加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Can I apply visitor visa for my parents and my baby together?


Sorry, I can't use chinese in this computer. I am a work permit here with $30,000-40,000/year income. And I am a new comer with only 1month stay in canada, but I have work contract to certificate my income. Can I apply now for the visit of my parents and my son? My son is 5 years old. And can I apply for my husband's visit together with them for a short time visit at about 1month? Thank you!

227 policy, Hongkong>>2010-1-28 Application Received>>2010-4-30 FN>>2010-7-6 IP>>2011-2-22 MER>>2011-3-28 PL>>2011-5-3 DM>>2011-5-13毕业 超赞 赏 Chinese Canadian两个娃儿的爹 0$(VIP 0) 14,0112010-01-21#2 回复: Can I apply visitor visa for my parents and my baby together?what is $3-4/y income

内事不决问老婆外事不决问Google​what is $3-4/y income点击展开... I had revised it, see above.

227 policy, Hongkong>>2010-1-28 Application Received>>2010-4-30 FN>>2010-7-6 IP>>2011-2-22 MER>>2011-3-28 PL>>2011-5-3 DM>>2011-5-13毕业 超赞 赏 N new_mic 0$(VIP 0) 11,3152010-01-21#4 回复: Can I apply visitor visa for my parents and my baby together?they can always apply to visit Canada, but no one can guarantee they can get their visas.

http://www.canadameet.com 超赞 赏 lja2005 0$(VIP 0) 1522010-01-21#5 回复: Can I apply visitor visa for my parents and my baby together?upstairs, you can say something more useful with such a position in this forum,

227 policy, Hongkong>>2010-1-28 Application Received>>2010-4-30 FN>>2010-7-6 IP>>2011-2-22 MER>>2011-3-28 PL>>2011-5-3 DM>>2011-5-13毕业upstairs, you can say something more useful with such a position in this forum, 点击展开... no, you can't apply for them, you can only invite them. yes, they can apply. The visa officer will only issue visa if they can demostrate they will leave canada after their visiting Canada and they have enough funding for the time they stay in Canada. visa officer will determine if they meet the requirements by himself, it is hard to tell what visa office thinks

http://www.canadameet.com 超赞 赏 lja2005 0$(VIP 0) 1522010-01-21#7 回复: Can I apply visitor visa for my parents and my baby together?But do you think there are too many men for one apply? And I don't know , to visa office's view, if I can afford their living expense with this income? Do you think it is better for inviting them one by one as: my son then my parents then my husband? And as my husband won't stay long, if he can apply a travel visa?

227 policy, Hongkong>>2010-1-28 Application Received>>2010-4-30 FN>>2010-7-6 IP>>2011-2-22 MER>>2011-3-28 PL>>2011-5-3 DM>>2011-5-13毕业But do you think there are too many men for one apply? And I don't know , to visa office's view, if I can afford their living expense with this income? Do you think it is better for inviting them one by one as: my son then my parents then my husband? And as my husband won't stay long, if he can apply a travel visa?点击展开...你不是想给你儿子和父母申请居民签证, 给你老公申请访问签证吧.由于你是工作签证, 只能给他们申请临时(访问)签证. 如果资金充足, 可以一起申请的, 关键是要能证明他们到期就会回去.

回复: Can I apply visitor visa for my parents and my baby together?对,是都申请访问签证。好的,谢谢!

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