加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民攒人品, 贡献一下给宝宝补料HK的材料清单
我是自己DIY的, 给宝宝补料,一次成功了, 看前面有的移友是中介办理,还来回补了几次, 我把我的材料列出来,有需要的可以看一下. 1. Notarized copy of the original birth certificate of the newborn baby2. Six passport-size photos of the baby3. Photocopy of the baby's passport bio information page4. Updated application form IMM0008 5. Updated 5460E form for the primary applicant 6. Updated 5460E form for the secondary applicant7. Bank draft in the amount of CAD$150 for the baby's application processing fee 攒点人品,等我的PL.
4121, HK; 06/10/10 -妥投 ;10/28/10 - RN ;01/24/11 - 补料;04/06/11 - FN ;10/19/11 - ME, IP; 10/31/11 - 补料二宝及交登陆费; 11/16/11 - MER;11/23/11,二宝ME;12/01/11 - 登陆费收据;01/12/12, PL 超赞 赏 I irwin911 0$(VIP 0) 462011-12-19#2 回复: 攒人品, 贡献一下给宝宝补料HK的材料清单好人啊,呵呵
回复: 攒人品, 贡献一下给宝宝补料HK的材料清单哈哈,多谢,用不上,纯帮顶
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