加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民讨论一下2003年的Dragan案的结论部分


http://decisions.fct-cf.gc.ca/fc-cf/decisions/en/item/39921/index.do?r=AAAAAQAFTGVhaHkAAAAAAQ[64] For these reasons, the Court will grant a writ of mandamus in the 102 Court files set out in Schedule A hereto requiring the respondent and his officers, on or before March 31, 2003, assess the 102 applicants and award units of assessment in accordance with the former Regulations. The applications for judicial review set out in Schedule B hereto with respect to applicants who filed after January 1, 2002 will be dismissed.[65] This Court proceeding only applies to the applications which are the subject of this consolidated application. The parties have worked hard over the past five months to have these cases heard before March 31, 2003. At this point, it is too late for the Court to consider before March 31, 2003 any new applications for a writ of mandamus with respect to the remaining 80,000 to 120,000 visa applications filed before January 1, 2002.这两段的意思非常简单。“参加不参加都一样”,“加拿大是判例法”,“一个人赢了,几十万人全赢”,有这些想法的人看了之后会感到很难堪。64段讲的是2002年1月1号以前的积压中的102个起诉人胜诉,法院要求VO按照以前的老规则审核他们的移民申请。2002年1月1号以后的积压的起诉人,被dismiss,也就是败诉。胜诉的人的名单在判决书最下面的SCHEDULE A,SCHEDULE B是败诉人的名单。第65段更牛,直接对那些尚未参加起诉的2002年1月以前的移民积压申请人说,法院不会在2003年3月31号前考虑给他们发mandamus命令,the remaining 80,000 to 120,000 visa applications filed before January 1, 2002. 这个数据就是当时被变相一刀切的技术移民积压数量。当时(Dragan案判决发布的时候)的10多万积压,只有属于2002年1月1号前的102个起诉人得到了胜诉,被法院强制要求CIC用老规则继续审理。并且法院直接对那些还没参加起诉的积压大军说:法院不会在3月31前考虑发新的mandamus。那胜诉的102人成为幸存者。不过后来有更多律师发起更多集体诉讼,让CIC消极妥协,部分积压得到翻案(但不是全部10几万人都得到mandamus,而是CIC自己妥协),这就是后话了。我在这里讨论的仅仅是Dragan案。注意这两段话里的单词“applications"。第64段的102 Court files,The applications for judicial review 。第65段the remaining 80,000 to 120,000 visa applications filed before January 1, 2002.,这是visa applications,不是judicial review applications,不是说那8万到12万个申请人都在法院立了案。application for judicial review的主体是applicant80,000 to 120,000 visa appllicants的主体也是applicant这两个application以及分别对应的applicant的意思是完全不同的。

​ 超赞 赏 A appollon 0$(VIP 0) 8742014-03-11#2 回复: 讨论一下2003年的Dragan案的结论部分关键是64,问题是,法官的理由是什么?

回复: 讨论一下2003年的Dragan案的结论部分关键是64,问题是,法官的理由是什么?点击展开...你指的是614吧。法官的理由比Dragan案会更有说服力。这个问题我早就给pre614的人邮件解释多次了。我不会在论坛和不相干的人解释。


回复: 讨论一下2003年的Dragan案的结论部分你滔滔不绝都是把想象和事实混为一谈。2003年的案子也翻出来了,这次和上次情况不一样了,2003年的判决早终给了所有人(上诉的和没上诉的),原因是上次没有立法,现在法律早通过2年多了。劝你不要再误导别人了,OK?

回复: 讨论一下2003年的Dragan案的结论部分是主帖里面的[64]点击展开...你自己去判决书找吧。如果你没有耐心去看,我也没有耐心和你解释。



回复: 讨论一下2003年的Dragan案的结论部分你不是给我解释,是你主贴的一些结论需要合乎逻辑的支撑。看起来同样的事因为理由不同,结果可能也不同。这样的常识也需要别人教你?点击展开...合乎逻辑的支撑就在判决书里啊,你难道没看到64段一开头就是"For these reasons"? 难道你要我教你读判决书?你自己去原文找理由,难道不比我转述过来的更真实???

​合乎逻辑的支撑就在判决书里啊,你难道没看到64段一开头就是"For these reasons"? 难道你要我教你读判决书?你自己去原文找理由,难道不比我转述过来的更真实???点击展开...你牛逼哄哄英文好,但也不能看不懂中文吧?我是说你主贴通过举例证明其实啥也证明不了。

回复: 讨论一下2003年的Dragan案的结论部分你牛逼哄哄英文好,但也不能看不懂中文吧?我是说你主贴通过举例证明其实啥也证明不了。点击展开...你从哪里看到我在主贴的“举例”是要证明什么?你中文这么牛逼,能从主贴里看到我的意思是想“证明”什么?我有什么东西需要发帖来证明?

​ 超赞 赏 L Les Paradis 0$(VIP 0) 3,7882014-03-11#12 回复: 讨论一下2003年的Dragan案的结论部分appollon同学,我理解你现在的感受。其实还是我自己手痒,在那个楼的61和62层贴出来一个很敏感的信息(对很多人而言),我不想和你吵什么,也不想和任何人吵。如果这两个帖子惹是生非了,我希望版主直接删掉算了,本来也没什么大不了的。

​ 超赞 赏 L Les Paradis 0$(VIP 0) 3,7882014-03-11#13 回复: 讨论一下2003年的Dragan案的结论部分如果还用人认为2003年法院把胜诉判给了当时所有的几十万积压,那就是纯粹SB一个。这是后来的所谓集体诉讼的判决书:http://decisions.fct-cf.gc.ca/fc-cf/decisions/en/item/47970/index.do?建议你们如果感兴趣就去看看,就当是练习英语阅读也好,如果根本连看都不看,动嘴比动脑子快,那就展现一下你的SB风情吧。当时法院不仅没有给所有人发manmdamus,而且dismiss了那个motion的部分内容。法官在开头的这一段表白听起来很搞笑:3. In all other respects, the motions before the Court in these matters on the 17th day of June, 2003, are dismissed.While the substance of the Order reflects substantial relief in favour of individuals seeking to immigrate to Canada, and a significant continuing burden for the Respondent, the Order is not as broad in its terms as certain of the Applicants before the Court were seeking. It also seeks to provide a mechanism whereby individuals seeking to come to Canada who are now, for whatever reason, prepared to abandon that ambition, at least for the moment, may "opt out" of the continuing impact of the Order either unconditionally or on terms settled between themselves and the Respondent.法官要求当时的积压申请人准备放弃移民加拿大的野心,法官也认为那么多积压对于CIC是一个负担。我头一次见识法官用这么扭扭捏捏的语气,完全不像这次的几个法官那样干脆利落。这个案子规模真大,多地连线开庭。出席的律师有很多熟悉和不熟悉的名字:王仁铎,Richard Kurland, Lorne Waldman等等都在里面。2003年没有什么胜诉的“集体诉讼”,只有CIC的消极妥协(自由党的风格)。2012年被一刀切的28万人里,有很多就是2001到2003年的申请,87。4运作的对象就是上溯至2001年的所有相关申请。如果不是亲自看了这些判决书,还真的相信了中介以前宣传的“2003年胜诉”。另外,2002年也不是什么“没有立法”,移民法的确修改了,只不过那次修改移民法的内容跟这次有很大区别,但人家的确是通过了立法的。

​ 超赞 赏 L Les Paradis 0$(VIP 0) 3,7882014-03-11#14 回复: 讨论一下2003年的Dragan案的结论部分2003年得到法院Mandamus命令的只有主贴Dragon案里的102人,这个案子下面列出的律师名单,TIM排在第一,还有其他几位,比如王仁铎。另外也许还有零星的几个个案得到了mandamus

​ 超赞 赏 L Les Paradis 0$(VIP 0) 3,7882014-03-11#15 回复: 讨论一下2003年的Dragan案的结论部分不看不知道,一看吓一跳,更多内幕出现了:http://decisions.fct-cf.gc.ca/fc-cf/decisions/en/item/44318/index.do?http://cas-ncr-nter03.cas-satj.gc.ca/IndexingQueries/infp_RE_info_e.php?court_no=IMM-2819-02那个2003年大量律师参与的案子,最后一直持续到了2006年才结案。法院的明确结果是:败诉。不仅dimiss了要求judicial review的Motion,而且dismiss了集体诉讼的申请。除了完败,还有别的词来描述吗?[3] Mr. Tihomirovs now seeks to have his application for judicial review treated and proceeded with as an action. At the same time, he moves to have the action certified as a class action brought on behalf of all skilled workers, self-employed, entrepreneur and investor applicants for permanent residence, excluding provincial nominees and those destined for the province of Quebec, who submitted their applications between January 1, 2002 and June 28, 2002.[4] For the reasons that follow, I am not persuaded that Mr. Tihomirovs meets the five-part test for certification set out in Rule 299.18 of the Federal Courts Rules, and that, as a result, certification would not be granted. As a consequence, the motion to have his application for judicial review treated and proceeded with as an action is dismissed.也就是说,Dragon案里被dismiss的类别:2002年1月1到6月28之间递交申请的人,此后一直没有得到翻案。法院在2003年根本没有批准集体诉讼class-action,也没有真正意义上的judicial review granted。我真是不敢相信这次告违宪的律师有那么大的底气搞什么集体诉讼,还搞了什么“违宪”的诉求。感觉非常震惊。

​ 超赞 赏 L Les Paradis 0$(VIP 0) 3,7882014-03-12#16 回复: 讨论一下2003年的Dragan案的结论部分Dragan案得到胜诉的102人的情况跟现在的pre614非常相似,都是在新法生效前有了最终的法院判决结果。他们赶在新法生效前得到了mandamus。当时的regulations:361. (3) During the period beginning on the day on which this section comes into force and ending on March 31, 2003, units of assessment shall be awarded to a foreign national, in accordance with the former Regulations, if the foreign national is an immigrant who....(b) before January 1, 2002, made an application for an immigrant visa under those Regulations that is still pending on the day on which this section comes into force and has not, before that day, been awarded units of assessment under those Regulations. [emphasis added]TIM当时赶在新法生效前打赢了官司,正如2012年这次赶在6月29前打赢了官司,得到了614判决。情况实在太像了。。。。。。SCHEDULE B败诉的原因正是因为他们毫无疑问适应了当时的恶法。那个恶法最终让他们无法翻身,官司打到了2006年,以完败告终。

​ 超赞 赏 L Les Paradis 0$(VIP 0) 3,7882014-03-12#17 回复: 讨论一下2003年的Dragan案的结论部分根据这个著名的档案:http://cas-ncr-nter03.cas-satj.gc.ca/IndexingQueries/infp_RE_info_e.php?court_no=IMM-2286-032003年被CIC妥协庭外和解的group A,总数为26到30万的险遭变相一刀切的申请人,最终在2008年6月30号完成了全部审理(只是得到了selection decision,不是DM)Minister's letter, dated July 17, 2008, advising that, as of June 30, 2008, a selection decision has been entered for all members of the class; thus concluding the performance of the Minister's obligations under the Settlement Agreement, pursuant to Article 3(c). received on 17-JUL-2008Letter from Defendants dated 01-FEB-2006 Advising that all class members' applications for permanent residence listed in CIC's electronic records as having received received prior to January 1, 2000 have now received a section decision. The Defendants have accordingly met their processing commitments to class members, set out at paragraph 3(c) of the Settlement Agreement, to process more than 50% of the class members, applications to selection decision by February 1, 2006 and to process all class members' applications that were submitted in 1999 or earlier by February 1, 2006. received on 01-FEB-2006我的老天啊,1999年甚至更早以前的申请,直到2008年才全部审完,这实在是一件旷世奇闻。参加TIM的Dragan案的group A起诉人捷足先登,在2003年得到了DM,没参加的人最迟2008年结案,参加起诉与不参加起诉,之前参加与之后参加,到底有没有区别呢?区别是不是天壤之别呢???那次的group A和B的总积压将近40万人,比这次的28万人还多。group B的命运则是永远得不到翻案。这个反差实在太大了。

​ 超赞 赏 L Les Paradis 0$(VIP 0) 3,7882014-03-12#18 回复: 讨论一下2003年的Dragan案的结论部分看完这个Dragan案全文,我对于Pre614所受到的不公正待遇,感到出离愤怒了。Dragan案的法官Kelen对当时的102个起诉人,简直是在侍奉神仙。完全不是Liang案的法官Rennie那样故意不一次性结案。Dragan案的法官在判决书里表达的意思是这样的,非常清楚:1。 他确定了CIC即将从2003年4月1号开始用新法回溯审理旧案的做法是合法的。2。 他反复论证这102个起诉人自己没有造成拖延,因此如果他们的案子拖到4月1被回溯审理就会受到极大伤害。3。他反复强调这102个起诉人必须和那些没起诉的12万人区别对待,并且袒护他们,说他们不是在插队:[20] ..........the evidence established that there will be 80,000 to 120,000 such applications expected to be outstanding as of March 31, 2003. Of course, this hearing is only with respect to 124 applications.[31] It is important to note that the applicants in this case have followed the Canadian rules and Canadian law to seek admission to Canada. They are not "queue jumpers". Moreover, these applicants are generally skilled workers who believe that they would qualify for landing in Canada under the former Regulations.4。他的结论很明确:这102个起诉人必须在3月31前按照旧打分系统审理,其余的12万没参加起诉的人则应该被切掉(当时流行的词不是termination,而是cut-off)。和这个案子相比,我们pre614的成员简直是被法院虐待!!!再补充一点,这102人当时被使馆拖延的平均时间是三到四年。才三四年啊,法官就觉得他们的权益受到严重损害!

​ 超赞 赏 L Les Paradis 0$(VIP 0) 3,7882014-03-12#19 回复: 讨论一下2003年的Dragan案的结论部分这个案子的32到37段专门论证了法律回溯性的问题,最后得出的结论是:CIC用75分的打分标准回溯审理新法生效前收进来的旧案是完全合法的。截止3月31未审完的所有旧案全部用新法回溯审理!I therefore conclude that section 361 of the IRPR is validly authorized retrospective legislation and should operate according to its terms. This means that the applications filed after January 1, 2002 are to be assessed under the new Regulations, and applications filed before January 1, 2002 shall be assessed under the old Regulations up until March 31, 2003.

​[65] This Court proceeding only applies to the applications which are the subject of this consolidated application. The parties have worked hard over the past five months to have these cases heard before March 31, 2003. At this point, it is too late for the Court to consider before March 31, 2003 any new applications for a writ of mandamus with respect to the remaining 80,000 to 120,000 visa applications filed before January 1, 2002.点击展开...This Court proceeding only applies to the applications which are the subject of this consolidated application.这个Dragan的判决只适应这次参加进来的100多人consolidated application合并的聆讯,那100多个起诉人合并到一起,所有人一次性得到明确说法。我们这次pre614的600多人不是consolidated application,所以导致只有两个代表得到明确判决。The parties have worked hard over the past five months to have these cases heard before March 31, 2003. 这100多个起诉人能得到在3月31新法生效前开庭的机会,是各方努力5个月的结果。At this point, it is too late for the Court to consider before March 31, 2003 any new applications for a writ of mandamus with respect to the remaining 80,000 to 120,000 visa applications filed before January 1, 2002.现在马上就要到新法生效的时间了,法院来不及再接受新的Mandamus申请,那些没参加起诉的12万人,尽管和这里的100多人情况一样,但他们只能在3月31以后被切掉,无路可退了。法官对起诉人的偏袒是如此露骨,实在不可思议!这里描绘的情景跟pre614所处的情景,难道不是极其相似吗???可惜pre614没有遇到这样一位好事做到底的慈悲法官。

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