加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民父母探亲,邀请人的材料需要原件吗?



回复: 父母探亲,邀请人的材料需要原件吗?我提供的是原件,好像使馆网站上要求的是原件吧

回复: 父母探亲,邀请人的材料需要原件吗?特别是邀请信落款得邀请人签名,还是原件保险。全部资料邮寄回国,10天左右,20几刀。

回复: 父母探亲,邀请人的材料需要原件吗?这些问题在GUIDE上有详细的要求说明,仔细读读,心里就有数了。

回复: 父母探亲,邀请人的材料需要原件吗?这个我也有点糊涂,我并没有看到GUIDE上要求邀请信要本人签字呀? 有些我交的是原件,像银行打印的存款单,有些我交的是复印件,像NOC,因为LG说这个我们要保存七年呢,丢了很麻烦。

回复: 父母探亲,邀请人的材料需要原件吗?去年报税的税单,雇主证明,邀请信我都提供的原件,银行对帐单我就从网上下载了一份打出来了。

回复: 父母探亲,邀请人的材料需要原件吗?另外邀请信都不签字的话,谁信啊?谁都可以打一份出来。

回复: 父母探亲,邀请人的材料需要原件吗?Visiting Canada: Letter of invitation for countries whose citizens require a Temporary Resident Visa to enter CanadaThis is not a legal document. For legal information, consult the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and its Regulations.Sometimes a person applying for a Temporary Resident Visa to visit Canada is asked to provide a letter of invitation from someone in Canada. The following information will help you prepare such a letter to send to a relative or friend abroad.A letter of invitation does not guarantee that a visa will be issued. Visa officers assess the applicant to determine whether they meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.NoteThe following information is only a guide. You must write the letter of invitation yourself. Some visa offices may require that your letter be notarized by a Notary Public. Check with the visa office that is processing the application to find out if you need to do this.By writing a letter of invitation, you are not legally responsible for the visitor once they get to Canada, but you should provide the letter in good faith. You must give truthful information and intend to keep the promises you made in the letter.Send your letter (notarized if necessary) to the person you are inviting to Canada. They must then submit this letter to the Canadian Embassy or Consulate outside of Canada when they apply for their Temporary Resident Visa.Your letter must include the following information about the person being invited:Complete name. Date of birth. The person’s address and telephone number. Your relationship to the person being invited. The purpose of the trip. How long the person you are inviting intends to stay in Canada. Details on accommodation and living expenses. The date the person you are inviting intends to leave Canada. Your letter must also include the following information about yourself:Complete name. Date of birth. Address and telephone number in Canada. Occupation. Whether you are a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident A photocopy of a document proving your status in Canada. For instance, a Canadian birth certificate if you were born in Canada or a Canadian citizenship card if you are a naturalized citizen. If you are Permanent Resident, you must send proof of your permanent resident status (a copy of your PR card or your IMM 1000 proof of landing).

回复: 父母探亲,邀请人的材料需要原件吗?需要原件!但是除了邀请函之外其他都会退还的!

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