加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国签证 - 求助:怎样在网上得到美国签证的付款地方


我的表都填好了。可是上了不知多少次美国签证网,都是说没有预约可得到。可是我在网上也找不到交钱的网址,找不到APPLICANT INFORMATION中的MRV FEE RECEIPT,很急!请有经验的朋友指教,本人万分感激!谢谢。

与人玫瑰 手留余香 超赞 赏 E edie0113 0$(VIP 0) 302010-11-26#2 回复: 求助:怎样在网上得到美国签证的付款地方http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=386650看看这个贴子,什么都有,我刚弄好

回复: 求助:怎样在网上得到美国签证的付款地方这个帖子我看过了,也没有人说那里可以找到付钱的地方,请好心人指教!

与人玫瑰 手留余香 超赞 赏 E edie0113 0$(VIP 0) 302010-11-27#4 回复: 求助:怎样在网上得到美国签证的付款地方也就是说你进去了第二个网址,关于预约时间的,然后用护照号和生日等注册了,然后就一步一步的选就可以了呀

求助:edie0113或其他知道的朋友指导这位热心的朋友,请看我的操作过程,那里不正确,使我没有找到交钱的地方.1.去https://www.usvisa-info.com/en-CA/selfservice/ss_country_welcome,网从一个人手捧计算机的地方点击进去2,然后在I have read and understood the information above 前边打勾点击confirm3.进入us visa service login 填护照号,生日.国籍和数字确认马,点击log in4.出来applicant summary 页面 写着 appointment information you currently have no appointmant scheduled,从页面底下有绿字:schedule appointment 点击schedue appointment5. 出来页面select trip purpose点击签证种类,点击 submit6.出来页面select consulate 点击toronto ,然后点击submit7.出来页面select DHLbranch 我选一个, 点击submit8.出来页面view visa information ,我点击 continue9.出来页面applicant and family summary ,到这一步我就出来页面我填的护照号生日等信息,和first available appointment :显示No available appointment我上了这个签证网无数次,甚至凌晨,都没有没有交钱的地方出现,跪求各位帮忙,我的过程那里出错了?麻烦指导,万分感谢

与人玫瑰 手留余香 超赞 赏 B bluer 0$(VIP 0) 2192010-12-08#6 回复: 求助:怎样在网上得到美国签证的付款地方Non-Canadian Citizens:If you are not a Canadian Citizen, please write "Not Applicable" in the text box below and continue.Canadian Citizens:In general, Canadian Citizens do not need to apply for a U.S. Visa.Based on the applicant's Purpose of Travel that has been selected, a U.S. Visa should not be required. The traveler must present all necessary supporting documentation and/or approved petitions directly to a U.S. Customs and Border Protection Officer at the Port of Entry.Even if the traveler has been denied entry to the United States on a previous occasion he or she may be eligible to enter the United States without a visa for a future visit. Further, if the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Officer has indicated that the traveler needs to apply for a waiver to enter the United States, they must do so by following the instructions on their website, www.cbp.gov. If the applicant has not been informed that they must apply for a visa, please do not apply for a visa at this time, but instead apply for entry at a U.S. Port of Entry. If the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Officer has specifically informed the traveler that he or she must apply for a visa please indicate below the location (city) and approximate date on which this information was received, then proceed to schedule a visa interview appointment. Why Are You Applying?: Not Applicable Back

回复: 求助:怎样在网上得到美国签证的付款地方Why Are You Applying?: Not Applicable他们要求我们这么写,对吗?

回复: 求助:怎样在网上得到美国签证的付款地方Why Are You Applying?: Not Applicable 他们要求我们这么写,对吗?点击展开...应该是问你为什么去美国,去美国的目的。你自己的理由

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