加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民IMM5257B 填写第8项
Immigration status of applicant(s) in country where applying: 应该选择什么啊?? Temporary Resident 还是选最后一个方框??
回复: IMM5257B 填写第8项最后一个
回复: IMM5257B 填写第8项我填的时候是选的第一项啊,这个不是问你在申请国的身份状态吗,在中国申请,应该是选公民吧
俺啥也不懂,就会鼓捣电脑。惨啊........ 超赞 赏 W w1b 0$(VIP 0) 1642008-12-14#4 回复: IMM5257B 填写第8项找到官方证据了,以下是从CIC网站上找到的第八项的解释:8. a) Provide details of your immigration status in the country in which you are applying, such as temporary resident, student, permanent resident or citizen.b) Print the expiry date of your temporary status in the country where you are making your application.Note: If you are not a citizen of the country where you are making your application, you must provide proof of your temporary status.
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