加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民MYCIC12日网上申请续签Study Permit经验谈(供诸位参考)
以下内容转自本人发在另一个论坛的帖子,因为没有发现这个论坛有专门学生签证版面,所以发在这。如果诸位想让更多人看到这个帖子,请自觉顶贴。 Hallelujah~~~~~~~~我刚刚申请完啊,头脑还很新鲜,讲讲看法……经过5个小时的奋斗,终于把网上签证搞定了(如果加上前面SB CIC的SERVER ERROR估计有10个小时)需要的三个文件:录取通知书(一般都会写明你就读的时间,就读的学科……blahblahblah……………………)护照扫描页(这个,多次进出叶子国的比较痛苦,傻海关也经常东盖一个印,西留一个爪子,搞得我们要扫描好多页)财产证明(个人认为多多益善,貌似看过一个公式,说按你带的日期长短算……) 以下为CIC网站英文要求原文: Copy of PassportInclude copies of the pages with your photo, name, date of birth, citizenship, passport number, issue and expiry date, and all entries made by Canadian authorities. If applicable, also include a copy of the page that shows your Temporary Resident Visa.Letter from a Post-Secondary InstitutionYour letter, registration paper or form from the education institution must show: confirmation of your acceptance and/or registration as a student; the course of study; how many courses you will be taking and/or how many hours you will attend each week (not required if you are attending a university or college); your intended start date and when you expect to finish the academic program; and any condition related to your acceptance or registration. (When there is a condition related to your registration, you may have to satisfy us that you have met the condition before a Study Permit can be issued). Proof of Means of Financial SupportYou must provide proof of means of financial support (e.g. pay stubs, bank account statements, letter from an employer, credit cards, traveler’s cheques, etc.).目前到现在为止个人感觉到优点:1.不同填表格,不用递ZP,不用老的study permit copy。2.省复印的墨水3 打字两只爪子果然是比一只爪子写字要快的。4.不用去Post office或者order a pick up,因此半程邮寄费省了。5. 理论上24小时全天候服务(俺就碰到了server error 长达6小时) 6 说明和帮助都很简单……7. 不用邮寄。缺点:1. 果然要一点PS(按:photoshop,一图像编辑软件)基础蛤蟆功,附件上限为2MB,格式支持三种:PDF.JPG, DOC.你会被要求传上面提到的三个证明,你的任何一项证明都必须实在同一个文件下,如只能有很多页的PDF,不能有很多PDF文件,其实基本上PDF 3页就飙到2MB以上了,貌似DOC比PDF更大,本人才疏学浅不知道怎么直接压缩PDF,于是直接上PS压缩JEPG…… 他要求所有跟叶子国出入境有关的都要扫描,由于俺多次进出叶子国,大概扫了8页左右,然后从PDF转JPG,转完傻眼了……2G多……经过漫长的PS改像素,凭借计算机超强运算能力,拼接再压缩……然后导出JPG。 同理可得如何扫描合成银行证明(某些有钱的TX如果银行账单太长可能会比较郁闷……哈哈)其他缺点貌似还没发现,听某中介吓唬说,网上容易丢资料~不知是否可信先写这么多 补充:关于进度 据CIC网站六月三号更新 E-apps (Study and Off-Campus Work Permits) Processing Applications Received Up To :June 3, 2009 Current Processing Time: 1 days 另附一个网上的申请步骤,过程个人觉得讲得比较清楚:Step 1: Attend an information session Only students who have attended the information session will be authorized to apply for a work permit. Consult the information session schedule. N.B. Latecomers (students who arrive after 12:45 p.m.) will be asked to return for a different session.The information session will be given only in french. If you are not able to unterstantd french, you have to take an appointment with us to receive the information in english. Step 2: Apply for a Government of Canada e-pass (first-time online applicants only) Applying for a work permit from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) requires an “e-pass.” With an e-pass, you can complete any CIC application online (eligibility verification, off-campus work permit, study permit, etc.). It is of the utmost importance to safeguard your e-pass user ID and password. We advise you to print or otherwise record this information. To create your e-pass, go to the Government of Canada website. Step 3: Register with MyCIC (first-time online applicants only) Once you have your e-pass, you will be asked to create a personal file with Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). This is your “MyCIC file.” N.B. The following information is required.First and family names: you must enter the exact name that appears on your study permit, even if there is an error; CIC identification number: the 8-digit client number on your study permit; E-mail address: a valid address that you use regularly. The CIC will communicate with you at this address from now on. Open MyCIC. Step 4: Request eligibility verification (obtain an electronic verification number ? EVN) Log onto MyCIC using your e-pass.Under “What do you want to do today? ” click “Off-Campus Work Permit” Click on “Request eligibility verification” You will be asked a series of questions on whether or not you have a valid off-campus work permit, an EVN, and so on.Before agreeing to the terms, it is important to carefully read the related information. By clicking on “I accept,” you acknowledge your responsibilities toward the program and authorize the communication of certain information. You will also be asked for your current student identification number. Please enter your Polytechnique student ID number. Once the request has been completed, you will be asked to re-enter your e-pass password, after which a reference number will be issued. Keep this reference number in a safe place and print or save your application. The verification request is automatically transmitted to Polytechnique’s DIR, who has 28 days to proceed with verification. Step 5: Wait for the confirmation e-mail Polytechnique’s Bureau des étudiants étrangers (International Students Office) will normally take 72 hours to process your application. Request approved: you will receive e-mail notification that your EVN has been issued. It is important to take note of this number, since you will need it to complete the off-campus work permit application. Once you have obtained your EVN, you can start application proceedings. Request denied: you are ineligible for the program. Please re-read the eligibility criteria or attend an information session on the off-campus work permit. Step 6: Apply for the off-campus work permit Under MyCIC, click on the appropriate link to apply for an off-campus work permit. To fill in the fields, you will need your passport (which must be valid for at least 30 days from the date of application), study permit and EVN.Once you have completed the application, you can submit it electronically or by regular mail. If you wish to mail it in, you need to print out the application form you have just completed.Step 7: Prepare your application You now have two options. You can apply online, or by regular mail. Either way, you’ll need the following before you start: A photocopy of the identification pages of your passport (VALID for at least 30 days) bearing your passport number, dates of issue and expiry, name and date of birth, stamp made by Canadian authorities and other marked pages; A photocopy of your VALID study permit Your EVN A receipt from a Canadian bank (form IMM 5401, available from Student Services) for the amount of $150 CAD. OR make your payment online with a credit card (VISA, MasterCard or American Express) Once you have submitted your application, you will receive a file reference number as well as an online payment confirmation number (if applicable). Keep these numbers in a safe place: should there be any problems with your application, you will need to show them to the DIR or CIC. Step 8: Submitting the application ... Electronically IMPORTANT: To submit your application online, you need to scan the various supporting documents (passport, study permit and, if applicable, payment receipt). These documents must be scanned at high resolution and be legible; otherwise, processing of your application might be delayed. Please note Each scanned document must be at least 1 MB; Acceptable formats are .pdf, .tiff, .jpg, and .doc; Only one file per document (e.g. multiple passport pages must be saved as one file). By regular mail Prepare your application Print and sign the Eligibility Verification (MyCIC) and include it with the following documents: Application to Change Conditions, Extend My Stay, or Remain in Canada (IMM 1249) and document checklist (IMM 5583) Photocopy of the identification pages of your passport (VALID for at least 30 days) bearing your name, photograph and passport expiry date; Photocopy of your VALID study permit; Receipt or proof of payment. You are best advised to request an Acknowledgement of Receipt from Canada Post, to prove that your application was received by the case processing centre. First-time applicants Citizenship and Immigration Canada ? Study PermitsCase Processing Centre 6212-55th Avenue ? Unit 203 Vegreville, Alberta T9C 1X6Extension or renewal Citizenship and Immigration Canada ? Study PermitsCase Processing Centre 6212-55th Avenue ? Unit 202 Vegreville, Alberta T9C 1X6 Notice in the event of concurrent renewal of the off-campus work permit and study permit You can apply to renew your study permit at the same time as your off-campus work permit. To do so, place both applications in one envelope and send them to Unit 202 at the abovementioned address. It is now possible to apply for a study permit online. Students can apply for an off-campus work permit when applying for the study permit.N.B. It is important to submit both applications in the same way ― which is to say, either electronically or by mail (not a combination of the two). Step 9: Obtain a Social Insurance Number If your job is paid work, you need to obtain a Social Insurance Number (SIN) by going to a Human Resources Centre of Canada. For more information Citizenship and Immigration Canada: 1-888-242-2100http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/study/work.asp Note that you cannot start working until you have obtained the appropriate permit.
回复: MYCIC12日网上申请续签Study Permit经验谈(供诸位参考)楼主好!这个网上办理续签大概多久可以拿到新的study permit呢? 我的学习许可8月29号到期,听说邮寄办理的话要等两三个月,我8月5号放假想回国一趟,如果邮寄的话等拿新许可估计假期早过了。。。。。。
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