加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民求助,求助!急急急死人的超级签证体检通知书!!
我爸爸妈妈上星期一(8/20)在网上查到要求体检,可是一直没有收到体检email通知书。上星期五发信给领事馆,他回复说网上更新当天已经发出体检的email,叫我回去查自己的邮箱。可是我已经每天的查好几次,包括Junk Mails, 就是没有收到嘛。我还double check了申请表上的email address, 也没有填错啊。爸爸妈妈也再次去签证中心确认email没有错。然后我又回领事馆的email说我真的没有收到,问他可不可以再发一次同时也提供了另外一个邮箱给他。还问他能不能通过ems寄过来。又过了3天了,到现在还是没有回复。请问大家,体检email有什么内容,可不可以直接打印online tracking的那一页直接拿去医院体检啊,上面有档案号,名字,护照号码还有出生日期。超级签证。。。超级无助请问大家,有没有什么办法啊??
回复: 求助,求助!急急急死人的超级签证体检通知书!!什么邮箱呀?怎么收不到大使馆的邮件呢?据说用gmail比较靠谱。
回复: 求助,求助!急急急死人的超级签证体检通知书!!Hotmail ar. And they replied back my email to the same hotmail address and had no problem, but just did not received the ME email that they said they have sent already. Why can't they just reply my email with the ME notice and attach the instruction. It's been almost 2 weeks now, sooooo desperate!!! (sorry I can't type Chinese at work).
回复: 求助,求助!急急急死人的超级签证体检通知书!!if send from different email address, probably in junk mails, or even forbid by the hotmail system
回复: 求助,求助!急急急死人的超级签证体检通知书!!should ask if somebody who already got the ME letter know the sender email, then you can send an email to this sender address directly, after that, probably you can receive this ME letter
回复: 求助,求助!急急急死人的超级签证体检通知书!!Thanks, I will ask if anyone has the email address and my parents are going to the hospital tomorrow with a printout of the online tracking page which showed they were requested ME to see if they can do the ME without the ME request email notice.
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