加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民上诉的同学们:这封信对诉讼很有力,


看到有同学收到下面来自移民局的信。如果属实的话,可以立即呈交给打官司的律师。移民局从来不敢正面答复律师的问题,但是下面这封给申请者的信赤裸裸的露出了他们的黑幕。也就是说他们承认他们在以所谓的priority,来区别对待甚至是歧视2008年2月27日以前的申请者。什么是给某些人priority呢? 所谓的给某些人priority,就是剥夺另一些人的权利。困扰西方多少年的种族歧视和性别歧视说白了都可以解释为给某些人priority。发生在欧美的种族歧视是给白人priority. 性别歧视是给男人priority.给2008年2月27日以后的申请priority就是剥夺2008年2月27日以前的申请人的权利。这绝对是要遭报应的!在西方,歧视是要付出法律代价的,何况你敢于承认自己在歧视别人。看了律师给同学们的来信,觉得现在我们应该改变一下诉求的重点了。当事人的诉求很重要,不同的诉求会带来不同的诉求进程乃至不同的诉求结果。原来我们的诉求是希望能快速结案。但是如果我们告不倒CIC, 我们就永远都结不了案。下面的信已经赤裸裸的说明这一切了。所以,当前的诉求应该琢磨看怎样将CIC控告为有罪。另外,有罪的程度还取决于受害的当事人的数量。要是有1000个,10000个就好了,那么加拿大政府就的当回事了。-----------------------------------------------------原信:We understand that you are disappointed by the long processing time for your application. As you know, there have been significant changes to the federal skilled worker program since you submitted your application. Changes to Canada's immigration law in February 2008 enabled the government to establish priorities for most immigration categories. The changes allow the Government of Canada to set, through ministerial instructions, the number and type of applications considered for processing each year, and the order in which these applications will be processed. Because they better reflect Canada’s current labour market needs, applications under the most recent sets of ministerial instructions are processed on a priority basis. Globally, Canada has received enough federal skilled worker applications since February 27, 2008, to reach our immigration levels for the next two years.This office does continue to process applications received before February 26, 2008, at a steady rate. However, we do not anticipate putting any further Federal Skilled Worker cases submitted before February 27, 2008 into active processing this year (2012) as we have sufficient applications in process to meet our assigned targets. Additional cases will be put into process as targets allow. However, as immigration levels for future years is not known, I regret that I am unable to provide an estimate of when your application will be put into process. When the application is put into process, we will contact you with instructions on what is required at that time.

回复: 上诉的同学们:这封信对诉讼很有力,谈一下我个人的观点:我觉得这段回信如果是真的,且是针对227以前北京同学的话,有几个地方我无法理解:1:there have been significant changes to the federal skilled worker program since you submitted your application. 变化是在我们交了申请之后才出现的,不是我们交的时候就告诉我们,你们一定要等227以后的申请的处理完才处理,明显是在歪曲事实。2. Changes to Canada's immigration law in February 2008 enabled the government to establish priorities for most immigration categories. 我并没有在任何的移民局的回信里见有官方提到过priority。当时只是说申请的条件已经变了,有了38项的要求。他们会优先考虑处理227,即便是这样北京91的还是按部就班的都补了料。既然不处理我们,让我们补料做什么?还不如像香港一样,不动则已,一动很快就可以得到结果算了。3. Because they better reflect Canada’s current labour market needs, applications under the most recent sets of ministerial instructions are processed on a priority basis. 这句话以前是见过的,虽说没有根据,但是根据可以经过统计得到,如果他们能提供我们也没有办法,因为CIC毕竟有最终解释权。4. This office does continue to process applications received before February 26, 2008, at a steady rate. However, we do not anticipate putting any further Federal Skilled Worker cases submitted before February 27, 2008 into active processing this year (2012) as we have sufficient applications in process to meet our assigned targets.这两句话最有意思了,首先用一般现时说这个办公室(北京的?看来好像又是模板)的确每年都稳定地处理一定的227以前的申请(这句话以前从没出现过);后一句奇异最大(因为以前的回复中出现过),希望英文好的帮助分析一下,最好有CIC的朋友帮分析一下,主要是这个"any further",是今年不再处理227以前的case了,还是向上一句说的继续稳定的进行,但绝不会增加新的名额了。我觉得弄懂这两句话是十分重要的,主要是看这两句话之间有没有联系。 总之这段文字充满奇异,有条件的话我们可以找一个有经验的律师帮助大家分析分析。我个人觉得那些参加起诉的227前的同学们有些盲目,我认为我们应该集体参加且找一个专业处理移民案子的律师,这样即便律师收费会增加,但是平均到个人身上费用会明显的降低,因为我们是一个群体是一个案例,我们需要CIC对所有的227前的负责。我不相信那个Tim说的,谁起诉就可以得到先处理,不起诉的就会被无限制拖延。大家可以考虑一下,真是这样的话,加拿大还要移民法做什么?

2007.05 FN总之这段文字充满奇异,有条件的话我们可以找一个有经验的律师帮助大家分析分析。我个人觉得那些参加起诉的227前的同学们有些盲目,我认为我们应该集体参加且找一个专业处理移民案子的律师,这样即便律师收费会增加,但是平均到个人身上费用会明显的降低,因为我们是一个群体是一个案例,我们需要CIC对所有的227前的负责。我不相信那个Tim说的,谁起诉就可以得到先处理,不起诉的就会被无限制拖延。大家可以考虑一下,真是这样的话,加拿大还要移民法做什么?点击展开...,问题是如何找到合适的律师。

2013年加拿大,我来了。 超赞 赏 popiston 2$(VIP 0,#298) 8,5062012-01-10#4 回复: 上诉的同学们:这封信对诉讼很有力,这句话我用google找不到出处。我想再给北京写信询问,如果这么回复了,再打印Email。

Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian这句话我用google找不到出处。我想再给北京写信询问,如果这么回复了,再打印Email。点击展开...我昨天晚上已经写信给北京使馆查询了进度,目前受到的还是那个自动回复,我在早上在公司上不了私人信箱,所以具体能不能收到同样的回复要到后天才能揭晓了。希望仁兄也查一查。

2007.05 FN,问题是如何找到合适的律师。点击展开... 这个的确比较难,首先我们应该统计一下北京227前的案子现在有多少人在等ME。我们一定要确定范围就只是“北京227前的案子”。

2007.05 FN 超赞 赏 O oops自杀用户 0$(VIP 0) 3,8122012-01-10#7 回复: 上诉的同学们:这封信对诉讼很有力,看热闹。

回复: 上诉的同学们:这封信对诉讼很有力,Hi All!A friend of mine who applied in 2007 for FSW has received the following email. Hope it will help to understand the time lines of backlog applicants. Here is the email.Dear Sir/Madam,This is in response to your enquiryFor Federal Skilled Worker applicants who applied before February 27, 2008.We have received enough Federal Skilled Worker applications since February 27, 2008 to reach our immigration levels for the next two years. Because they reflect Canada's current labour market needs, applications under the most recent set of ministerial instructions are processed on a priority basis. Therefore, few Federal Skilled Worker applications received before February 27, 2008 will be processed this year or next. The exception is the small number of cases where federal skilled worker applicants have already received instructions to undergo their medical examinations. These applicants should receive a final decision within 12 months of completing their medical examination.The Action Plan for Faster Immigration has helped reduce application backlogs and wait times. Before the Action Plan was introduced, Canada had a backlog of over 640,000 people in the federal skilled worker category waiting as long as six years to be processed. In just three years, we've been able to get more than 300,000 people out of the lineup - that's close to half those who were waiting. When a Federal Skilled Worker application is due for assessment, our office will send a letter asking the applicant to submit updated information in support of the application. This new information will be reviewed by an immigration officer who will determine if you meet the requirements for immigration. Please wait until you receive this letter before providing any new information relating to changes in your personal circumstances, additional dependents, new employment, education or new identity documents.Our office sends immigration decisions and information requests by post or by email to the mailing and email addresses provided in the application. Therefore, it is important that our office be notified immediately of any change of address and contact details.We thank you for your patience and for keeping your correspondence to a minimum.We have admended your e-mail address.Yours sincerely,Client Service UnitImmigration and Medical Services Division | Direction de l'immigration et des services médicauxCanadian High Commission | Haut-commissariat du Canada38 Grosvenor StreetLondon, W1K 4AA | Londres, W1K 4AAUnited Kingdom | Royaume-UniGovernment of Canadathe date of the above letter is Wednesday September 7, 2011

回复: 上诉的同学们:这封信对诉讼很有力,伦敦的回复果然比北京的回复要清楚多了。

2007.05 FN 超赞 赏 阿达就是我 0$(VIP 0) 9972012-01-11#10 回复: 上诉的同学们:这封信对诉讼很有力,的确是歧视,这个起诉角度应该没问题。想现在加入起诉,请问Ruth该如何操作?

尽人事,听天命。Do something...07年7月 FN,等ME中。。。我昨天晚上已经写信给北京使馆查询了进度,目前受到的还是那个自动回复,我在早上在公司上不了私人信箱,所以具体能不能收到同样的回复要到后天才能揭晓了。希望仁兄也查一查。点击展开...先看看你的结果。如果不是这个答复,我把这个复制,直接问问是不是他们的发出去的信。

Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian 超赞 赏 W whiterockGuest 0$(VIP ) 2012-01-11#12 回复: 上诉的同学们:这封信对诉讼很有力,nilson30发的这个回复我在去年的trackitt上看到过。里面也提到:The exception is the small number of cases where federal skilled worker applicants have already received instructions to undergo their medical examinations. These applicants should receive a final decision within 12 months of completing their medical examination.即使是这个承诺CIC也没有履行。因为我的体检就过期1年多了,本人也是伦敦投档,照样没有收到final decision. tzhjqy说的没错,我们也许需要找个更好的移民诉讼律师。

回复: 上诉的同学们:这封信对诉讼很有力,我也写信询问进度了,希望收到这样一封回信,打官司用来呈堂

尽人事,听天命。Do something...07年7月 FN,等ME中。。。 超赞 赏 africatwin 0$(VIP 0) 2792012-01-11#14 回复: 上诉的同学们:这封信对诉讼很有力,关注!

回复: 上诉的同学们:这封信对诉讼很有力,看到有同学收到下面来自移民局的信。如果属实的话,可以立即呈交给打官司的律师。移民局从来不敢正面答复律师的问题,但是下面这封给申请者的信赤裸裸的露出了他们的黑幕。也就是说他们承认他们在以所谓的priority,来区别对待甚至是歧视2008年2月27日以前的申请者。 什么是给某些人priority呢? 所谓的给某些人priority,就是剥夺另一些人的权利。困扰西方多少年的种族歧视和性别歧视说白了都可以解释为给某些人priority。发生在欧美的种族歧视是给白人priority. 性别歧视是给男人priority.给2008年2月27日以后的申请priority就是剥夺2008年2月27日以前的申请人的权利。这绝对是要遭报应的! 在西方,歧视是要付出法律代价的,何况你敢于承认自己在歧视别人。看了律师给同学们的来信,觉得现在我们应该改变一下诉求的重点了。当事人的诉求很重要,不同的诉求会带来不同的诉求进程乃至不同的诉求结果。原来我们的诉求是希望能快速结案。但是如果我们告不倒CIC, 我们就永远都结不了案。下面的信已经赤裸裸的说明这一切了。所以,当前的诉求应该琢磨看怎样将CIC控告为有罪。另外,有罪的程度还取决于受害的当事人的数量。要是有1000个,10000个就好了,那么加拿大政府就的当回事了。-----------------------------------------------------原信:We understand that you are disappointed by the long processing time for your application. As you know, there have been significant changes to the federal skilled worker program since you submitted your application. Changes to Canada's immigration law in February 2008 enabled the government to establish priorities for most immigration categories. The changes allow the Government of Canada to set, through ministerial instructions, the number and type of applications considered for processing each year, and the order in which these applications will be processed. Because they better reflect Canada’s current labour market needs, applications under the most recent sets of ministerial instructions are processed on a priority basis. Globally, Canada has received enough federal skilled worker applications since February 27, 2008, to reach our immigration levels for the next two years.This office does continue to process applications received before February 26, 2008, at a steady rate. However, we do not anticipate putting any further Federal Skilled Worker cases submitted before February 27, 2008 into active processing this year (2012) as we have sufficient applications in process to meet our assigned targets. Additional cases will be put into process as targets allow. However, as immigration levels for future years is not known, I regret that I am unable to provide an estimate of when your application will be put into process. When the application is put into process, we will contact you with instructions on what is required at that time.点击展开... 是谁收到的,叫他提供给大家啊

回复: 上诉的同学们:这封信对诉讼很有力,是谁收到的,叫他提供给大家啊点击展开... 我前天晚上也发行询问过,但是没有收到同样的回复。到目前为止还是收到的自动回复,主要是说“如果CASE在正常的审理状况中,是不会收到进一步的回复的”。看来我是在正常的审理过程中。还有就是我发现CIC不是所有的邮件都有自动回复的,如果你在一年中问的次数过多或是过于频繁连自动回复都没有。但是我个人觉得上面人发的回复应该不是自动回复,应该是隐忍而已。 我还是觉得This office does continue to process applications received before February 26, 2008, at a steady rate. However, we do not anticipate putting any further Federal Skilled Worker cases submitted before February 27, 2008 into active processing this year (2012) as we have sufficient applications in process to meet our assigned targets. 这句话应该结合起来理解,不能断章取义,我理解的是这个办公室还是会继续按一定的稳定数量处理227以前的CASE,但是由于客观条件所限不准备投入更多的人力或比例处理这些旧案。绝对不是说今年不处理,而是处理有限。毕竟英文是拉丁语系,很少会有歧义产生,而且时态非常重要。我认为CIC绝对不会在这样重要的恢复中存在明显逻辑上的错误,毕竟还有移民法对他们进行监管。

2007.05 FN 超赞 赏 阿达就是我 0$(VIP 0) 9972012-01-12#17 回复: 上诉的同学们:这封信对诉讼很有力,昨天看了一点2003年的诉讼,当时能赢是因为加拿大移民局的新政'追溯以往',拒掉了新政前的申请。现在的情况也是'追溯以往',有意地明显降低以前申请的优先级,用新政影响旧的申请。这和2003年的作法没有本质区别。我觉得这可以作为本次起诉的一个立足点

尽人事,听天命。Do something...07年7月 FN,等ME中。。。 超赞 赏 T tzhjqy 0$(VIP 0) 7392012-01-12#18 回复: 上诉的同学们:这封信对诉讼很有力,以下是我收到的自动回复,和以前一样。 Your enquiry has been received by the Canadian Embassy, Beijing -Immigration Section.For information and online case status: www.cic.gc.ca.If your application is within normal processing times you may not receivea reply.If your message contains new information for your file, it will be updatedbut you may not receive a reply.

2007.05 FN昨天看了一点2003年的诉讼,当时能赢是因为加拿大移民局的新政'追溯以往',拒掉了新政前的申请。现在的情况也是'追溯以往',有意地明显降低以前申请的优先级,用新政影响旧的申请。这和2003年的作法没有本质区别。我觉得这可以作为本次起诉的一个立足点点击展开...同意。另外移民部还违反了人类社会的基本规则:先进先出。

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]London Ontario[FONT=楷体]中国人对现实里很多不公平有一种难以理解的接受能力,然后成为社会的规则,最后成为文化的一部分。[/FONT][FONT=楷体]三个要饭的故事[/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=楷体]看一个社会的好坏有一个很简单的办法:富人是否大量移民。[/FONT][/FONT]昨天看了一点2003年的诉讼,当时能赢是因为加拿大移民局的新政'追溯以往',拒掉了新政前的申请。现在的情况也是'追溯以往',有意地明显降低以前申请的优先级,用新政影响旧的申请。这和2003年的作法没有本质区别。我觉得这可以作为本次起诉的一个立足点点击展开...真知灼见。

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