加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民申请父母,需要填两份"临时签证申请表(Application for a temporary resident visa )?
一,父母需要各填一份 Application for a temporary resident visa 吗? 二,父母需要各填一份 "Additional forms required(家属表和教育)"吗? 谢谢
回复: 申请父母,需要填两份"临时签证申请表(Application for a temporary resident visa )?一,父母需要各填一份 Application for a temporary resident visa 吗? 二,父母需要各填一份 "Additional forms required(家属表和教育)"吗? 谢谢点击展开... 应该是这样的,另外,还应该有邀请函及至使馆信,还有不少资料需要准备。 以下是我申请父母来探亲时使用过的邀请函及提供的资料清单,每个人的情况会有些不一样,根据自己的情况准备。 Dear Dad & Mom:It’s almost( x ) Years since we came to Canada in ( 20xx ), as we are very busy in learning and working. We can’t go back to visit you. We miss you very much. We’d already set down in Canada, we bought our house in April (20xx), and move in August. We have a permanent job, the income is good, our friends are very nice.Canada is a very, very beautiful country, especially in Summer and Fall, the air is fresh, we really want you to come here to enjoy the fabulous scene in Canada. You don’t have to worry about the language will affect Your traveling schedule in Canada, as we have already arranged a travel agent who can provide Chinese guide Service. We have a 3 months traveling plan for you in Canada, please to see it’s suitable?1st-2nd weeks: 1.just come to Canada, have a good break. 2.visit our friends. attend party and have fun. 3rd-4th weeks: go shopping and enjoy the food in Toronto. 5th-6th weeks: visit museums, CN Tower, Stadiums, parks and China town.7th-8th weeks: 1. visit Niagara Fall and ice wine factory. 2. go to some beautiful small towns out of Toronto to enjoy special scene in Canada.9th week: You and us go to some cities for visiting (Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec City, Thousand islands).10th week: You and our whole family members go camping in Algonquian.11th week: buy some presents and Canadian products for sister, relatives and friends.12th week: fly back to China.We hope your visa application will be approved by Canadian Consulate General and we can see You in Canada as soon as possible.Yours sincerely. (Your oldest daughter): (xxxxx)(son-in law): (xxxxx)(granddaughter): (xxxxx)January 10 2009
多伦多生活信息:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=349313微信:cindyliu68 QQ: 2507685694 超赞 赏 J jenny97 0$(VIP 0) 7022010-06-03#3 回复: 申请父母,需要填两份"临时签证申请表(Application for a temporary resident visa )?亲爱的爸爸、妈妈: 自从 年来加拿大之后,已经快 年了,由于学习、工作比较忙,一直不能安排时间回去探望你们,非常想念你们。我们在加拿大已经安顿下来了, 年4月买了房子,8月搬进来了。在这里,我们的工作、收入稳定,周围的朋友们也很友好。 加拿大夏天、秋天的景色非常漂亮,空气也很新鲜,非常盼望你们能来看看,亲临其境领略加拿大的美丽风光。 你们不用担心语言不通会影响你在加拿大的观光旅游计划,因为我们已经帮你们联系了提供中文导游的旅行社。我们给你们计划了在加拿大3个月的大致行程安排,你们看看是否合适?身体不会觉得累吧?第一、二周:① 刚到加拿大需要调整时差,适应环境,在家休息休息。 ② 跟我们一起拜访我们的朋友,一起聚聚餐。第三、四周:到多伦多各大型购物中心吃喝玩乐。第五、六周: 参观多伦多市内的各大博物馆、CN Tower、体育馆、公园、唐人街。第七、八周:① 游览尼亚加拉大瀑布,参观冰酒制造厂。 ② 到多伦多北部的一些美丽小镇欣赏加拿大风光。第九周:我们一家和你们一起跟旅游团去加拿大东部的几个城市沿途观光(渥太 华、蒙特利尔、魁北克、千岛湖等)。第十周:我们一家和你们一起去阿岗昆野营。第十一周:给妹妹、亲戚及朋友购买加拿大特产和礼物。第十二周:飞回中国。 希望加拿大使馆可以批准你们的这次申请,能够早日见到你们。 此致 你们的大女儿一家 上2009年1月10日
多伦多生活信息:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=349313微信:cindyliu68 QQ: 2507685694 超赞 赏 J jenny97 0$(VIP 0) 7022010-06-03#4 回复: 申请父母,需要填两份"临时签证申请表(Application for a temporary resident visa )?Documents list** Invitors ( , and , ). Invitation Letter. ’s Copy of passport, Landing paper and P.R.Card. ’s Copy of passport, Landing paper and P.R.Card. ’s Copy of Birth Certificate. List of people in invitor’s household. ’s Certificate of Birth(copy) . and ’s Certificate of Marriage(copy). ’s Notice of Assessment(copy). ’s Notice of Assessment(copy). ’s Employment letter . ’s Employment letter. ’s pay stubs for the past 6 months. ’s pay stubs for the past 6 months. and ’s Bank statements showing daily transactions for the past 6 months(Savings and Chequing Account) -- CIBC and TD. and ’s Gic Account information . and ’s Property Transfer and Tax Bill(copy)
多伦多生活信息:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=349313微信:cindyliu68 QQ: 2507685694 超赞 赏 J jenny97 0$(VIP 0) 7022010-06-03#5 回复: 申请父母,需要填两份"临时签证申请表(Application for a temporary resident visa )?Applicants ( and ). Mother ’s Application Form(2). Father ’s Application Form(2). Family composition form. ’s Family composition form. ’s recent passport-size photo (4). ’s recent passport-size photo(4). ’s Copy of passport and Identification. ’s Copy of Social Visit Pass of Singapore. ’s Copy of passport and Identification. ’s Copy of Social Visit Pass of Singapore. ’s Proof of Funding. ’s Proof of Funding
多伦多生活信息:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=349313微信:cindyliu68 QQ: 2507685694 超赞 赏 J jenny97 0$(VIP 0) 7022010-06-03#6 回复: 申请父母,需要填两份"临时签证申请表(Application for a temporary resident visa )?To Whom It May Concern: We,(xxxxx) and (xxxxx), are Permanent Residents of Canada and currently reside at (xx) (xxxx), North York. Ontario M(x) A (x)S(x). We are writing this letter to invite name(xxxxx) , our mother (birthday) and(xxxxx) , our father ( ) to visit us in Canada for a period of 3 months. It goes without saying that we will cover all expenses during their visit in Canada, which includes international air tickets, local transportation, accommodations, medical insurances and all other related expenses. Your favorable consideration regarding their visa applications will be highly appreciated. We can be reached at (xxx) xxx-xxxx. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for your kind considerations. Yours sincerely, (xxxxx) and (xxxxx)
多伦多生活信息:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=349313微信:cindyliu68 QQ: 2507685694 超赞 赏 H hellenhc 0$(VIP 0) 1152010-06-18#7 回复: 申请父母,需要填两份"临时签证申请表(Application for a temporary resident visa )?谢谢你,jenny
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