加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民母亲的网上续签前天给通知,有事请教!大使馆还是有人干活的。
我们是四月底网上递交材料的,原以为使馆罢工没人干活,结果前天来了封电邮,内容如下:Your application to remain in Canada as a temporary resident has been approved. A secure document has been mailed to you at the address that you provided when you made your application. If you have not received your secure document within six weeks, contact CIC.然后给出的有效日期是今年年底的12月15日。请问各位,这张纸就是批了对吧?但是后面还有一份medical examination instructions, 估计拿过签证都知道 (内容如下),请问这是要体检还是不要啊?都批了下来了,体检完给谁啊?Medical Examination Instructions Medical instructions are issued when an application has been processed to the stage where the required medical examination(s) should be undertaken. Please read the following instructions carefully. The medical examination must be performed by a physician from the CIC list of panel physicians. This list is available by accessing the following website: http://www.cic.gc.ca/dmp-md/medical.aspx. You should identify a panel physician in your area and book an appointment for your medical examination. When you schedule your appointment, please ensure that arrangements are made for your chest x-ray and laboratory tests as well. Medical examination results are valid for a twelve month period from the date of the examination. All costs related to the medical examination, if applicable, are your responsibility and are payable at the time of the examination. Should your application be refused following the completion of your medical examination the costs will not be refunded. Please bring the following to your appointment: - The attached medical report form - Proper identification (proof of identity must include at least one document with photograph and signature such as a passport, driver's licence or national identity card) - Eye glasses or contact lenses, if worn - Any medical reports or test results that you may have as a result of previous or existing medical conditions - Four recent photographs, if the panel physician is not eMedical enabled (note: panel physicians that are eMedical enabled are indicated on the CIC website listed above) Note: It is important that you inform the panel physician of any previous or existing medical conditions. Failure to do so will delay the processing of your medical examination.
回复: 母亲的网上续签前天给通知,有事请教!大使馆还是有人干活的这是CIC,不是海外使领馆处理延期申请
回复: 母亲的网上续签前天给通知,有事请教!大使馆还是有人干活的但之前不是说渥太华那边也罢嘛。
回复: 母亲的网上续签前天给通知,有事请教!大使馆还是有人干活的但之前不是说渥太华那边也罢嘛。点击展开... 在渥太华的不叫使馆呀
回复: 母亲的网上续签前天给通知,有事请教!大使馆还是有人干活的那网上那些东西是谁处理啊?
回复: 母亲的网上续签前天给通知,有事请教!大使馆还是有人干活的签证是下来了,为了避免以后的麻烦,最好是体检,不然以后再想续签就难了。我妈当时是续签第一次要求体检,我们按要求做了,之后又续了一次就没要求体检了
回复: 母亲的网上续签前天给通知,有事请教!大使馆还是有人干活的签证是下来了,为了避免以后的麻烦,最好是体检,不然以后再想续签就难了。我妈当时是续签第一次要求体检,我们按要求做了,之后又续了一次就没要求体检了点击展开... 请问续签需要提供父母的什么材料?
回复: 母亲的网上续签前天给通知,有事请教!大使馆还是有人干活的楼主,请教个问题。妈妈是普通探亲签证,我按visitors在网上进行续签申请,但是要求提交的文件要有一年的保险证明,你在网上列表中有哪些文件需要提供?可以告知一下吗,先谢谢了。
回复: 母亲的网上续签前天给通知,有事请教!大使馆还是有人干活的信的内容竟然还不一样那,我们的是这样your application has been approved and your new document will be sent to you seperately. you are authorized to remain in Canada under the conditions listed on the documents.Please read them carefully.没有写延到什么时候,下面要求体检什么的都一样了,难道说我们这个还没有批?
lost in Vancouver楼主,请教个问题。妈妈是普通探亲签证,我按visitors在网上进行续签申请,但是要求提交的文件要有一年的保险证明,你在网上列表中有哪些文件需要提供?可以告知一下吗,先谢谢了。点击展开...我估计你是有个选项选错了吧。另一种情况是,当你去点击那堆问题的时候,你是不是被问到有没有买保险了?那只是问问而已,没有要你去买或者交那保险证明。
回复: 母亲的网上续签前天给通知,有事请教!大使馆还是有人干活的我们给延了一年,到明年7月3日,但是老人想9月份就走,再回来就不知道什么时候了,还有必要体检吗?
lost in Vancouver 超赞 赏 J juliezl_us 0$(VIP 0) 8362013-07-06#13 回复: 母亲的网上续签前天给通知,有事请教!大使馆还是有人干活的lz 能详细介绍一下网上续签的流程和需要准备的材料吗?
where there is the dream, there is the home!我估计你是有个选项选错了吧。另一种情况是,当你去点击那堆问题的时候,你是不是被问到有没有买保险了?那只是问问而已,没有要你去买或者交那保险证明。点击展开... 我再尝试一下,谢谢。
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