加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民申请探亲签证(邮寄到香港)从寄出到收到结果一般需要多久?
回复: 申请探亲签证(邮寄到香港)从寄出到收到结果一般需要多久?Anyone know? Please!!
回复: 申请探亲签证(邮寄到香港)从寄出到收到结果一般需要多久?帮顶!为什么可以去香港啊,为什么不去北京呢,香港签证率更高吗?谁可以有资格去呢。是不是得住在珠江三角洲什么的?谢了!我也准备寄材料了。不知道是寄北京还是香港好。我爸爸在武汉。
家住素里QQ群,群号82591745,欢迎加入~大家可以通过加入QQ群,找到我微信,然后加入家住素里微信群。谢谢! 超赞 赏 T ttab 0$(VIP 0) 72008-07-22#4 回复: 申请探亲签证(邮寄到香港)从寄出到收到结果一般需要多久?My parents are in Guangzhou and by the time when we decided to submit I was not aware that there was going to be a Visa Centre to be open in Guangzhou soon. (I would have asked my parents to submit in-person if I was.) I don't know the success rates between BJ and HK but there is some difference between the documentation required. Since your parents are in WH, I would suggest you go for BJ. But DO NOT send by mail as it is going to take ages. I have been waiting for 33 days but there is no news... YU MEN Ah (sorry no Chinese input software at work
回复: 申请探亲签证(邮寄到香港)从寄出到收到结果一般需要多久?呵呵。收到!我父亲年岁已高,他本不想来,只是我一厢情愿罢了,天热不想烦劳他老人家了。寄去成就成,不成拉倒。
家住素里QQ群,群号82591745,欢迎加入~大家可以通过加入QQ群,找到我微信,然后加入家住素里微信群。谢谢! 超赞 赏 T ttab 0$(VIP 0) 72008-07-23#6 回复: 申请探亲签证(邮寄到香港)从寄出到收到结果一般需要多久?Anyone has similar experience?
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