加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国签证 - 终于约上了美国签证。有几个填表问题请教
1. 必须有在美国的停留地址吗at what address will you stay in U.S.?2. have you made specific travel arrangements? 没有的话,会不会容易被拒签?
1. if it is travel for pleasure, you can fill in "hotel";-)2. maybe, but not necessarily.
north york 说:1. 必须有在美国的停留地址吗at what address will you stay in U.S.?2. have you made specific travel arrangements? 没有的话,会不会容易被拒签?点击展开...1,我就随便填了一个城市,纽约。2,记不清了,好像我没有填写。移民关会问你的。
2015 PGP--two cases for parents and parents-in-law:Jan 1st 10:30AM drop off to hr-ex.com Markham Office;Jan 2nd 8:01 delivered and signed by CIC;Jan 9th, CIC charged $2,200 on my Credit Card;Feb 22,eCAS shows that both applications were received on Jan 2nd;March 21, 1:44/1:49AM, received the email with file numbers.2016-4-13 parents in law sponsor! 2016-4-14 parents sponsor!2016-09-02 parents health check and police certificate; 2016-09-18 in-laws health check and police certificate.......1,我就随便填了一个城市,纽约。2,记不清了,好像我没有填写。移民关会问你的。点击展开...谢谢秋大侠!请问你签了吗?有些朋友说要写详细,越详细越好,我也糊涂了
north york 说:谢谢秋大侠!请问你签了吗?有些朋友说要写详细,越详细越好,我也糊涂了点击展开...签了啊,一共就问了我几个问题:1,来加拿大多长时间了2,现在做什么工作3,去美国干什么,打算去哪里,什么时候去4,年薪多少? 其中第三项我回答去纽约,由于是邻近圣诞节,我说想boxing day去购物,你需要想点别的理由了,比如说想趁March break带孩子(或者自己)去迪斯尼乐园。其他的就实话实说了。
2015 PGP--two cases for parents and parents-in-law:Jan 1st 10:30AM drop off to hr-ex.com Markham Office;Jan 2nd 8:01 delivered and signed by CIC;Jan 9th, CIC charged $2,200 on my Credit Card;Feb 22,eCAS shows that both applications were received on Jan 2nd;March 21, 1:44/1:49AM, received the email with file numbers.2016-4-13 parents in law sponsor! 2016-4-14 parents sponsor!2016-09-02 parents health check and police certificate; 2016-09-18 in-laws health check and police certificate....... 超赞 赏 秋枫 0$(VIP 0) 4,0942007-01-18#6 总之,你去那里的目的就是游玩,购物,多多地花钱,签证官就欢迎你。
2015 PGP--two cases for parents and parents-in-law:Jan 1st 10:30AM drop off to hr-ex.com Markham Office;Jan 2nd 8:01 delivered and signed by CIC;Jan 9th, CIC charged $2,200 on my Credit Card;Feb 22,eCAS shows that both applications were received on Jan 2nd;March 21, 1:44/1:49AM, received the email with file numbers.2016-4-13 parents in law sponsor! 2016-4-14 parents sponsor!2016-09-02 parents health check and police certificate; 2016-09-18 in-laws health check and police certificate.......总之,你去那里的目的就是游玩,购物,多多地花钱,签证官就欢迎你。点击展开...谢谢指教!据说现在只给一年的,太吝啬了
north york 说:谢谢指教!据说现在只给一年的,太吝啬了点击展开...谁说的,我的就是十年
2015 PGP--two cases for parents and parents-in-law:Jan 1st 10:30AM drop off to hr-ex.com Markham Office;Jan 2nd 8:01 delivered and signed by CIC;Jan 9th, CIC charged $2,200 on my Credit Card;Feb 22,eCAS shows that both applications were received on Jan 2nd;March 21, 1:44/1:49AM, received the email with file numbers.2016-4-13 parents in law sponsor! 2016-4-14 parents sponsor!2016-09-02 parents health check and police certificate; 2016-09-18 in-laws health check and police certificate.......谁说的,我的就是十年点击展开...恭喜了!有一朋友的朋友上montreal签的的就是一年,希望好运降临吧。
我刚在多伦多领馆签完回来,只问了两个问题:1、你来加拿大多久了?2、你老婆在哪里然后看了工作信和银行存款证明,就给签了,前后一两分钟。LZ,“have you made specific travel arrangements?”,这个问题,就填NO就可以了,我是这样填的,没有问题。
---------------------------------- ¤?⌒? ?⌒?????? ?? ⌒??田?田田| ?------???????????美丽的家园。。。声望乃身外之物,但加无妨啊 超赞 赏 crispwolf查无此人 0$(VIP 0) 2,7022007-01-20#13 这么说吧 你那个表其实它们根本不仔细看的 当然你最好别留白 太引人注目
大汉子民 说:我刚在多伦多领馆签完回来,只问了两个问题:1、你来加拿大多久了?2、你老婆在哪里然后看了工作信和银行存款证明,就给签了,前后一两分钟。 LZ,“have you made specific travel arrangements?”,这个问题,就填NO就可以了,我是这样填的,没有问题。点击展开...先恭喜了!银行存款证明,指的是月结单吗?是自己去取签证呢?还是给他prepaid mailer寄过来的?
绿茶女人 说:我们前两天去签的,也是看了雇主信和银行存款证明,银行存款证明是去银行开的,不知道月结单可不可以点击展开...当时我非要给他银行开的证明,他就说啥不要,我就非要给,最后签证官拗不过我,问了问我的收入。其实不是必要的,但是带上还是有好处。
2015 PGP--two cases for parents and parents-in-law:Jan 1st 10:30AM drop off to hr-ex.com Markham Office;Jan 2nd 8:01 delivered and signed by CIC;Jan 9th, CIC charged $2,200 on my Credit Card;Feb 22,eCAS shows that both applications were received on Jan 2nd;March 21, 1:44/1:49AM, received the email with file numbers.2016-4-13 parents in law sponsor! 2016-4-14 parents sponsor!2016-09-02 parents health check and police certificate; 2016-09-18 in-laws health check and police certificate....... 超赞 赏 E eeermao 0$(VIP 0) 4892007-01-20#17 travel
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