加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民工作签证 - 加拿大安大略酒店清洁工两年签证需要准备什么?
请问去加拿大的安大略省的酒店里做服务员,例如清洁工之类的,两年的,属于什么类型的签证? 签证需要准备什么材料?除了护照和照片外。能不能说详细一点,谢谢! [FONT=宋体][/FONT]
回复: 加拿大安大略酒店清洁工两年签证需要准备什么?请问去加拿大的安大略省的酒店里做服务员,例如清洁工之类的,两年的,属于什么类型的签证? 签证需要准备什么材料?除了护照和照片外。能不能说详细一点,谢谢!点击展开...这个应该属于临时工作签证,(temporary work ), 具体所需材料可以按签证中心要求准备,我给你贴过来吧。 Completed “Application for a Work Permit” (IMM 1295). If the applicant’s spouse or common-law partner and/or children are planning to accompany the applicant, they will need to complete their own application using the appropriate application form.填写完整的“工作许可申请表” (IMM 1295)。如果申请人的配偶或普通法伴侣、及/或子女计划与之同行,他们也需使用正确的申请表格填写完整其各自的申请信息。2.Completed “Family Composition Information and Details of Education and Employment” form for the applicant, completed in English or French AND Chinese.申请人完整填写“家属表和教育及就业细节表”,请使用中英文或中法文填写。3.Two (2) identical photos, colour or black and white taken against a plain white or light coloured background within the last 6 months. The frame size is 35mm X 45mm. On the back of one photo in each set, write the name in pinyin and date of birth (day/month/year) of the person appearing in the photo.申请人需递交两张相同的在最近六个月内拍摄的彩色或黑白照片,背景为纯白色或浅色。相片外框大小为35毫米X 45毫米。每张照片后面以拼音注明此人的姓名及出生日期(日/月/年)。4.A valid passport. There must be one completely blank page other than the last page, available in the passport and the passport must be valid for at least six (6) months prior to travel本人有效护照。护照须包含除最后一页外的至少一整页空白页、且必须在行程前至少六个月内有效。5.Two (2) self-addressed adhesive labels with applicant’s current address in Chinese characters (no envelope).两份用中文写有申请人现行住址的粘性贴纸 (无需信封)。6.The correct application processing fee paid in cash. Fee is non-refundable.以现金支付正确的申请受理费。受理费不予退还。7.“Use of a Representative” form (IMM5476E) if someone has assisted you in making this application.如有第三方人士帮助你准备此次申请,请填写代理人信息表(IMM5476E)。8.A notarized copy of applicant’s No Criminal Activity Certificate. You must obtain a police certificate from each country or territory where you have lived for six consecutive months or longer since reaching the age of 18.无犯罪记录证明的公证件。申请人年满18 岁后,若在中国以外某国家或地区曾连续居住六个月或以上、均必须从此国/地区获取警方无犯罪记录证明。9.A copy of the employment contract signed by the applicant and the employer in Canada OR an original letter of offer with a detailed description of expected duties and length of employment.申请人和加方雇主签署的雇佣合同副本,或一份包含未来工作职责详述及雇佣期限的工作机会函原件。12/200910.The Labour Market Opinion provided by HRSDC ORDocumentation explaining that applicant is applying to a LabourMarket Opinion exempt occupation, specifying which exemptionapplicant is applying under OR an occupation that permitshim/her to apply concurrently for a Labour market Opinion anda Work Permit.加拿大人力资源和社会发展部提供的劳务市场意见,或说明因何种情况免劳务市场意见正在申请之中的文件,或说明此职业允许劳务市场意见和工作许可同时进行申请的文件。11.If the Labour Market Opinion provided by HRSDC indicates theneed for membership in a professional association in Canada,please provide proof of this membership.如果加拿大人力资源和社会发展部提供的劳务市场意见中注明需要某专业社团的成员资质,请提供有关此资质证明。12.An original letter of employment from applicant’s currentemployer in China granting leave of absence, and including thefollowing information: applicant’s name, position and currentsalary. This letter must include employer’s name and address inChinese characters as well as telephone and fax number.在中国的现任雇主出具的准假雇佣信原件,并包括以下信息:申请人的姓名、职务和目前收入。此信必须包含用中文注明的雇主全称、地址,以及电话和传真号码。13.All original occupational and professional certificates (e.g.Occupational Qualification Certificate), if relevant toemployment in Canada.与在加工作相关的所有职业和专业证书原件(如职业资格证书)。14.If working in Québec, evidence of a valid Certificatd’acceptation du Québec (CAQ).如在魁北克工作,请递交有效的魁北克省接收函(CAQ)。需要注意的是这种工作签证一个最常见的拒签理由是签证官不能相信你工作两年后会回来,所以你需要准备大量的材料来证明你在中国的财产,家庭等因素会决定你两年后回国,这是最难的地方,祝你成功!
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