加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国签证 - 请问从美国出境的问题.请教高人.


好奇一个问题. 请问拿中国护照,从美国出境,海关会盖章吗? 我知道加拿大出境是不盖章的. 谢谢

回复: 请问从美国出境的问题.请教高人.一般不盖,但是你要交还I-94卡。

http://www.canadameet.com一般不盖,但是你要交还I-94卡。点击展开...I94卡在出境时候海关会主动问你要吗? 还是要主动交.我听说很多人都忘了交.那怎么办

回复: 请问从美国出境的问题.请教高人.I94卡不交美国移民局认为你没有离开美国。I-94的有效期超过还没有交还,可能被认为在美国逾期滞留。在美国逾期滞留6个月,三年不能合法进入美国。超过1年,十年不能合法进入美国。

http://www.canadameet.com 超赞 赏 摇 摇头晃脑鲁嘻嘻 0$(VIP 0) 3872008-03-13#5 回复: 请问从美国出境的问题.请教高人.我也没有交,不知道要交啊,现在怎么办呀?请教高人!

回复: 请问从美国出境的问题.请教高人.从美国到加拿大,是不过海关的.因此,也没有章盖在护照上.入境卡交给航空公司即可.点击展开... 看看你I-94的反面,上面写了到加拿大要交给加拿大的边防官员。如果快过期或者已经过期了,可以交给机场或者边关的加拿大官员。 过期时间比较长,应当附上离境时的登机牌、在美国境外的信用卡交易记录等证据,在写一封解释信一起邮寄到美国移民局。 当然,不交回去一般问题都不大。但是如果去美国工作、办美国移民等,有可能会有麻烦。

http://www.canadameet.com 超赞 赏 N new_mic 0$(VIP 0) 11,3152008-03-14#8 回复: 请问从美国出境的问题.请教高人.在美国丢失证件,护照签证都可以不补,但I-94必须补办,一百多刀。

http://www.canadameet.com 超赞 赏 Z zheng1968 0$(VIP 0) 192008-04-17#9 回复: 请问从美国出境的问题.请教高人.我从温哥华坐车去了美国西雅图当天往返(我的美签是10年的),我在入美国境时花了6元美金发给我一张卡,这张入境卡是否就是I-94卡,上面盖章日期是APR 09 2008,打印日期是Oct 08 2008,是否要交回?

回复: 请问从美国出境的问题.请教高人.我从温哥华坐车去了美国西雅图当天往返(我的美签是10年的),我在入美国境时花了6元美金发给我一张卡,这张入境卡是否就是I-94卡,上面盖章日期是APR 09 2008,打印日期是Oct 08 2008,是否要交回?点击展开... 从陆地来回,打算在过期前再去美国的可以不交,但在过期前或者离开加拿大去其它国家时要交回到加拿大的边境官员。

http://www.canadameet.com 超赞 赏 Z zheng1968 0$(VIP 0) 192008-04-17#11 回复: 请问从美国出境的问题.请教高人.本人已离开加拿大不知道要交I-94卡(没交)怎样办?

回复: 请问从美国出境的问题.请教高人.本人已离开加拿大不知道要交I-94卡(没交)怎样办?点击展开... I-94 And I-94W Forms What is an I-94 or I-94W? Foreign visitors to the United States complete an I-94 (white in color), if they hold a valid visa, or an I-94W (green in color), if traveling visa free under the Visa Waiver Program. The card is obtained from the transportation carrier and must be surrendered to an inspector of the Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) at the port of entry in the United States when applying for admission. The inspector separates the bottom part of the card and attaches it to the passport. The part attached to the passport notes the date of entry to the United States and authorized period the visitor may remain in the country. When a visitor departs the United States, the transportation carrier representative, usually at the check-in counter, should remove the I-94 or I-94W from the passport. Sometimes due to an oversight the card is not removed. If this occurs, the passenger's departure from the United States will not be registered with the CBP. If this happens, the next time you apply to enter the United States, your visa may be subject to cancellation and/or you may be denied entry into the United States. In particular, visitors who remain beyond their permitted stay in the United States under the Visa Waiver Program cannot reenter the U.S. in the future without obtaining a visa. If this occurs and you arrive at a U.S. port of entry seeking admission under the Visa Waiver Program without a visa, United States immigration officials may deny you entry into the U.S. Therefore, visitors must ensure that they surrender the I-94 or I-94W stub to the transport carrier before they depart the United States. I still have the I-94 or I-94W in my possession; what should I do? If you have left the United States and are still in possession of the I-94 or I-94W it is in your best interest to forward it to the appropriate authorities so that your record is corrected and that you do not experience any problems on future travel to the United States as a result.It is very important that you complete the back of the card listing the port of departure and date of departure from the United States and the carrier/flight information. The I-94 or I-94W together with a letter of explanation and evidence of your departure from the U.S. should be sent to: ACS-USCBP, SBU, P.O. Box 7125London KY 40742-7125USA ​ Do not mail the I-94/I-94W to the Embassy. Doing so will only delay the update of the departure information. The CBP office in London cannot update the arrival and departure system. What evidence of my departure from the United States do you require? The evidence can come from a variety of sources, including but not limited to:Original boarding passes you used to depart the United States;Entry or departure stamps in your passport to indicate you entered another country after you departed the United States (please copy all passport pages that are not completely blank and include the biographic page containing your photograph);Dated pay slips or vouchers from your employer to indicate that you worked in another country after you departed the United States;Dated bank records showing transactions in your home country to indicate that you were in another country after your left the United States;School records showing your attendance at a school outside the United States to indicate you were in another country after you left the United States;Dated credit card receipts with the credit card number deleted for purchases you made after you departed the United States to indicate you were in another country after you left the United States.Please send legible copies or the original material where possible. If you send original materials please retain a copy for your records; the originals will not be returned to you. It will assist the CBP if you include an explanation letter. I no longer have the card! If you left the United States with the I-94 or I-94W in your possession but no longer have the card, you should write to ACS - CBP SBU, P.O Box 7125, London, KY 40742-7125, U.S.A. with the following information: Name;date and place of birth;country of citizenship;date of arrival in the U.S.;date of departure from the United States;airline or carrier departed on;flight number or name of vessel.If departure was via a land border port please enter "land" instead of carrier information.You must also include evidence of your departure as noted above. I am experiencing problems when I enter the United States If you believe that you are having problems entering the United States due to incorrect arrival and departure information, you can request a review of the information by writing to the following office.Customs and Border Protection1300 Pennsylvania AveRoom 5.4.DWashington DC 22209Attn: Passenger Operations​ It is necessary for you to submit evidence of your departure from the United States. The evidence that can be considered can come from a variety of sources, including but not limited to:Original boarding passes you used to depart the United States;Entry or departure stamps in your passport to indicate you entered another country after you departed the United States (please copy all passport ages that are not completely blank and include the biographic page containing your photograph);Dated pay slips or vouchers from your employer to indicate that you worked in another country after you departed the United States;Dated bank records showing transactions in your home country to indicate that you were in another country after your left the United States;School records showing your attendance at a school outside the United States to indicate you were in another country after you left the United States;Dated credit card receipts with the credit card number deleted for purchases you made after you departed the United States to indicate you were in another country after you left the United States.Please send legible copies or the original material where possible. If you send original materials please retain a copy for your records; the originals will not be returned to you.

http://www.canadameet.com 超赞 赏 人不猪头枉少年 0$(VIP 0) 1582008-04-19#13 回复: 请问从美国出境的问题.请教高人.thanks

[FONT=宋体]且将游戏作到底[/FONT]I-94 And I-94W Forms What is an I-94 or I-94W? Foreign visitors to the United States complete an I-94 (white in color), if they hold a valid visa, or an I-94W (green in color), if traveling visa free under the Visa Waiver Program. The card is obtained from the transportation carrier and must be surrendered to an inspector of the Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) at the port of entry in the United States when applying for admission. The inspector separates the bottom part of the card and attaches it to the passport. The part attached to the passport notes the date of entry to the United States and authorized period the visitor may remain in the country. When a visitor departs the United States, the transportation carrier representative, usually at the check-in counter, should remove the I-94 or I-94W from the passport. Sometimes due to an oversight the card is not removed. If this occurs, the passenger's departure from the United States will not be registered with the CBP. If this happens, the next time you apply to enter the United States, your visa may be subject to cancellation and/or you may be denied entry into the United States. In particular, visitors who remain beyond their permitted stay in the United States under the Visa Waiver Program cannot reenter the U.S. in the future without obtaining a visa. If this occurs and you arrive at a U.S. port of entry seeking admission under the Visa Waiver Program without a visa, United States immigration officials may deny you entry into the U.S. Therefore, visitors must ensure that they surrender the I-94 or I-94W stub to the transport carrier before they depart the United States. I still have the I-94 or I-94W in my possession; what should I do? If you have left the United States and are still in possession of the I-94 or I-94W it is in your best interest to forward it to the appropriate authorities so that your record is corrected and that you do not experience any problems on future travel to the United States as a result.It is very important that you complete the back of the card listing the port of departure and date of departure from the United States and the carrier/flight information. The I-94 or I-94W together with a letter of explanation and evidence of your departure from the U.S. should be sent to: ACS-USCBP, SBU, P.O. Box 7125London KY 40742-7125USA ​ Do not mail the I-94/I-94W to the Embassy. Doing so will only delay the update of the departure information. The CBP office in London cannot update the arrival and departure system. What evidence of my departure from the United States do you require? The evidence can come from a variety of sources, including but not limited to:Original boarding passes you used to depart the United States;Entry or departure stamps in your passport to indicate you entered another country after you departed the United States (please copy all passport pages that are not completely blank and include the biographic page containing your photograph);Dated pay slips or vouchers from your employer to indicate that you worked in another country after you departed the United States;Dated bank records showing transactions in your home country to indicate that you were in another country after your left the United States;School records showing your attendance at a school outside the United States to indicate you were in another country after you left the United States;Dated credit card receipts with the credit card number deleted for purchases you made after you departed the United States to indicate you were in another country after you left the United States.Please send legible copies or the original material where possible. If you send original materials please retain a copy for your records; the originals will not be returned to you. It will assist the CBP if you include an explanation letter. I no longer have the card! If you left the United States with the I-94 or I-94W in your possession but no longer have the card, you should write to ACS - CBP SBU, P.O Box 7125, London, KY 40742-7125, U.S.A. with the following information: Name;date and place of birth;country of citizenship;date of arrival in the U.S.;date of departure from the United States;airline or carrier departed on;flight number or name of vessel.If departure was via a land border port please enter "land" instead of carrier information.You must also include evidence of your departure as noted above. I am experiencing problems when I enter the United States If you believe that you are having problems entering the United States due to incorrect arrival and departure information, you can request a review of the information by writing to the following office.Customs and Border Protection1300 Pennsylvania AveRoom 5.4.DWashington DC 22209Attn: Passenger Operations​ It is necessary for you to submit evidence of your departure from the United States. The evidence that can be considered can come from a variety of sources, including but not limited to:Original boarding passes you used to depart the United States;Entry or departure stamps in your passport to indicate you entered another country after you departed the United States (please copy all passport ages that are not completely blank and include the biographic page containing your photograph);Dated pay slips or vouchers from your employer to indicate that you worked in another country after you departed the United States;Dated bank records showing transactions in your home country to indicate that you were in another country after your left the United States;School records showing your attendance at a school outside the United States to indicate you were in another country after you left the United States;Dated credit card receipts with the credit card number deleted for purchases you made after you departed the United States to indicate you were in another country after you left the United States.Please send legible copies or the original material where possible. If you send original materials please retain a copy for your records; the originals will not be returned to you.点击展开...

回复: 请问从美国出境的问题.请教高人.which one on the above is correct?

回复: 请问从美国出境的问题.请教高人.请问各位.中国护照有效期有4个月,联程往返机票加拿大-美国-北京.能让入境吗?有美国签证.有进入美国良好记录不出美国海关可以吗?盼望回答!!!

回复: 请问从美国出境的问题.请教高人.ddddddd

回复: 请问从美国出境的问题.请教高人.护照只有4个月有效期的话,能让你入境的可能性很小, 基本是打发你回加拿大.而且多伦多前往美国的美国海关设在多伦多机场内, 而不是在美国境内.

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