加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民省提名技术移民 - 关于萨省的SINP中要求提交的”翻译的宣誓书“的问题
All documents must be clear and easy to read scanned copies of the original documents. If your documents are not in English or French, you must submit all of the following: • a scanned copy of the original document; • a scanned copy of the English or French translation of the document; and, • a scanned copy of an affidavit from the translator describing their translation ability. • Translators can be any person other than your family member or spouse. Translators must not work for or be a paid consultant or representative who is preparing the application. The federal government requires that the translator is certified by a regulatory body as a translator. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that translations meet all federal requirements. 请教各位大侠:如果我们得资料全部都是公证过的,其中都有英文翻译版本。是否还需要翻译的宣誓书。如果需要该怎么办理呢?
回复: 关于萨省的SINP中要求提交的”翻译的宣誓书“的问题看来这250个名额1小时就会抢光掉
回复: 关于萨省的SINP中要求提交的”翻译的宣誓书“的问题同问同学们是否还有living in canada 中的settlement plan 中无法输入文字的问题出现过?
回复: 关于萨省的SINP中要求提交的”翻译的宣誓书“的问题All documents must be clear and easy to read scanned copies of the original documents. If your documents are not in English or French, you must submit all of the following: • a scanned copy of the original document; • a scanned copy of the English or French translation of the document; and, • a scanned copy of an affidavit from the translator describing their translation ability. • Translators can be any person other than your family member or spouse. Translators must not work for or be a paid consultant or representative who is preparing the application. The federal government requires that the translator is certified by a regulatory body as a translator. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that translations meet all federal requirements. 请教各位大侠:如果我们得资料全部都是公证过的,其中都有英文翻译版本。是否还需要翻译的宣誓书。如果需要该怎么办理呢?点击展开...我觉得有公证就不需要了,公证本身不是原件,而是公证件了。
回复: 关于萨省的SINP中要求提交的”翻译的宣誓书“的问题看来这250个名额1小时就会抢光掉点击展开...你说得有道理,我也准备申请一把。
回复: 关于萨省的SINP中要求提交的”翻译的宣誓书“的问题1.2当天申请萨省的请加群348182586。没准备,各种“问问”的就免进了。
回复: 关于萨省的SINP中要求提交的”翻译的宣誓书“的问题同问同学们是否还有living in canada 中的settlement plan 中无法输入文字的问题出现过?点击展开...怎么输入啊?不是就只是几个简单的问题回答一下吗?
回复: 关于萨省的SINP中要求提交的”翻译的宣誓书“的问题1.2当天申请萨省的请加群348182586。没准备,各种“问问”的就免进了。点击展开...您这群一共8个人,还禁止别人加入。
回复: 关于萨省的SINP中要求提交的”翻译的宣誓书“的问题找家有翻译资质的翻译公司签字盖章就可以了吧~公证处是不提供规定外材料的!
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