加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民分享:父母申请探亲成功,2010年有过一次拒签史。
哥哥在加拿大,父母2010年想去探亲,找中介办,最后被拒了,今年又想去,正好有点空,就帮他们准备。 6月26日在广州递交的材料,6月28日护照就又寄出来了,实在太快,忐忑了一阵,直到收到护照那刻才放下心来。 不是怪中介,因为过不过这里边的确有运气成分,但上次中介办的材料的确有明显的错误,比如房产证的名字根本不是我父母的名字等等。 主要想跟大家分享一些情况和感受: 一、基本情况:哥、嫂到加2年多,基本上都是读书,打工,但去年因为侄子还小,基本上也没怎么干活,也就是说,去年的税单并不好看,这段时间才着手开店;父亲退休后自己办了家公司,母亲是注册会计师,在单位退休后,间或到事务所里工作。个人觉得以上条件不算太好,但也不至于太差。 二、申请的是单次往返的签证,5257表上写的访问目的是tourism, 申请时间是7月25日到明年的1月25日, 最后签证上给的是6月28日到12月28日。 三、个人感觉,在材料准备充分的基础上,邀请信很重要。我看了上次的邀请信,觉得太简单了,没什么个性化的东西,这回原本哥哥也只写了一封给官的信,也写得比较简单,后来我到家园网上看别人的情况,觉得父母既往有拒签史,一切都得谨慎(当然,这也只是自己的想法),最后写了两封信,一封是哥哥给父母的邀请信,另一封是给签证官的信。写信要注意的东西,在家园网上都有,我也是参考了网上的信和自己家里的实际情况写的。 最后,祝大家顺利! 以下是信:1.给父母的(中文):亲爱的爸爸妈妈: 你们好! 一转眼,我们到蒙特利尔已经2年多了,一切都好。目前,我们正着手开一家便利店,已经注册了公司。你们1岁多的孙子,现在已经上幼儿园了。我们一家三口已经适应了这里的生活,对于未来,我们都充满了新的期望。 加拿大是个历史悠久幅员辽阔的美丽国家,这里有雄伟的锡格纳尔山,充满特色的哈利法克斯城堡,还有世界上最大的跨国瀑布――尼亚加拉瀑布,我们所在的蒙特利尔市也处处是景点,有魁北克城、皇家山公园、教堂、地下街等充满充满异域情调的地方。 夏季是加拿大最诱人的季节,也是我们所在的蒙特利尔市最有激情的时光,每年夏天,这里都会举办许多活动和比赛,比如国际爵士乐节、国际热气球节、国际电影节,还有蒙特利尔网球赛,你们喜欢的中国网球选手李娜可能也会出现在这里。 在蒙特利尔2年时间,我们结交了不少新的朋友,可还是特别想念你们二位,想念弟弟和家里的其他亲戚。遗憾的是,由于我们正着手开店,暂时没有时间回中国,因此,在这个美丽的夏天,我们诚挚地邀请爸妈到加拿大来旅行,共叙天伦! 我们都知道爸妈非常喜欢旅行,已经到过国内的很多地方,也去过东南亚的一些国家,如果你们此行成行,我们打算用这半年时间让热爱旅行的你们领略加拿大的好山好水,这一定是一件十分有意义的事情,请接受我们的邀请吧。 收到这封信后,如果你们决定要来,就赶紧向加拿大使馆申请签证吧,我想弟弟也会支持你们的。这次旅行只是半年时间,希望爸妈能安排好自己的工作以便成行,也不会耽误你们回中国与弟弟以及其他的亲友欢度中国新年的。 我们和你们的宝贝孙子都盼望你们的光临。 2.给爸妈的信(英文):Dear Dad and Mom, How are you? Everything goes well here since we settled down in Montreal 2 years ago. Currently we have just registered a company as a procedure of setting up a depanneur. Your over-1-year old grandson is sent to daycare house on weekdays. The three of us have got accustomed in living in Montreal and have great hope about the future. Canada is a great large country of long history, where there is grand Signal Hill, full-featured Halifax Citadel, as well as the biggest international water fall―Niagara Water Fall. Besides these, there are also many exotic attractions around or in Montreal where we are living, including Quebec City, Mount Royal Park, Cathedrale Marie-Reine-du Monole and Under Ground City, etc. Summer is always attracting in Canada, and the most passionate in Montreal. Every summer, there are lots of activities and games held in Montreal, for instance, International de Jazz de Montreal, International Film Festival, Hot Air Balloon Festival, as well as Montreal Tennis Tournament, in which your favorite Chinese tennis player LiNa may appear. During the past 2 years, we have made many new friends in Montreal, but we still miss you so much. Our only sorry is that we have no break for returning to China as we are setting up a depanneur. So we sincerely invite you to Canada for tourism and family reunion in this beautiful summer. As we all know, Dad and Mom are travel enthusiasts, and have been to a lot of well-known spots in China, even some countries in south-east Asia. If you are able to visit us in Canada, we are going to show you the great scenery of Canada in 6 months. We are sure it will be very meaningful. Please accept our invitation. If you decide to visit us, the most important thing is that you need to apply your temporary resident visa from Canada embassy. We believe that our brother will be so happy to support your visit. This visit is only 6 months, we hope you can arrange your work schedules and make this trip. Of course, you will still have Chinese New Year with my brother and other family members and friends in China. We hope to see you in Canada soon.3. 给官的信Dear Sir/Madam, My name is XXXX. I'm residing at XXXXXXX. Post Code:XXXXX. I'm living with my wife (XXXXXX) and my son (XXXXXXXXX). We are permanent residents of Canada. We would like to invite our parents (father:XXXXXXXX, mother:XXXXXX) to visit us for 6 months from July 25, 2012 to January 25, 2013. The purpose of the visit is social and tourism, as well as family reunion. My father is now the Board Chairman of XXXXXX company after he finished the retirement procedures in January 2008. My mother is a Certified Public Accountant. She has been taking some part-time jobs after her retirement. Both of them are very keen on travel and have been to many spots in China and south-east Asia. We guarantee our parents will leave Canada before the expiration of their authorized stay. Please kindly grant them a temporary resident visa. During their visit,we will provide a room for them in our apartment at the same address above. Otherwise, my parents would like to be responsible for their expenditure including the round trip air fare to Canada, travelling expenses within Canada and all other expenses. As my father has his own business in China, and my mother is a Certified Public Accountant, they can afford it easily. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via telephone:XXXXXXXX or E-MAIL us at:XXXXXXXXX
回复: 分享:父母申请探亲成功,2010年有过一次拒签史。感谢楼主分享!
宁静致远! 超赞 赏 W win22 0$(VIP 0) 1,1232012-07-05#3 回复: 分享:父母申请探亲成功,2010年有过一次拒签史。congratulation,thanks for sharing!
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