加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民经验类(CEC) - 寄护照前,需要告诉cic我准备生孩子吗,急急急!
终于收到要求寄护照的信了。但是信里面有一下内容,其中一条就是打算在登入成永久居民前生孩子吗?我现在已经怀孕6个半月。护照交上去估计最多一个月也就可以登入了,而且娃生在加拿大,这种情况还有必要告诉他们吗?还是直接交护照不通知他们了。反正娃到时候生下来就有加拿大护照了。麻烦有相同经历情况的朋友们告诉一下。非常感谢!!!Change in Family Composition or Mailing Address You must notify CPC-Ottawa in writing if there are or will be changes in your life circumstances before using your visas, such as:Have you married, separated or divorced after you submitted your application?Have you adopted a child after you submitted your application?Do you intend to get married, separate or divorce prior to you becoming a permanent resident?Do you intend to adopt a child or give birth prior to you becoming a permanent resident?Has there been a death in the family?Has there been a change in health?Have there been any criminal charges or conviction for a criminal offence?Have you changed your contact information: e-mail address/mailing address/telephone number?Failure to inform CIC of any of these changes may delay processing, may result in the cancellation of your immigrant visas and may render you and your family members inadmissible to Canada. Failure to inform CIC of dependent family members during your application processing will permanently exclude them from later sponsorship in the Family Class.
邮件里已经写得很清楚了啊, you must notify.
Failure to inform CIC of any of these changes may delay processing, may result in the cancellation of your immigrant visas and may render you and your family members inadmissible to Canada. Failure to inform CIC of dependent family members during your application processing will permanently exclude them from later sponsorship in the Family Class.不通知的结果不是也写在那了吗?
·生活百科 出口有限按需
·生活百科 PV系统运行正确?