开... 加分~~~
有个很普遍的观点认为418判决书中有两个段落是宣布329后ME629前没DM的案子理应被合法切掉: [34] The applicants point to CIC’s Operational Bulletin 442 which provides that applicants whohad not received a selection decision prior to March 29, 2012 but who had subsequently received aselection decision and had their application finalized before June 29, 2012 are not affected bysection 87.4. This ensures that even if an application should have been terminated by section 87.4,i.e., captured by having been decided during the transition period, the positive selection decisionstands if it was made before section 87.4 became law. [35] In my view, if the FSW application had been determined before Bill C-38 received RoyalAssent then there was no pending application for section 87.4 to terminate. It ceased to be“pending”. It was now spent. Section 87.4 only purports to terminate applications, not anapplicant’s file indicating that he or she has been accepted, much less a permanent residence visaonce it has been issued. Operational Bulletin 442 is consistent with this interpretation. 法官Rennie拐弯抹角的在这里说329到629之间VO做出的selection decision可以作废。这段话也成为ME官司的一个障碍,并且CIC的律师也引用这段话作为辩护的依据之一。 但是就目前法院的动静来看,似乎这段话并不构成ME能被合法切掉的依据,因为法官Beaudry已经给一个ME的个案grant leave了,初步认可了他的观点,被告方CIC则进入了必须为自己defend的阶段。 关于329和629产生的诸多悖论,我很早就通过帖子和邮件的方式进行了论述。现在我又提炼了不少新的论点,来源正是418判决书。 Justice Rennie在418判决书里提供了如何解读interpret 87.4条款的权威方法: [19] The modern approach to statutory interpretation is set out by E. A. Driedger in Constructionof Statutes (2nd ed. 1983), p 87: “…the words of an Act are to be read in their entire context and intheir grammatical and ordinary sense harmoniously with the scheme of the Act, the object of theAct, and the intention of Parliament.” As a corollary to this, when the language of the statute isprecise and unequivocal, the ordinary meaning of the words plays a dominant role in the interpretiveprocess: Celgene Corp v Canada (Attorney General), 2011 SCC 1, [2011] 1 SCR 3, para 21. [22] Courts will not interpret legislation in a manner that removes existing rights or entitlementsunless Parliament’s intention to do so is clear. However, when a statute is unambiguous, there is norole for presumptions or interpretive aids, and the courts may not apply any of the interpretivepresumptions noted earlier [23] Here, the ordinary meaning of the provision governs. The meaning and effect of the word“terminated” is clear. Section 87.4, by its terms, is explicitly designed to apply retrospectively toapplications dated before February 27, 2008 and to eliminate the obligation to further processpending applications. The plain and obvious meaning of section 87.4 requires that the provision beretrospective and interfere with vested rights, regardless of any perceived unfairness. The threepresumptions relied on by the applicants are displaced by the clarity of Parliament’s intention.Further, to interpret the section otherwise would leave it without any effect beyond refunding theapplication fee. 这里有个关键词:unambiguous 简明英汉词典 unambiguous D.J.[ˌʌnæmˈbiɡjuəs] K.K.[ˌʌnæmˈbɪɡjuəs] adj.不含糊的; 清楚的; 明确的 新牛津英汉双解大词典 unambiguous adjectivenot open to more than one interpretation不含糊的,明确的,无歧义的 法官认为Here, the ordinary meaning of the provision governs,87.4条文最普通的字面意义就是它的法律效力,87.4的语言文字是unambiguous的。 87.4所表述的切案范围毫无疑问适用于所有329前没打分,没SD的人,包括旧政补料完整的,91有S2的,以及无S2的人。对于这些人,它就是unambiguous,但是对于329后有打分,并且被使馆要求体检的,而629后又被切的人这个非常特殊的小团体,87.4的语言则是ambiguous 含糊的,不明确的,有歧义的。 ambiguous在哪里呢? 1。87.4没有要求VO在329后停止打分,停止对申请人做出selection decision 2。87.4没有禁止VO对329后打分的申请发放体检表。 3。87.4没有用unambiguous的语言宣布,329后的体检表要作废,体检表产生的独特vested rights要被国会收回。 事实上,ZHU FEI判决书里也提到了329到629期间是个法律真空状态: There is no transitional provision to address applications that were decided after March 29, 2012 and before the new provisions were passed into law on June 29, 2012. http://decisions.fct-cf.gc.ca/en/2013/2013fc155/2013fc155.html 给完成了体检的人切案的CIC触犯了哪一条底线呢? 它明明知道329前没给出SD的人是要被切掉的,但仍然在这个日期后继续做SD,继续发放体检表,并且没有警示该案件可能会被terminate。这就毫无疑问违反了最基本的程序上的公平 procedure fairness。点击展开...加声望了
被切后于2014年1月2号递交萨省技术移民申请2014年2月6号AR,至今无IP继续等待中 超赞 赏 反馈:Les Paradis L Les Paradis 0$(VIP 0) 3,7882013-08-30#10 回复: 原创============最新提炼的ME组辩论==============家园有一个“主题被干扰投诉区”: http://forum.iask.ca/forumdisplay.php?f=294 恶意歪楼,蓄意挑起争端的,大家可以去那里投诉。
超赞 赏 反馈:workhard24 L Les Paradis 0$(VIP 0) 3,7882013-08-30#11 回复: 原创============最新提炼的ME组辩论==============去年七月到八月,大量ME被切的申请人联系TIM。当时TIM对ME后被切的感觉是“非常不可思议”“非常不符合逻辑”,但是他一直不能明白这个组到底要怎样去单独打官司,因为他当时全神贯注的是他自己的protocol问题,一心无法二用,加之非常繁忙,根本没有精力去为ME专门考虑问题。 不过现在好了,单独为ME打官司的律师有四个了,不是三个。 是金子,总会发光的!
超赞 赏 L Les Paradis 0$(VIP 0) 3,7882013-08-30#12 回复: 原创============最新提炼的ME组辩论==============欢迎ME组的人发表看法,补充我没想到的要点~~~ 我发现很多人对诉讼技巧本身感兴趣了,一点就通,而且举一反三的能力很强!这也许是大家意想不到的一个收获吧!
超赞 赏 L Les Paradis 0$(VIP 0) 3,7882013-08-30#13 回复: 原创============最新提炼的ME组辩论==============下列4用户向Les Paradis如此有用的帖子致谢: coolwangd (2 小时前), maxky (3 小时前), serene7 (37 分钟前), workhard24 (一小时前) Les Paradis Evergreen 注册日期: 2012-07帖子: 2,633 送出鲜花次数: 63在28帖子里收到72次鲜花 声望: 20857088声望改变能力: 7222 谢谢各位送的鲜花,还有潜水默默给我加分的人! 我喜欢花花!我家附近的崎岖小路和小山上在夏天开满了各种野花和小莓果,散步的时候随手摘一朵放在鼻子下闻一闻,那种无法形容的淡淡的幽香,完全迥异于人工香精的浓烈和不自然。吸嗅的瞬间感到烦恼迅速消失了,就像做了一次芳疗!而且味道比那些精油更独特!
超赞 赏 反馈:yokoyoko F feifeijia 0$(VIP 0) 1,4142013-08-30#14 回复: 原创============最新提炼的ME组辩论==============给社区的老朋友问个好
靠家里,你可能会当上公主。靠男人,你可能当上王妃。但靠自己,才能当上女王。 超赞 赏 反馈:Les Paradis llksz 0$(VIP 0) 942013-08-31#15 回复: 原创============最新提炼的ME组辩论==============挺
超赞 赏 反馈:Les Paradis H hope09 0$(VIP 0) 1092013-08-31#16 回复: 原创============最新提炼的ME组辩论==============我解释这么多关于87.4的语言对于ME被切的人是ambiguous的,正因为如此,所以一刀切法律从根本上就不能适用于329后SD得到ME的人!因为一刀切法律不适用于ME组,所以理所当然的,ME组不需要部长特权25.2 humanitarian and compassionate grounds, 简称H&C 来获得赦免。为ME打官司的王仁铎,李克伦,Bellissimo都没有要求H&C。所以日后如果官司赢了,ME组需要二次体检,这里的损失必须由CIC赔偿。 高兴!
回复: 原创============最新提炼的ME组辩论==============根本不能轻易向CIC提出25.2 人道主义和同情这个部长大赦的要求。明明是CIC违法,为什么还要对它卑躬屈膝要求他施舍人道主义??? 只有在走投无路的情况下,比如最高法院也判一刀切不违宪,那时的8个违宪组才能提出这样的要求。 不过我认为到时候最高法院(或者上诉院)会主动这样判。 Bottom line: ME组和TIM组不需要全靠25.2 H&C赢官司(我一直以来都没变的观点),而要从"程序公平"这个最强大的制高点来打败CIC!当然如果CIC主动用H&C妥协了,那就可以考虑“得饶人处且饶人”。
给完成了体检的人切案的CIC触犯了哪一条底线呢? 它明明知道329前没给出SD的人是要被切掉的,但仍然在这个日期后继续做SD,继续发放体检表,并且没有警示该案件可能会被terminate。这就毫无疑问违反了最基本的程序上的公平 procedure fairness。点击展开... 这个问题可以回答得更充分更完整: 它明明知道329前没给出SD的人是要被切掉的,但仍然在这个日期后继续做SD,继续发放体检表,并且没有警示该案件可能会被terminate。629后由于VO的人为拖延和其他不可抗力的因素导致这类案件没DM,CIC在没有法律支持的情况下,擅自告知申请人案子被terminate,这就毫无疑问违反了最基本的程序上的公平 procedure fairness。 其实CIC在去年四月底出纰漏用413公告弥补的时候,就应该立即修改87.4的条文,加上一条“329到629期间由VO做出selection decision的案子,如果629前没有被finalize,申请人由此产生的一切vested rights包括体检表全部作废”。只有增加这样一条,87。4的语言对于ME被切的人才是unambiguous的! 如果它做到了这一点,就不存在ME组官司了,而且还能让加政府的无耻形象更上一层楼。
超赞 赏 反馈:frankpenn frankpenn 0$(VIP 0) 6762013-08-31#19 回复: 原创============最新提炼的ME组辩论==============好贴必挺。
91被切, 51幸运通过, 奋战在大温的新的老移民。 超赞 赏 反馈:Les Paradis H hope09 0$(VIP 0) 1092013-09-01#20 回复: 原创============最新提炼的ME组辩论==============谢谢这么透彻的分析。
·生活百科 我自动化的空调系统
·生活百科 太阳能分析数据刷新问题