加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民邀请信里想加一段只提供T4没有NOA的原因解释,请大家帮忙
我想解释一下我们是因为初次报税NOA太慢,所以只提供了T4和雇主信,工资单。不知道在邀请信里写这个是不是合适呢?还有哪位英语达人帮我改改句子行么? 叩谢!! "....Since it’s our first time to report Canadian income tax, we are told by Canada Revenue Agency that we need to wait for up to sixteen weeks to get our first Notice of Assessment. Therefore, we are enclosing ANG LI’s T4 as income proof, together with bi-weekly payslip and employment letter...."
回复: 邀请信里想加一段只提供T4没有NOA的原因解释,请大家帮忙这个在给签证官的信里解释一下即可,放在邀请信里不合适。英文帮你改了一下,仅供参考,谢谢。[FONT="]Please note that we are unable to provide Notices of Assessment for 2011 and previous tax years, as this is the first time that we filed tax returns in Canada. We were told by Canada Revenue Agency that we need to wait for up to 16 weeks to receive our first Notices of Assessment. Therefore, we submit ANG LI’s 2011 T4, his (her) bi-weekly payslips and employment letter as proof of employment and income. [/FONT]
回复: 邀请信里想加一段只提供T4没有NOA的原因解释,请大家帮忙太感谢你了!!!再容我问一句,我只准备了给签证官的信啊,那个不是邀请信么?如果不是,邀请信怎么写啊?是以给父母写信的口吻请他们来么?有点困惑这个在给签证官的信里解释一下即可,放在邀请信里不合适。 英文帮你改了一下,仅供参考,谢谢。 [FONT="]Please note that we are unable to provide Notices of Assessment for 2011 and previous tax years, as this is the first time that we filed tax returns in Canada. We were told by Canada Revenue Agency that we need to wait for up to 16 weeks to receive our first Notices of Assessment. Therefore, we submit ANG LI’s 2011 T4, his (her) bi-weekly payslips and employment letter as proof of employment and income. [/FONT]点击展开...
回复: 邀请信里想加一段只提供T4没有NOA的原因解释,请大家帮忙邀请信(中英文各一份)是写给父母的,内容是邀请他们过来的原因,住多长时间,来了做些什么,费用谁来承认等。具体要求看http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/letter.asp给签证官的信(英文)主要是简要说明父母为何符合申请签证的条件,即与签证申请有关的内容,以及对所提交材料进行的解释和说明。比如你们在这边的身份情况、工作收入和财产情况、以及说明父母与中国的联系、是否有过旅行记录、健康状况等等。这可不是邀请信。
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