加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民【最新消息】CIC宣布2015年1月推行EOI,明年很可能没有FSW了


2013年10月29日,加拿大CIC官网公布了最新的移民计划:2015年1月起推行EOI,2014年的移民配额将主要用于联邦经验类和省提名类,因此2014年很可能再无技术移民。链接:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/releases/2013/2013-10-28.aspNews Release — Planning for Success, Putting Canada FirstOttawa, October 28, 2013 — Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander today announced an immigration plan that will drive economic growth in 2014 and position Canada for success in the years ahead.“Securing economic growth is and will remain our Government’s top priority,” said Alexander. “Canada is in a global competition for the best and brightest immigrants, and this plan is crafted with attracting the people we need for Canada to succeed.”After tabling the Annual Report to Parliament on Immigration, Alexander said Canada plans to welcome 240,000 to 265,000 new permanent residents in 2014, with record admissions forecast in both theCanadian Experience Class (CEC) and the Provincial Nominee Program.“While Canadians will continue to get the first crack at available jobs, getting the right people in the right places is key to addressing regional labour needs and fueling Canada’s long-term prosperity,” said Alexander. “We need newcomers willing to put their skills, ideas and energies to work.”Economic immigration is slated to increase to 63 per cent in 2014. The remaining 37 per cent will consist of family class immigrants, refugees and others admitted under humanitarian programs. Text version: Economic immigration image“We will continue to drive down backlogs, reduce wait times and improve service. We will continue to reunite families. We will continue to give refuge to the world’s most vulnerable,” said Alexander.Canada is moving from passive economic immigration to active recruiting under a new intake system tentatively titled the Expression of Interest System (EOI). Our plan for 2014 takes that change into account and works toward a successful launch on January 1, 2015.Every summer, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) consults with provinces, territories and stakeholders across Canada to develop a balanced immigration plan. We also seek feedback from the Canadian public. This year, CIC received over 4,700 responses between June 21 and August 31, 2013.Planned admission ranges for other immigration programs will be released in the coming days.与此同时,官网也介绍了EOI的操作方法。我本人估计加拿大的EOI将和澳洲现行的EOI高度相似:符合指定职业的申请人在网上填写资料后,系统会根据教育水平、工作时间、语言成绩等条件进行评分,超过合格分数线且排名在前列的申请人将被发出移民邀请,这时申请人再提交详细纸质材料给移民局审核,之后获得签证。在澳洲EOI中,有州担保(相当于加拿大省提名)的申请人将被加分,有雇主offer的申请人则只要符合合格分数则不需要排队可直接申请签证。因此,EOI和传统申请的最大区别就是系统能够自动过滤低分申请人,只有高分的才有机会被选上。CIC链接:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/backgrounders/2013/2013-10-28b.aspBackgrounder — Expression of Interest (EOI): Preparing for Success in 2015The Government believes Canada can and should compete actively to attract the best and brightest newcomers to resettle here. That’s why we are getting set to treat most immigration applications in a revolutionary new way. Having a job is the best path to economic integration. EOI will select immigrants based on the skills Canadian employers need and, in turn, should they pursue citizenship, they will be welcomed as equal members of the Canadian family.As of January 2015, the EOI system will help switch from passive processing of applications in the order we get them to a prioritized system that gets in-demand people with the skills to succeed to Canada faster than ever before.The 2014 Immigration Levels Plan makes way for Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) to transition to this new system in January 2015 by continuing to reduce backlogs across the board. This will enable Canada to begin using EOI to identify the best candidates from day one.EOI works in two steps. Prospective immigrants would indicate their interest in coming to Canada by providing information electronically about their skills, work experience and other attributes. Individuals who meet certain eligibility criteria will have their “expressions of interest” placed in a pool and ranked against others already in the pool. CIC would only invite the best candidates, including those with in-demand skills or with job offers, to apply for a visa. Expressions of interest that are not chosen after a period of time may be removed from the pool. As a result, application backlogs would not accumulate and processing times will be kept to a minimum.We will also assess applicants on a variety of other factors such as education, work experience and language ability – with a greater emphasis on the ever-changing needs of the Canadian labour market.The Government is working with provincial and territorial partners to make EOI a success. We are also partnering with Canadian employers so they will be ready to find candidates in the EOI pool that meet their skills requirements when the domestic labour force cannot.Further details about EOI will be communicated in due course and as they become available.

[FONT=微软雅黑]魁省技术新政没戏,[/FONT][FONT=微软雅黑]萨省雇主遇一刀切,联邦五四被删职业,澳洲雅思没拿下4*7,萨省二百五暂无进展。联邦51新政申请:2014.5.01寄出,5.05签收,6.03汇票解付,6.19PER,7.02RbHK,8.20ME,10.25MER。[/FONT]联邦技术2014新政群:119639702[FONT=微软雅黑]我要出国(加/澳/新)群:148334084加拿大NS省LMD群:186789670QQ / 微信:105414343新浪微博:@业余格斗士[/FONT] 超赞 赏 wisezmz业余格斗士 0$(VIP 0) 1,4022013-10-28#2 回复: 最新消息CIC宣布2015年1月推行EOI,明年很可能没有FSW了我个人推断,压力山大部长将在2014年全力处理完毕手上的FSW、CEC、省提名申请案子,清空库存,迎接2015年的EOI。同时,2014年将不再有FSW。

[FONT=微软雅黑]魁省技术新政没戏,[/FONT][FONT=微软雅黑]萨省雇主遇一刀切,联邦五四被删职业,澳洲雅思没拿下4*7,萨省二百五暂无进展。联邦51新政申请:2014.5.01寄出,5.05签收,6.03汇票解付,6.19PER,7.02RbHK,8.20ME,10.25MER。[/FONT]联邦技术2014新政群:119639702[FONT=微软雅黑]我要出国(加/澳/新)群:148334084加拿大NS省LMD群:186789670QQ / 微信:105414343新浪微博:@业余格斗士[/FONT]我个人推断,压力山大部长将在2014年全力处理完毕手上的FSW、CEC、省提名申请案子,清空库存,迎接2015年的EOI。同时,2014年将不再有FSW。点击展开...很大可能

test 超赞 赏 ASURA无明 0$(VIP 0) 8,3212013-10-29#4 回复: 最新消息CIC宣布2015年1月推行EOI,明年很可能没有FSW了这么看,2014下半年很可能真的就是空窗期用于处理积压了。

回复: 最新消息CIC宣布2015年1月推行EOI,明年很可能没有FSW了直接到加拿大找工作吧

回复: 最新消息CIC宣布2015年1月推行EOI,明年很可能没有FSW了直接到加拿大找工作吧点击展开...肥康去了人力部后立马收紧了LMO政策,现在办LMO比过去难得多了。

[FONT=微软雅黑]魁省技术新政没戏,[/FONT][FONT=微软雅黑]萨省雇主遇一刀切,联邦五四被删职业,澳洲雅思没拿下4*7,萨省二百五暂无进展。联邦51新政申请:2014.5.01寄出,5.05签收,6.03汇票解付,6.19PER,7.02RbHK,8.20ME,10.25MER。[/FONT]联邦技术2014新政群:119639702[FONT=微软雅黑]我要出国(加/澳/新)群:148334084加拿大NS省LMD群:186789670QQ / 微信:105414343新浪微博:@业余格斗士[/FONT] 超赞 赏 C candyfan 0$(VIP 0) 72013-10-29#7 回复: 最新消息CIC宣布2015年1月推行EOI,明年很可能没有FSW了07年的FN被切,今年又递晚了,没赶上。明年又没有FSW了,等后来的EOI,怎么越来越难了。。

回复: 最新消息CIC宣布2015年1月推行EOI,明年很可能没有FSW了我个人推断,压力山大部长将在2014年全力处理完毕手上的FSW、CEC、省提名申请案子,清空库存,迎接2015年的EOI。同时,2014年将不再有FSW。点击展开...likely

回复: 最新消息CIC宣布2015年1月推行EOI,明年很可能没有FSW了肥康去了人力部后立马收紧了LMO政策,现在办LMO比过去难得多了。点击展开...是我阴谋论了吗?康部长找了个替身在移民部继续帮他缩减移民,他自己在劳工部堵死绿灯的源头,难道政府在下一盘很大的棋?


回复: 最新消息CIC宣布2015年1月推行EOI,明年很可能没有FSW了但是对于团聚移民好象是网开一面。不知道是不是可以现在开始照着以前的申请程序填表准备材料,到时抓紧时间地上,要不然就会很快到5000人了

回复: 最新消息CIC宣布2015年1月推行EOI,明年很可能没有FSW了经验移民是说找到加拿大的工作就可以了吗?

回复: 最新消息CIC宣布2015年1月推行EOI,明年很可能没有FSW了团聚移民是得罪潜在选民或正式选民的事这些政客会很小心处理的

回复: 最新消息CIC宣布2015年1月推行EOI,明年很可能没有FSW了我第一反应也是这个……绝对有预谋啊有预谋是我阴谋论了吗?康部长找了个替身在移民部继续帮他缩减移民,他自己在劳工部堵死绿灯的源头,难道政府在下一盘很大的棋?点击展开...

回复: 最新消息CIC宣布2015年1月推行EOI,明年很可能没有FSW了嗯,就是摆明了,只要高素质人才,而且是要自己来选,不太相信主动提交材料的。

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