加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民我给父母的多次往返签证邀请信,请大家批评指正


September 10th, 2009 Dear Sir or Madam: Please regard this letter as an invitation for my parents, Mr. XX and Ms. XX to visit me (XX) and my husband (XX) in Canada. We are Canadian citizens and both employed by XXX. We have stable family income with annual net income around CND XXX. We are also homeowners of the house we live in. My parents have applied for Canadian Permanent Resident and the file has been accepted by Canadian Embassy Beijing office in December 2007( File Number :XXX). They visited us in 2005 and returned home on time. Four years have passed since their last visit. We miss each other very much. Until their permanent resident application is approved, I would like to invite them to visit us once a year for a family reunion around Chinese New Year (January to March). So your consideration of Multiple Entry Visas is highly appreciated. We will provide all the expenses for their visit, including travel cost, living expense and medical expense, in case necessary. We also guarantee that they will go back to China after their visit. Thank you very much for reviewing the visa application for my parents. Sincerely yours, XXX

回复: 我给父母的多次往返签证邀请信,请大家批评指正September 10th, 2009 Dear Sir or Madam: Please regard this letter as an invitation for my parents, Mr. XX and Ms. XX to visit me (XX) and my husband (XX) in Canada. We are Canadian citizens and both employed by XXX. We have stable family income with annual net income around CND XXX. We are also homeowners of the house we live in. My parents have applied for Canadian Permanent Resident and the file has been accepted by Canadian Embassy Beijing office in December 2007( File Number :XXX). They visited us in 2005 and returned home on time. Four years have passed since their last visit. We miss each other very much. Until their permanent resident application is approved, I would like to invite them to visit us once a year for a family reunion around Chinese New Year (January to March). So your consideration of Multiple Entry Visas is highly appreciated. We will provide all the expenses for their visit, including travel cost, living expense and medical expense, in case necessary. We also guarantee that they will go back to China after their visit. Thank you very much for reviewing the visa application for my parents. Sincerely yours, XXX点击展开...不会提什么意见,帮你顶下,以后我也会用得到的。

天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能 超赞 赏 D Dnomyar 0$(VIP 0) 672009-09-24#3 回复: 我给父母的多次往返签证邀请信,请大家批评指正not bad!!! 顶一下!!反正他们都来过,应该chance会很大!我想应该不用担心吧!呵呵。。wish you good luck anyway!! XD

回复: 我给父母的多次往返签证邀请信,请大家批评指正看到英文就头晕,不过还是看了下,应该没有什么问题。 你写了提供旅行和住宿,但没有写提供食物。不过你担保他们移民的担保书上有写到你们会提供food and shelter,没有什么大不了的。 September 10th, 2009 Dear Sir or Madam: Please regard this letter as an invitation for my parents, Mr. XX and Ms. XX to visit me (XX) and my husband (XX) in Canada. We are Canadian citizens and both employed by XXX. We have stable family income with annual net income around CND XXX. We are also homeowners of the house we live in. My parents have applied for Canadian Permanent Resident and the file has been accepted by Canadian Embassy Beijing office in December 2007( File Number :XXX). They visited us in 2005 and returned home on time. Four years have passed since their last visit. We miss each other very much. Until their permanent resident application is approved, I would like to invite them to visit us once a year for a family reunion around Chinese New Year (January to March). So your consideration of Multiple Entry Visas is highly appreciated. We will provide all the expenses for their visit, including travel cost, living expense and medical expense, in case necessary. We also guarantee that they will go back to China after their visit. Thank you very much for reviewing the visa application for my parents. Sincerely yours, XXX点击展开...

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