加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民魁省技术移民 - 欧洲TZ 注意了 丹麦移民
100分及格 也是从年龄 语言 适应 工作来衡量 雅思要求低多了。。 但是要求斯堪的纳维亚语系的语言 因为我学过点 特别喜欢北欧 福利贴 给你们了 网址如下http://www.nyidanmark.dk/en-us/coming_to_dk/work/greencard-scheme/greencard-scheme.htm
回复: 欧洲TZ 注意了 丹麦移民ConditionsIn order to be granted a residence permit under the greencard scheme, you must attain a minimum of 100 points. Points are given for: educational level, language skills, work experience, adaptability, and age.You must have full health insurance covering you and any accompanying family members until you are covered by the Danish National Health Insurance.You must document that you are able to support yourself during your first year in Denmark. Documentation can be a recent bank statement in your name which clearly states in which currency, and on which date, the statement was issued. If you wish to apply for a residence permit for accompanying family members, you must also document that you are able to support your family members. This documentation must be in either your own or your spouse's/partner's name.Furthermore, it is a requirement that you do not receive any public assistance under the terms of the Active Social Policy Act (lov om aktiv socialpolitik) during your stay in Denmark.Read more about financial requirements.Educational levelThe level of academic degrees may vary from country to country, even if they have the same title. For example, a Bachelor's degree from another country may not necessarily be equivalent to a Danish Bachelor's degree.The Danish Immigration Service will decide whether it is necessary to have your educational level assessed by the Danish Agency for International Education, an agency under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Development.If your education is on a level lower than a Danish Bachelor's degree, you will not be able to obtain enough points to be granted a residence permit under the greencard scheme.Please note that a Master's degree from e.g. a Pakistani university will often be assessed as equivalent to two years' studies at a Danish university, or a Danish Bachelor's degree. Read more about the assessment of Pakistani and Indian degrees.In order that the Danish Agency for International Education can assess your educational level you must include in your application colour copies of all documentation for all your completed education.Read more about documentation requirements.Please note: The Danish Agency for International Education will only assess your educational level if asked to do so by the Immigration Service in connection with an actual application. As such, you cannot have your educational level assessed by the Danish Agency for International Education in advance, i.e. before submitting your application.Read more about the Danish Agency for International Education.In order to receive points for educational level, you must, as a minimum, have the equivalent of a Danish Bachelor’s degree. You will only be given points for one educational level. Points are given as follows:Bachelor's degree/Graduated from medium-length education: 30 pointsBachelor's degree followed by one-year Master's degree: 50 pointsMaster's degree: 60 pointsPhD: 80 pointsYou will be given bonus points if you graduated from a university which is internationally recognised for its high academic level according to the latest THES-QS World Ranking. Points are given as follows:Top 400: 5 pointsTop 200: 10 pointsTop 100: 15 pointsSee the top 400 list.You will be given 10 bonus points if your education qualifies you to work in a field where Denmark is currently experiencing a shortage of qualified professionals. You can find these fields on the positive list. In order to obtain the bonus points, your education must be of the level specified for the job type in question, e.g. a Master's degree or a Professional Bachelor's degree.You can only obtain points for completed educational programmes. For example, if you are currently studying for a Master's degree in Sweden, you should not apply for a residence permit under the greencard scheme until you have completed your programme.You can be given a maximum of 105 points for your educational level.Language skillsYour language skills will be given points based on a four-level system modelled after the official Danish language proficiency tests for foreigners (the Danish Language Test, Levels 1, 2 and 3 and the Study Test in Danish as a Second Language).In order to be given points for language skills, you must document that you have passed an exam in either Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, English or German at a level corresponding to at least Danish Language Test, Level 1 (Prve i Dansk 1). You can only receive points for one Scandinavian language and for either English or German. As such, you can receive points for both Swedish and English, or both Danish and German, but not for both Danish and Norwegian, or for both English and German.Here is an indicative list of approved foreign language exams with their corresponding Danish level. You will only be given points for approved exams. Other exams do not qualify for points.As an alternative to a language exam, you can document your language skills with a statement from a previous employer attesting that you have used Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, English or German on the job for at least one year, or by presenting documentation that you have completed at least one year of studies at a higher educational programme which was taught in one of these languages. This will be accepted as a level corresponding to that of Study Test in Danish as a Second Language (Studieprven). Points are given as follows:Level corresponding to Danish Language Test, Level 1 (Prve i Dansk 1): 5 pointsLevel corresponding to Danish Language Test, Level 2 (Prve i Dansk 2): 10 pointsLevel corresponding to Danish Language Test, Level 3 (Prve i Dansk 3): 15 pointsLevel corresponding to Study Test in Danish as a Second Language (Studieprven) or higher/one year's study or work: 20 pointsYou can be given a maximum of 30 points for your language skills.Please note: Good Danish skills are often essential to engage effectively in the Danish labour market.Work experienceYour work experience can be given points according to how many years, within the last five years, you have worked as a researcher or in a field where Denmark is currently experiencing a shortage of qualified professionals. You can see these fields and specific job titles on the positive list. You can also be given points for other work experience. Points are given as follows:1-2 years within the past five years as a researcher/in field listed on the Positive List: 10 points3-5 years within the past five years as a researcher/in field listed on the Positive List: 15 points3-5 years within the past five years, other work: 5 pointsYou can be given a maximum of 15 points for your work experience.AdaptabilityYou can be given points for your educational or work related attachment to the EU/EEA (including Denmark) or Switzerland, as this is seen to increase your ability to quickly adapt to the Danish labour market. Points are given for either education or work. Points are given as follows:Completion of at least one year's study at a higher educational programme in an EU/EEA country or Switzerland: 5 pointsCompletion of at least three years' study at a higher educational programme in an EU/EEA country or Switzerland: 10 pointsOrAt least one full year's (12 consecutive months') legal residence and work in an EU/EEA country or Switzerland: 5 pointsAt least two consecutive year's legal residence and work in an EU/EEA country or Switzerland: 10 pointsYou will be given 5 bonus points for Danish language skills (passed exam in Danish Language Test, Level 2 (Prve i Dansk 2) or higher).You can be given a maximum of 15 points for your adaptability.AgeYou can be given points based on your age at the time you submit your application. Points are given as follows:35-40 years: 10 points34 years or younger: 15 pointsYou can be given a maximum of 15 points for your age.Processing your casePlease make sure that your application contains all information and documentation needed by the Immigration Service to process your case. If your application lacks required information or documentation, the Immigration Service may choose to reject your application on these grounds. This means that your application will not be processed.If it is necessary to have your educational level assessed by the Danish Agency for International Education, you will be notified by the Immigration Service.Duration and extensionYou can be granted a first-time residence permit under the greencard scheme for up to 3 years. Before the end of this period, you can apply for an extension of up to 1 year. Before the end of this period, you can apply for an extension of up to four years.Your residence permit can be extended if you have worked for the past 12 months for a minimum of ten hours per week.Your residence permit can be extended for one year if you have lost your job through no fault of your own (e.g. due to cutbacks) no more than three months before applying for an extension, and if prior to this, you worked for 12 months for a minimum of ten hours per week.When applying for an extension of your residence permit, it is crucial that you submit your application on time, i.e. before your current residence permit expires. Failure to do so will normally result in your application being rejected due to your residing illegally in Denmark. As such, an application which is submitted too late will not be processed by the Immigration Service. Instead, you will have to leave Denmark and apply for a new residence permit from your country of origin.Your residence permit can only be granted or extended up to three months before your passport expires. This means that if your passport expires in 12 months, you can only be granted a permit for nine months, or your permit can only be extended by nine months. If you have your passport renewed after receiving your residence permit, you can apply for the full period.You can submit your application for an extension no sooner than two months before it expires.Read more about extension.Jobseeking in DenmarkIt is your own responsibility to find work in Denmark so you can support yourself.There are several web portals, databases and CV banks which can be useful in the process of seeking work in Denmark. Read more about jobseeking in Denmark.Please note that unemployment in Denmark is on the increase in certain sectors. The general unemployment rate for March 2010 was 4.2 pct.This means that recent years' general shortage in labour has now been replaced by a situation with a shortage in available jobs. This means that the demand for foreign labour has also been reduced drastically. However, certain sectors still need foreign qualified professionals. When the Danish economy experiences growth again, the demand for foreign labour is expected to rise.Special scheme for students at higher educational programmesThere is a special version of the greencard scheme for students who complete a higher educational programme in Denmark.Family membersIf you hold a residence permit under the greencard scheme, your spouse, registered partner or cohabiting partner, as well as any children under the age of 18 who are living at home with you, are also eligible for residence permits. Your family members must be able to support themselves and you must live together in Denmark at the same address. Your spouse, registered partner or cohabiting partner is allowed to work full-time for the entire period his or her permit is valid.ApplicationRead more about how to apply.AppealIf your application for a residence permit is turned down, you can appeal to the Ministry of Integration. See appeal guidelines.See also...FAQ on GreencardContactContact the Danish Immigration Service
回复: 欧洲TZ 注意了 丹麦移民100分及格 也是从年龄 语言 适应 工作来衡量 雅思要求低多了。。 但是要求斯堪的纳维亚语系的语言 因为我学过点 特别喜欢北欧 福利贴 给你们了 网址如下http://www.nyidanmark.dk/en-us/coming_to_dk/work/greencard-scheme/greencard-scheme.htm点击展开...FUCKING EUROPEAN COUNTRY!
回复: 欧洲TZ 注意了 丹麦移民楼上为何骂人呢?
回复: 欧洲TZ 注意了 丹麦移民什么情况???
回复: 欧洲TZ 注意了 丹麦移民100分及格 也是从年龄 语言 适应 工作来衡量 雅思要求低多了。。 但是要求斯堪的纳维亚语系的语言 因为我学过点 特别喜欢北欧 福利贴 给你们了 网址如下 http://www.nyidanmark.dk/en-us/coming_to_dk/work/greencard-scheme/greencard-scheme.htm点击展开... 这语言去哪里学呢?
2011.9.28递料;2011.12.5收到FN 超赞 赏 F FFFFF8FF 0$(VIP 0) 182011-12-10#7 回复: 欧洲TZ 注意了 丹麦移民麻烦问问"要求斯堪的纳维亚语系的语言"是什么意思?非常感谢
回复: 欧洲TZ 注意了 丹麦移民麻烦问问"要求斯堪的纳维亚语系的语言"是什么意思?非常感谢点击展开...挪威 丹麦 瑞典语
回复: 欧洲TZ 注意了 丹麦移民再问问, 申请者必须通过以上三种语言的考试吗, 或者必须会这三种语言吗?通过雅斯考试不可以吗?不明白问问.谢谢了
回复: 欧洲TZ 注意了 丹麦移民不明白呀, 等楼主有时间时给说说好吗.我的邮箱: succeed_m@yahoo.cn.太感谢了
回复: 欧洲TZ 注意了 丹麦移民LZ,你 说这个吧再问问, 申请者必须通过以上三种语言的考试吗, 或者必须会这三种语言吗?通过雅斯考试不可以吗?不明白问问.谢谢了点击展开...
回复: 欧洲TZ 注意了 丹麦移民楼上为何骂人呢?点击展开...Here is for CANADA!FUCKING EUROPEAN ADVERTISING SUCKS!
回复: 欧洲TZ 注意了 丹麦移民这论坛国内也有不少同志们在关注,现在加拿大很难移民了,而且很多91的被吊在半空中很多年了,多一个丹麦作为选择也不错啊。
回复: 欧洲TZ 注意了 丹麦移民谢谢楼主!支持互相通气!传递消息!去哪学这种语言?
回复: 欧洲TZ 注意了 丹麦移民急病乱投医啊
9/23号递料9/26号妥投11/24号FN 超赞 赏 vicente_80 0$(VIP 0) 1,1222011-12-11#16 回复: 欧洲TZ 注意了 丹麦移民丹麦这只是三年可续的居住签证,真正换成永居还要一大堆条件呢,包括要通过丹麦语考试北欧国家的PR哪有那么好拿
回复: 欧洲TZ 注意了 丹麦移民很好的国家,很难的语言,福利好的惊人,税也高的可怕,生活成本也不低啊~~
替友宣传 专业占卜详情咨询微信:zhanbu9564 超赞 赏 Tercel西门吹雪 9$(VIP 0,#116) 3,6762011-12-11#18 回复: 欧洲TZ 注意了 丹麦移民移民北欧,做梦吧
回复: 欧洲TZ 注意了 丹麦移民你周六TEFAQ考试如何?一切顺利吗?你要多少级别呢?能否共享以下?谢谢点击展开...听力杯具了,差一道题没到B1口语还不错如果口语B2就49分了如果口语B1就撤案,等明年9月工作经验满了重递
·生活百科 疯狂地决定太阳能!
·生活百科 有热水系统的燃烧室吗?