加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民紧急求助:6/30已经interview,但是至今上网无法查到信息
如题:6/30已经interview,但是今天上网按照指示操作仍无法查到信息,而且还显示:Please note that you have not scheduled an appointment. The trip purpose you have selected is for information purposes only. In order to schedule an appointment you will need to select another trip purpose by clicking "Schedule Appointment" at the bottom of the page.DetailsTrip Purposeermanently Immigrate to the US - Register for Courier Services OnlyConsulate:Montreal (Canadian/Present in Canada)Consulate Address:U.S. Consulate General Montreal1155 rue St-Alexandre Montréal, Québec H3B 1Z1Canada #appointment_info_table_1 p {padding:0px;}*Please note that the information above reflects the most recent selections.DHL InformationDHL Branch:Calgary [Edit]DHL Branch Address:3000 15 Th St. N.E.CalgaryT2E8V6If you want your documents delivered to your address (for an additional fee), please click here.请问是不是我登陆的有问题,有哪位TX可以给点帮助?
回复: 紧急求助:6/30已经interview,但是至今上网无法查到信息lz, 你有waybill number吗?如果有的话到dhl网站上查,如果显示undeliverable的话你就可以到dhl去取了。如果没有的话,就用你注册CSC网站的时候有个reference number,用这个也可以查到你的waybill number。 我是6/29在渥太华面试的,dhl网站上第二天就显示undeliverable了。原来我以为要显示pickup之类的才可以取,后来一个好心的园友happybird告诉我undeliverable就可以取了,所以我今天才取回来。 加油!
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