加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请问最近有没有低收入的朋友办理父母续签成功的



2008年4月申请2010年2月DM 超赞 赏 I imatvancouver 0$(VIP 0) 1,3052013-06-20#2 回复: 请问最近有没有低收入的朋友办理父母续签成功的没要求

回复: 请问最近有没有低收入的朋友办理父母续签成功的 从这个网址看到的,我知道超级签证有要求,但是这里就写的续签的要求。http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5551ETOC.aspWhat must I do to obtain an Extended Stay?In order to obtain an Authorized Period of Extended Stay Visa, you need to provide:evidence of the parent or grandparent relationship to the Canadian citizen or permanent resident you wish to visit (e.g. birth certificate, baptismal certificate or other official documents naming you as parent),<LI sizcache0012374944534713106="5 17 236" sizset="false">a letter of invitation from your child or grandchild which includes arrangements for care and support, proof from your child or grandchild that he meets the Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) proof of that you have private medical insurance valid for a minimum of one year from a Canadian insurance company and that: covers health care, hospitalization and repatriation,provides a minimum coverage of $100 000, andis valid for each entry to Canada and be available for review by a port of entry officer.

2008年4月申请2010年2月DM 从这个网址看到的,我知道超级签证有要求,但是这里就写的续签的要求。http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5551ETOC.aspWhat must I do to obtain an Extended Stay?In order to obtain an Authorized Period of Extended Stay Visa, you need to provide:evidence of the parent or grandparent relationship to the Canadian citizen or permanent resident you wish to visit (e.g. birth certificate, baptismal certificate or other official documents naming you as parent),<LI sizcache0012374944534713106="5 17 236" sizset="false">a letter of invitation from your child or grandchild which includes arrangements for care and support, proof from your child or grandchild that he meets the Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) proof of that you have private medical insurance valid for a minimum of one year from a Canadian insurance company and that: covers health care, hospitalization and repatriation,provides a minimum coverage of $100 000, andis valid for each entry to Canada and be available for review by a port of entry officer.点击展开...看来对超签的续签要求更高啊。请过来人回答

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