加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民父母是农民,职业一栏如何填? 急等
回复: 父母是农民,职业一栏如何填? 急等farmer
回复: 父母是农民,职业一栏如何填? 急等farm labor
期权是毒药,以毒攻毒,毒药可治病救人,期权能发家致富.股市有风险,期权更危险,凡跟风者,后果自负.父母是农民,职业一栏如何填?就填farmer?还是landload? 急等,谢谢点击展开... agricultural laborer 或者 peasant: A peasant is a social position - much like a "serf" in a feudal system - they are servants who are bound to their land. They serve under a Lord, and must farm the land in order to fulfil their duty.A farmer is not a social position, it is a profession. A farmer is a free person, who owns a real farm.peasant:A person who lives in the country and works on the land, esp. as a smallholder or a labourer.In specific contexts the term may be variously defined. Although modern sociologists agree that a peasant works the land, the more wealthy peasants may also be landowners, rentiers, hirers of labour, etc., and in these capacities share interests with completely different social groups. An agricultural worker of low status. The word is applied chiefly to agricultural workers in Asia, Europe, and South America, who generally adhere to traditional agricultural practices and have little social mobility or freedom.farmer:One who cultivates a farm, whether as tenant or owner; one who ‘farms’ land, or makes agriculture his occupation.One who has paid for the right to collect and retain certain revenues or profits.
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