加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民父母普签4月3号被拒,现在还没有收到拒签信,正常吗?
mnrbbs 说:被拒了,官网是怎么写的?有说理由么?点击展开...官网没说理由,就说被拒了,我看那个help里面说回收到信说明拒签理由,可到现在也没有收到。
你的account里面没有corespondance letter?
bluelagoon 说:你的account里面没有corespondance letter?点击展开...谢谢你!看到了,之前没有点出来,还以为会发邮件。信是这么写的This refers to your application for a temporary resident visa to Canada. I have completed my assessment of your application and I have determined that you do not meet the requirements for a temporary resident visa; therefore, your application is refused.In reaching a decision, an officer considers several factors; these may include the applicant’s travel and identity documents, reason for travel to Canada, contacts in Canada, financial means for the trip; ties to country of residence (including immigration status, employment and family ties) and whether the applicant would be likely to leave Canada at the end of his/her authorized stay.In accordance with Section A11(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), any person wishing to become a temporary resident of Canada must satisfy an officer that he or she is not inadmissible to Canada and meets the requirements of the Act. This includes the requirement to establish to the satisfaction of the officer that the applicant will respect their conditions of admission and will leave Canada by the end of the period authorized for his or her stay.This application is closed. Please note that any new information you wish to provide must be submitted with a new application and processing fee. Should you wish to reapply, I would suggest that you do so only if your situation has changed substantively or you have significant new information to submit. 怎么写了这么多原因,是大家都这么回的吗?还是我的申请问题比较大啊?我短期内还能在帮父母再申请吗?估计短期内我们的情况也不会有太大的变化,谢谢大家了。
唐唐娃娃 说:谢谢你!看到了,之前没有点出来,还以为会发邮件。信是这么写的This refers to your application for a temporary resident visa to Canada. I have completed my assessment of your application and I have determined that you do not meet the requirements for a temporary resident visa; therefore, your application is refused.In reaching a decision, an officer considers several factors; these may include the applicant’s travel and identity documents, reason for travel to Canada, contacts in Canada, financial means for the trip; ties to country of residence (including immigration status, employment and family ties) and whether the applicant would be likely to leave Canada at the end of his/her authorized stay.In accordance with Section A11(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), any person wishing to become a temporary resident of Canada must satisfy an officer that he or she is not inadmissible to Canada and meets the requirements of the Act. This includes the requirement to establish to the satisfaction of the officer that the applicant will respect their conditions of admission and will leave Canada by the end of the period authorized for his or her stay.This application is closed. Please note that any new information you wish to provide must be submitted with a new application and processing fee. Should you wish to reapply, I would suggest that you do so only if your situation has changed substantively or you have significant new information to submit.怎么写了这么多原因,是大家都这么回的吗?还是我的申请问题比较大啊?我短期内还能在帮父母再申请吗?估计短期内我们的情况也不会有太大的变化,谢谢大家了。点击展开...这个和我周一收到的一模一样.而且我告诉你,我的1签和2签,中间隔了2年,而且情况都朝着好的方向变化了,但是被拒.那帮猪人估计都不看申请文件的
不过我们俩的case有些共同点:1差不多时间批阅的,我是4月7日被拒的; 2 都是普签;3.独生子女 4.拿到PR不久 (从登陆算起)5白本护照。估计我们是被同一个人拒的。
父母移民 2008年8月7号application---2011年11月 收到补料通知---2012年1月6号补料 ---2012年3月16号DM1转渥太华---2012年4月27收到 ME---2012年6月 CIC online MER,2012年9月26号IP---2012年9月28号DM护照寄香港---2012年10月3号香港签收护照 ----2012年10月17号收到大信封-----2012年10月21号登陆,长征总算结束了这个和我周一收到的一模一样.而且我告诉你,我的1签和2签,中间隔了2年,而且情况都朝着好的方向变化了,但是被拒.那帮猪人估计都不看申请文件的点击展开...你的信上有UCI和application no.吗?我的都是空白,是不是他们真的连资料都没看,今年批的人又太多,我们的就直接被拒啊?唉!
qiuyewuyu123 说:你的税单很重要的,真的还有,第一次申请,最好是纸上作业比较好,点击展开...谢谢回复。不过我们只短登了三个月,还没有工作,现在又在国内,提供不了税单,而且邀请信上写了父母自保的。看网申挺方便的,前段时间过签率还挺高,所以才决定一试,没想到悲剧了。唉,人品没攒够啊!要是再试试纸申会有希望吗?担心.......
为啥不提供机票呢?我也没有收入,不过还是提交了机票 往返的,就是表明一定要回去的,还不知道结果如何。另外问下,拒签前有没有让你父母体检?
卡城新人2014 说:为啥不提供机票呢?我也没有收入,不过还是提交了机票 往返的,就是表明一定要回去的,还不知道结果如何。另外问下,拒签前有没有让你父母体检?点击展开...想着都没批呢就买机票,万一被拒怎么办,呵呵。没有体检。
qiuyewuyu123 说:你的税单很重要的,真的还有,第一次申请,最好是纸上作业比较好,点击展开...为什么呀,不是说纸签,和网申,一样的吗?正准备给公婆第一次办签证
唐唐娃娃 说:谢谢你!看到了,之前没有点出来,还以为会发邮件。信是这么写的This refers to your application for a temporary resident visa to Canada. I have completed my assessment of your application and I have determined that you do not meet the requirements for a temporary resident visa; therefore, your application is refused.In reaching a decision, an officer considers several factors; these may include the applicant’s travel and identity documents, reason for travel to Canada, contacts in Canada, financial means for the trip; ties to country of residence (including immigration status, employment and family ties) and whether the applicant would be likely to leave Canada at the end of his/her authorized stay.In accordance with Section A11(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), any person wishing to become a temporary resident of Canada must satisfy an officer that he or she is not inadmissible to Canada and meets the requirements of the Act. This includes the requirement to establish to the satisfaction of the officer that the applicant will respect their conditions of admission and will leave Canada by the end of the period authorized for his or her stay.This application is closed. Please note that any new information you wish to provide must be submitted with a new application and processing fee. Should you wish to reapply, I would suggest that you do so only if your situation has changed substantively or you have significant new information to submit.怎么写了这么多原因,是大家都这么回的吗?还是我的申请问题比较大啊?我短期内还能在帮父母再申请吗?估计短期内我们的情况也不会有太大的变化,谢谢大家了。点击展开...你这封信和我的一字不差,信的后面几页有具体被拒签的理由,下次申请要根据这些拒签的理由好好准备材料了,祝下次順签!
contacts in Canada, financial means for the trip; ties to country of residence (including immigration status, employment and family ties) and whether the applicant would be likely to leave Canada at the end of his/her authorized stay.这几句话是被拒的理由。自己还没有在加拿大立足,如何证明与加拿大的contact?没有加拿大工作,父母又是空白护照,加拿大担心啊。根据我家情况,还是申请旅游签证方便。旅游签证就是居住时间少了点,能助半年也不错。还有让父母去其他国家旅游一下,前几年是先澳洲新西兰,然后欧美加拿大签证就很方便了。
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