加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民北京54新政PhD stream进程,3月19日使馆DHL邮寄大信封
经过了煎熬期,大信封终于在DM后17天用DHL邮寄出来了,不过使馆没有用我让同学帮忙提供的回邮DHL信封使馆邮件内容如下:Please be advised that your application has been finalised and that you will receive the visa(s), passport(s) and other documents by EMS in the coming weeks to the mailing address on your file. Please be patient and wait for the mail to arrive. Please note that if you are represented by an agent it is our department's policy to use the agent's mailing address for all official documents such as Medical Instructions and Visa(s). If we have provided you with an EMS number you may track the mail, please visit the Express Mail Service website: www.ems.com.cn/english.html (it is normal for the EMS number to be activated on line only after it reaches the processing centre, this can take 24-48 hours). For information on arrival in Canada please consult the CIC publication A Newcomer’s Introduction to Canada and the publication Welcome to Canada: What you should know.On behalf of the Department of Citizenship and Immigration, we extend our best wishes to you and your family for a happy and prosperous life in Canada. 7月16日投妥,12月9日:开始受理并ME,补护照,交费,木有MER,1月6日补加拿大无犯罪证明,2月27日CIC回复邮件,3月2日系统DM
回复: CIC回复邮件了,这样就是毕业了么刚刚系统里查状态,既没有ME 也没有DM,但是CIC发了一封邮件,内容如下:Please be advised that your application has been finalised and that you will receive the visa(s), passport(s) and other documents by EMS in the coming weeks to the mailing address on your file. Please be patient and wait for the mail to arrive. Please note that if you are represented by an agent it is our department's policy to use the agent's mailing address for all official documents such as Medical Instructions and Visa(s). If we have provided you with an EMS number you may track the mail, please visit the Express Mail Service website: www.ems.com.cn/english.html (it is normal for the EMS number to be activated on line only after it reaches the processing centre, this can take 24-48 hours). For information on arrival in Canada please consult the CIC publication A Newcomer’s Introduction to Canada and the publication Welcome to Canada: What you should know.On behalf of the Department of Citizenship and Immigration, we extend our best wishes to you and your family for a happy and prosperous life in Canada. 这样就算毕业了么?忐忑中.......点击展开...12月上旬在温哥华做得体检
回复: CIC回复邮件了,这样就是毕业了么54新政?
谁说小星星没有大理想,谁说女子无财便是德?小可可人海外代购,qq8140512。http://shop34069150.taobao.com/shop/view_shop.htm?tracelog=twddp&trace_log=qianniu_pc 超赞 赏 I iucas 0$(VIP 0) 2332014-02-27#4 回复: CIC回复邮件了,这样就是毕业了么签证已发,恭喜恭喜
回复: CIC回复邮件了,这样就是毕业了么54新政?点击展开...对的,递交的北京忐忑啊 不知道到底是个什么情况?
回复: CIC回复邮件了,这样就是毕业了么签证已发,恭喜恭喜点击展开...谢谢谢谢!有点太不可思议了,不合乎常理啊系统里查询没有ME 也没有MER 更没有DM
回复: 北京54新政 历程 期待大信封O(∩_∩)O哈哈~终于更改状态了大家如果有什么问题,我能解答得一定回复哦,在申请过程中也参考了很多的家园的帖子,谢谢大家了We received your application for permanent residence on July 16, 2013.We started processing your application on December 9, 2013.Medical results have been received.A decision has been made on your application. The office will contact you concerning this decision.状态已经变成decision made
回复: 求助:北京EMS到温哥华的回邮信封问题?请问楼主,EMS回邮信封是您寄给北京使馆的,还是使馆免费给你寄回温哥华的?谢谢
回复: 求助:北京EMS到温哥华的回邮信封问题?请问楼主,EMS回邮信封是您寄给北京使馆的,还是使馆免费给你寄回温哥华的?谢谢点击展开...是使馆发邮件通知会用EMS快递给我们,估计不会收费了吧
回复: 求助:北京EMS到温哥华的大信封大概多少天能到?北京54新政3是DHL 吧?海外的要用DHL 而非EMS
回复: 求助:北京EMS到温哥华的大信封大概多少天能到?北京54新政3是DHL 吧?海外的要用DHL 而非EMS点击展开...啊!我也不太清楚,使馆发邮件写的是EMS完了,又焦虑了,不会把地址搞错了吧
回复: 求助:北京EMS到温哥华的大信封大概多少天能到?北京54新政3有同学这期间DM了,收到大信封的么?等待的过程真难熬......
回复: 求助:北京EMS到温哥华的大信封大概多少天能到?北京54新政3不要着急,都已经有好结果了,耐心等吧,从北京到温哥华DHL稍微快点,但使馆常用EMS,会稍微慢点。请问您的体检结果和加拿大无犯罪证明是哪天寄到北京使馆的?谢谢
回复: 求助:北京EMS到温哥华的大信封大概多少天能到?北京54新政3不要着急,都已经有好结果了,耐心等吧,从北京到温哥华DHL稍微快点,但使馆常用EMS,会稍微慢点。请问您的体检结果和加拿大无犯罪证明是哪天寄到北京使馆的?谢谢点击展开...恩,继续等待,主要是早就定好了3月21号的机票12月12日去体检的,具体哪天MER就不太清楚了,因为没天天查看,办完指纹扫描,应该是1月中旬寄到北京的
回复: 求助:北京EMS到温哥华的大信封大概多少天能到?北京54新政3奥,你早就定好3月21号的机票,是没有想到这么快会DM吧?总归能这么快DM是好事,实在不行就改签机票。使馆给你的EMS是否可以track?
回复: 求助:北京EMS到温哥华的大信封大概多少天能到?北京54新政3奥,你早就定好3月21号的机票,是没有想到这么快会DM吧?总归能这么快DM是好事,实在不行就改签机票。使馆给你的EMS是否可以track?点击展开...对呀,没想到这么快收护照还没给EMS号码,发了N封邮件崔问呢
回复: 求助:北京EMS到温哥华的大信封大概多少天能到?北京54新政3请问您做的指纹是否就是皇家骑警寄给您的一张纸质的材料,然后将这张纸寄到北京使馆?皇家骑警有无电子版的材料发送到北京使馆呢,就像体检后的emedical由诊所发给北京使馆。谢谢
回复: 求助:北京EMS到温哥华的回邮信封问题?请问楼主,EMS回邮信封是您寄给北京使馆的,还是使馆免费给你寄回温哥华的?谢谢点击展开...是要你交一个有你回邮地址的EMS或DHL的空白邮单给大使馆,国内用ENS寄,国外用DHL寄。
回复: 求助:北京EMS到温哥华的回邮信封问题?请问楼主,EMS回邮信封是您寄给北京使馆的,还是使馆免费给你寄回温哥华的?谢谢点击展开...是要你交一个有你回邮地址的EMS或DHL的空白邮单给大使馆,等DM后大使馆国内用ENS寄,国外用DHL寄。
回复: 求助:北京EMS到温哥华的回邮信封问题?是要你交一个有你回邮地址的EMS或DHL的空白邮单给大使馆,等DM后大使馆国内用ENS寄,国外用DHL寄。点击展开...啊?使馆没让我们提供回邮信封啊就发了一封邮件给我,Please be advised that your application has been finalised and that you will receive the visa(s), passport(s) and other documents by EMS in the coming weeks to the mailing address on your file. Please be patient and wait for the mail to arrive. Please note that if you are represented by an agent it is our department's policy to use the agent's mailing address for all official documents such as Medical Instructions and Visa(s). If we have provided you with an EMS number you may track the mail, please visit the Express Mail Service website: www.ems.com.cn/english.html (it is normal for the EMS number to be activated on line only after it reaches the processing centre, this can take 24-48 hours). For information on arrival in Canada please consult the CIC publication A Newcomer’s Introduction to Canada and the publication Welcome to Canada: What you should know.On behalf of the Department of Citizenship and Immigration, we extend our best wishes to you and your family for a happy and prosperous life in Canada.
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