加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民中国签证 - 盖洛普调查称四成美国人认为中国是头号经济强国
据美国媒体报道,美国盖洛普咨询公司最新发布的年度国际事务调查指出,每10名美国人就有4人认为中国是世界第一经济强国,只有33%受访者仍然认为美国才是第一。 英文原版如下: PRINCETON, NJ -- In a sharp turnaround from eight years ago, Americans no longer believe the United States is the world's leading economic power. They are now more likely to bestow that mantle on China.According to Gallup's annual World Affairs survey, updated Feb. 11-14, 2008, 4 in 10 Americans consider China to be the world's leading economic power; only 33% choose the United States. By contrast, in May 2000, the United States dominated public perceptions on this question, with 65% saying it was No.1.
万帐穹庐人醉,星影摇摇欲坠。 超赞 赏 大江东区 0$(VIP 0) 1,9752008-02-22#2 回复: 盖洛普调查称四成美国人认为中国是头号经济强国Nearly all of the movement away from the United States as the perceived leading economic power has gone toward China. The percentages today choosing Japan, the European Union, and India are about what they were in 2000.The United States' drop on this measure is nearly as sharp as the decline in U.S. consumer confidence over the same period. In a May 2000 Gallup Poll, when the country was still riding the dot-com boom, 66% of Americans rated economic conditions in the country as "excellent" or "good." Today, with the country poised on the edge of recession, only 23% are positive about the economy.The Future Looks the SameEight years ago, most Americans (55%) were confident the United States would retain its No. 1 economic positioning for at least the next two decades. Few believed China, Japan, or the EU would overtake the United States. Now, when asked to look ahead 20 years, more Americans predict China, rather than the United States, will be the world's leading economic power.
万帐穹庐人醉,星影摇摇欲坠。 超赞 赏 大江东区 0$(VIP 0) 1,9752008-02-22#3 回复: 盖洛普调查称四成美国人认为中国是头号经济强国Notably, not many more Americans think China will advance to the economic superpower position in 20 years (44%) than think it is already there (40%). About a third believe the United States will be the top economic power, similar to the percentage naming it as the leading economic power today. Relatively few Americans expect Japan, the EU, India, or Russia to emerge as the top economic superpower.Facts of the MatterWhen considered against the backdrop of China's enormous population, the story of China's explosive economic growth over the last few decades (averaging 9.6% annual growth in GDP since 1978) can seem formidable. According to a recent Newsweek article, "In 2007 China contributed more to global growth than the United States, the first time another country had done so since at least the 1930s."Still, according to the most recent World Bank figures, the United States leads the world in economic output (as measured by GDP), and by a substantial margin over second-ranked Japan. China has been making impressive strides in climbing the rank order of national economies, rising from sixth in the world in 2000 to fourth in 2006, but still falls below the United States, Germany, and Japan.Americans' misperceptions about the economic rank order of nations also overlook Japan's stature on the economic playing field, ranking second worldwide. Also, although few Americans mention the EU as an economic powerhouse, 5 of the EU's 27 member countries, including third-place Germany, rank in the top 10 of the world's largest economies.Bottom LineAmericans are in an economic funk at a time when China's extraordinary economic growth is getting considerable attention. The contrast is evidently sharp enough to be causing Americans to assume the economic tables have turned.
万帐穹庐人醉,星影摇摇欲坠。 超赞 赏 大江东区 0$(VIP 0) 1,9752008-02-22#4 回复: 盖洛普调查称四成美国人认为中国是头号经济强国Survey MethodsResults are based on telephone interviews with 1,007 national adults, aged 18 and older, conducted Feb. 11-14, 2008. For results based on the total sample of national adults, one can say with 95% confidence that the maximum margin of sampling error is ±3 percentage points.Interviews are conducted with respondents on land-line telephones (for respondents with a land-line telephone) and cellular phones (for respondents who are cell-phone only).In addition to sampling error, question wording and practical difficulties in conducting surveys can introduce error or bias into the findings of public opinion polls.
万帐穹庐人醉,星影摇摇欲坠。 超赞 赏 T tomgod 7$(VIP 0,#154) 2,9492008-02-22#5 回复: 盖洛普调查称四成美国人认为中国是头号经济强国好象应该是世界经济发展的动力吧。
少许找工经验,希望能对看到的朋友有所帮助加拿大不是天堂,中国不是地狱准备出发?一些行李准备的经验吧自制拉面吃到嘴 中国道德缺失现状及方向新移民上学的选择--石油行业 超赞 赏 S sherGuest 0$(VIP ) 2008-02-23#6 回复: 盖洛普调查称四成美国人认为中国是头号经济强国先做些举措少点车祸,污染癌症,毒食品之类的提高民生的实事比啥都强。看新浪天天有大型车祸发生,一个比一个惨,不珍惜人民的生命谈啥第一都没用。
回复: 盖洛普调查称四成美国人认为中国是头号经济强国要再出个温哥华屠夫皮克顿这样的就更遭了.
2005年7月6日登陆多伦多. 超赞 赏 B bruceyag 0$(VIP 0) 6,4182008-02-23#8 回复: 盖洛普调查称四成美国人认为中国是头号经济强国中国是世界头号强国,中国人的生活收入水平是世界倒数,有啥意思。如果这两者颠倒过来,那倒也可以接受。
坛子里有一些喜欢做新移民生意的RESP经纪,大家要小心他们的言行误导。详见拙作http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=241498 超赞 赏 oringerainbow 0$(VIP 0) 1,2302008-02-23#9 回复: 盖洛普调查称四成美国人认为中国是头号经济强国世界头号强国当属加拿大,中国排不上号.
2005年7月6日登陆多伦多. 超赞 赏 大江东区 0$(VIP 0) 1,9752008-02-23#10 回复: 盖洛普调查称四成美国人认为中国是头号经济强国中国的最大问题是贫富分化太大,贪污腐败严重,中短期看不到解决的希望。
万帐穹庐人醉,星影摇摇欲坠。 超赞 赏 S sherGuest 0$(VIP ) 2008-02-23#11 回复: 盖洛普调查称四成美国人认为中国是头号经济强国仔细看了看,文章翻译有问题,文中提到的economic power我认为应该翻译叫‘经济体’才好。不是‘经济强国’的概念,我觉得‘经济体’和‘经济强国’在中文里的意思是差很多的。
回复: 盖洛普调查称四成美国人认为中国是头号经济强国月22日,由朝鲜日报社主办的第二届亚洲领导力会议第二天的讨论会在首尔新罗大饭店举行。全球首席执行官(CEO)、投资家、学者在讨论会上就中国经济前景大致预测说:“可能会出现短期的调整,但从长期来看前景乐观。” “商品投资天才”、罗杰斯控股公司主席吉姆-罗杰斯就有人提出的奥运会后中国经济将萎靡不振的主张表示:“虽然能源消费量急剧增加,环境污染严重,但中国的未来仍然乐观。中国将代替日本,在亚洲发挥领袖作用。” 未来学家、南开大学客座教授约翰-奈斯比特表示:“中国在2000~2005年期间成长迅速,专利数增加了两倍,制造业领域正迅速进入设计和品质不断改善的革新阶段。” 韩国未来资产Mirae-asset总裁朴炫柱表示:“10年后韩国社会将进入老龄化社会,届时可能会面临增长趋缓危机,必须通过向中国投资来克服这种危机。” 慎重主张反而是中方提出的。北京大学光华管理学院院长张维迎列举了引入劳动改革法导致人力费不断激增、人民币升值导致出口竞争力不断下降、技术革新不足等理由,对“中国乐观论”提出质疑。 早稻田大学教授神原英资也表示:“长期来看前景乐观,但受物价暴涨、美国景气萎靡等因素的影响,中国经济可能会大幅停滞。” 与会者们还讨论了企业革新的新趋势。曾指挥日产汽车进行结构调整的“革新魔术师”、雷诺-日产总裁卡洛斯-戈恩表示:“随着规模扩大和组织内组成人员的多样性增加,只有能通过高效的领导力迅速应对剧变环境的企业才能生存下来。”LG电子副总裁南镛表示:“从传统上看,LG想要成为快速赶超日本和美国企业的追随者。但是今后,只有摆脱这种思考方式,才能实现真正的革新。”被誉为“印度MIT”的世界理工大学IIT(印度理工大学)校长M-S-阿南德(音,Ananth)表示:“即使政府提供财政支援,也应该把学生选拔权全部交由大学,这是成功的秘诀。”
回复: 盖洛普调查称四成美国人认为中国是头号经济强国删除。
如果CA是头牛,我们要用心去理解它、爱护它,要有耐心,要熟练地说牛语,冷静地对牛弹琴,还要记住牛X要适度。 超赞 赏 passport78 0$(VIP 0) 1,3292008-02-23#14 回复: 盖洛普调查称四成美国人认为中国是头号经济强国删除。
如果CA是头牛,我们要用心去理解它、爱护它,要有耐心,要熟练地说牛语,冷静地对牛弹琴,还要记住牛X要适度。 超赞 赏 迷茫的小猪 0$(VIP 0) 2,8362008-02-23#15 回复: 盖洛普调查称四成美国人认为中国是头号经济强国什么时候大家都挤着赶着往中国移民,才说明中国是头号经济强国。现在?!YY吧。
回复: 盖洛普调查称四成美国人认为中国是头号经济强国删除。
回复: 盖洛普调查称四成美国人认为中国是头号经济强国真的是国将不国了,连恐怖片都不给看了。TNN滴,我最爱的恐怖片啊!
回复: 盖洛普调查称四成美国人认为中国是头号经济强国日本别看经济强大,可是还是有美国人驻军,强奸这么多次连个屁都不敢放.数比起来, 我们起码是独立自主的,这点还是要感谢的.
回复: 盖洛普调查称四成美国人认为中国是头号经济强国GCD最近在媒体,文化,宣传上的控制严格的变态了,在搞什么东东啊,不会是现代版的文化大革命要开始了吧!
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