加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民加拿大政府,世界上最无信用、最流氓的政府。
2007年的CASE,2014年10月25日,收到的新邮件。Dear Sir or Madam:This message is a follow up to your request for the return of the fees paid for your Federal Skilled Worker application to immigrate to Canada, which was terminated by law (See the “Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act” at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/notices/notice-qa.asp).Citizenship and Immigration (CIC) has received your submission of a “Return Of Processing Fee, Right Of Permanent Residence Fee Or Right Of Landing Fee” form to initiate the return or your fees, but has unfortunately yet to issue your payment.CIC has encountered many challenges in the return of fees to applicants residing in some countries, namely China.Difficulties have been encountered mainly with the postal services being incapable of sending cheques to Chinese language addresses; and Chinese banks being incapable of cashing cheques issued by the Receiver General of Canada. In order to attempt to resolve these issues, CIC is changing the return of fee process for applicants residing in China. As a result, we will attempt to return your fees via an electronic funds transfer instead of a cheque.Please complete the form attached to this email and return it to CIC by replying directly to this e-mail in order to expedite the refund process. This form is necessary for CIC to be able to issue your return of fee via an electronic funds transfer.We apologize for the long delays and continue doing our best to rectify the situation.Sincerely,Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Chinada 说:麻烦的原因是中国的银行体系跟世界不接轨。点击展开...这样的移民素质,替加拿大的未来着急啊。
beijingyuan 说:这样的移民素质,替加拿大的未来着急啊。点击展开... 何出此言?chinada他说错了吗?
我现在发帖是在国内.不用翻墙,回流很好,在中国的文化与环境中,有亲友可以把酒言欢,有人文环境可供吊古思幽;国内物阜风淳,得大自在!《移民叹》身似孤云离海立,心如倦鸟望林投。明知亲老宜归计,不是饥驱肯浪游?乐事难逢春夜宴,秋风谁为草堂谋。半生骨肉多分处,最惜流光若置邮。我一说回流,就把某些人戳急了,遗憾!中国的“资本主义”,战胜了西方的“社会主义”。 超赞 赏 盘古 0$(VIP 0,#447) 13,3062014-10-24#7 既然最无信用,最流氓,那这个国家不值得来,楼主应该感到庆幸啊
如果一个人脑袋装满了如下内容:李鸿章丧权辱国、义和团保家卫国、太平天国农民起义、蒋介石只会摘桃子、地主个个是周扒皮、旧社会暗无天日、美帝亡我之心不死、有国才有家,俄罗斯是兄弟。那么恭喜你!你基本具备脑残和傻逼的基本配置了…… ——作家王朔 超赞 赏 反馈:Jason.Z, 椽子, tonis 和 3 其他人 mavieparisienne 0$(VIP 0) 9292014-10-25#8 这跟加拿大政府的信用有什么关系?
盘古 说:既然最无信用,最流氓,那这个国家不值得来,楼主应该感到庆幸啊点击展开...跳过PR直接回流省心省力啊!
蹉跎错 消磨过 最是光阴化浮沫Please complete the form attached to this email and return it to CIC by replying directly to this e-mail in order to expedite the refund process. This form is necessary for CIC to be able to issue your return of fee via an electronic funds transfer.点击展开... 要小心防范骗子,请务必确定回复e-mail的正确性。
http://www.canadameet.com 超赞 赏 D deebar 0$(VIP 0) 5212014-10-25#11 看了一下,CIC的邮件没问题。and Chinese banks being incapable of cashing cheques issued by the Receiver General of Canada. 关于支票付款,加拿大的支票是不可能拿到中国的银行去套现的。而加拿大政府习惯于用支票进行付款,因为加拿大用支票很普遍。In order to attempt to resolve these issues, CIC is changing the return of fee process for applicants residing in China. As a result, we will attempt to return your fees via an electronic funds transfer instead of a cheque. 加拿大政府打算用其他方法付款,采用电子资金转账的方式,这种方式估计要你提供一些中国的银行账号资料。这说明,加拿大政府没有打算赖账,只是打算用另外一种方法。楼主的开贴标题,言过其实了。不过对于你这个案子,从07年到现在,时间跨度很长,确实是个不爽的事情。
deebar 说:看了一下,CIC的邮件没问题。 and Chinese banks being incapable of cashing cheques issued by the Receiver General of Canada. 关于支票付款,加拿大的支票是不可能拿到中国的银行去套现的。而加拿大政府习惯于用支票进行付款,因为加拿大用支票很普遍。In order to attempt to resolve these issues, CIC is changing the return of fee process for applicants residing in China. As a result, we will attempt to return your fees via an electronic funds transfer instead of a cheque. 加拿大政府打算用其他方法付款,采用电子资金转账的方式,这种方式估计要你提供一些中国的银行账号资料。这说明,加拿大政府没有打算赖账,只是打算用另外一种方法。 楼主的开贴标题,言过其实了。不过对于你这个案子,从07年到现在,时间跨度很长,确实是个不爽的事情。点击展开... 加拿大的个人支票,拿到中国可以兑现的,只不过要冻结几个月。
God Hand 说:他们说支票容易出问题准备电汇给你,这样不好吗?省时还省力,又没说要赖账,别这么激动啊点击展开...电汇需要收款人开有银行账户。支票到walmart就可以兑现
http://www.canadameet.com 超赞 赏 F fupeide 0$(VIP 0) 1,1022014-10-27#19 楼主把附件给我一份好吗,我也在申请退款
fn:07-3-7 HK QQ:28694783VO:LSL FN:[email protected];[email protected]为什么这么说?点击展开...事关技术移民一刀切。自己制定了规则,玩不起了,于是立法毁约,美其名曰法治社会。这样的国家政府算不算流氓政府?当然这个流氓政府比天朝政府还是强一些。
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