加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民探亲签证申请中,刚收到签证中心的邮件很棘手,请大虾支招!
上周递交了父母探亲签证(申请的是普通多次)的资料,由于我跟老公刚登录加拿大半年,还没有供工作,去年也没报过税,所以没能体提供NOA和雇主信、工资单。其他资料都是全的,今天收到签证中心的邮件,要求补料,内容如下: In order to complete the assessment of your application, you are required to provide the following documentation within 30 days from the date of this letter: evidence of establishment of inviters in Canada, employmentletters, NOA 2011, funds. 请有经验的童鞋帮忙看看,这种情况我们应该怎么处理?我们已经提交了在加拿大的存款证明和近3个月的银行对账单了,邮件里要求的funds指的是什么啊,是存款还是工资单啊?有没有人也遇到类似的情况?应该怎么处理呢?写信解释的时候有什么注意事项吗? 请指教,非常感谢!
回复: 探亲签证申请中,刚收到签证中心的邮件很棘手,请大虾支招
回复: 探亲签证申请中,you are lucky that they are asking you for these information instead of refusing at once. But you cannot provide them these information, especially NOA, you will be refused.
回复: 探亲签证申请中,you are lucky that they are asking you for these information instead of refusing at once. But you cannot provide them these information, especially NOA, you will be refused.点击展开...祈祷移民官能手下留情,让我通过。不知道解释信怎么写才能让他网开一面呢?
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