加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民高兴!姐姐一家三口探亲申请获批!


姐姐一家三口探亲申请获批!7月23号网递姐姐一家探亲申请,8月3号受到补护信。今天看状态,closed, your application has been approved。高兴!


NNlong 说:恭喜恭喜,我的护照刚由签证中心送到签证处,但是还没closed点击展开...congras to you as well!

NNlong 说:恭喜恭喜,我的护照刚由签证中心送到签证处,但是还没closed点击展开...你的给了几年?他们的都给到护照有效期了。大人给了快10年, 小孩才给了5年,因为小孩护照是5年有效期。

Lucy7777 说:你的给了几年?他们的都给到护照有效期了。大人给了快10年, 小孩才给了5年,因为小孩护照是5年有效期。点击展开...还没收到护照呢,北京时间13号由签证中心寄回


cherry001 说:正在搜索给兄弟姐妹办旅游签证,麻烦lz能否说得详细一些,比如具体的材料清单,网申过程有什么要注意的。点击展开...我给哥嫂一家,姐姐姐夫外甥一家 都是办的 visit 访问签证,一般给10年多次往返。不是tourism旅游签证。Your document checklistVisiting Canada – Your personal checklistBased on your answers, you may be eligible to come to Canada as a visitor.To apply online, you will need this personal checklist code:DM483******1Step 1:Record your personal checklist code. This code will expire onSaturday October 11 2014 5:32:55 PM GMT. It is valid only for thisapplication. When you return to the CIC site to apply online, you willneed to enter your personal checklist code. We will use this code toretrieve the list of documents you need to submit with yourapplication.Step 2:Print this page. You will need this information to apply.Step 3:Read the application guide. Application guides can be found at:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/index.asp(http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/index.asp)Step 4:Gather these documents and complete the application forms:Are you having difficulty downloading a form?(http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/additional.asp)Versions of application forms for study permits and work permitsdated November 2013 (11-2013), or later, and applicationsfor temporary resident visas dated March 2014 (03-2014), orlater, can only be uploaded to MyCIC.Application Form(s)Supporting DocumentsMarriage License/Certificate #Itinerary, Travel ##Purpose of Travel - Other #Passport or travel document #Proof of Relationship #General Education and Employment Form #Employment Reference Letter ##Invitation Letter #Proof of Income #Proof of Means of Financial Support #Digital Photo #Family MembersYou have told us that additional people will come to Canada with you.Please attach their documents below.Family Member 1 - 29/04/1983Application Form(s)Supporting DocumentsApplication for Visitor Visa (Temporary Resident Visa) Made Outside of Canada(IMM5257) (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM5257E.PDF)Family Information (IMM5645)(http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM5645E.PDF)Use of a Family Member Representative for Online Applications (IMM5713)(http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM5713E.PDF)Application for Visitor Visa (Temporary Resident Visa) Made Outside of Canada(IMM5257) (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM5257E.PDF)#Passport or travel document #Digital Photo #General Education and Employment Form #FeesFeesApplication Quantity Price (CAD) per unit Total (CAD)Visitor (includes SE, ME and EXT) 2 $100 $200The fee shown is an estimate based on the fees in effect on the day that this Personal Checklist Code isissued. The actual fees to be paid will be calculated on the date of submission.Total Price (CAD) $200Step 5:Register / log in to submit your online application.To apply online, you'll need an electronic "key" for secure access.Register to get a key (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/eservices/mycic.asp) if you are a new user. Register here:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/e-services/mycic.asp(http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/e-services/mycic.asp)Login to your account (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/eservices/mycic.asp) if you are a returning user. Login here:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/e-services/mycic.asp(http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/e-services/mycic.asp)Step 6:When you are logged in to your electronic credential (known asyour key), you'll be automatically directed to CIC's online servicescalled MyCIC.You will be prompted to register enrol for an account if you are afirst time user. Returning users will be directed straight to theiraccount.All documents must be provided in either English or French. If you have a document inanother language, please provide a copy of the document in the original language with anEnglish or French translation.Family Information (IMM5645)(http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM5645E.PDF)Once you are logged into MyCIC, then select "Visitor visa, studyand/or work permit" to continue.Step 7:Enter your personal checklist codeAfter you select "Visitor visa, study and/or work permit", you will beasked to enter your personal checklist code.A personal checklist code is located at the top of this personalchecklist and looks like this: QK4350881372.Step 8:Once you have entered your personal checklist code, you will beguided through the following steps to complete your application:Upload your documentsReview your applicationPay with a credit cardSubmit your applicationFStep 9:After you submit your payment, you will see a page that confirmsthat your application has been submitted. It will have moreinformation on next steps. Shortly after you submit, you will alsoreceive a confirmation message in your MyCIC account.Important: This information is for reference only and no immigration decision will be made based onyour answers. If you choose to apply, your application will be considered by an immigration officer inaccordance with the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, without regard to any outcome you attainthrough this questionnaire. Read full notice (/eapp/exit.do?logout=true&uri=http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/notices.asp)

cherry001 说:正在搜索给兄弟姐妹办旅游签证,麻烦lz能否说得详细一些,比如具体的材料清单,网申过程有什么要注意的。点击展开...refer to: http://forum.iask.ca/threads/经验分享-网签姐姐一家被拒,一周后重递二签获批十年.724273/

cherry001 说:正在搜索给兄弟姐妹办旅游签证,麻烦lz能否说得详细一些,比如具体的材料清单,网申过程有什么要注意的。点击展开...最近签证官疯了,大放水, 疯狂的approval啊,很多人一天就批。祝好运。1. 7月二十多号递交姐姐一家三口探亲,8月3号受到补护信,上周拿到护照给了10年多次往返。http://forum.iask.ca/threads/经验分享-网签姐姐一家被拒,一周后重递二签获批十年.724273/最近的签证官太给力了,神速啊! 居然1天就获批。2. 8月12下午网递哥哥一家,存款证明每人5万,本来不报希望。结果昨天,8月14号收到 补护照信,我惊呆了。1天就处理完了啊,神速啊。谁说 什么中国抓了加拿大2个间谍啊,政治环境不好,现在要延长审批时间什么的,都是误传吧。http://forum.iask.ca/threads/神速啊!继网申姐家通过后,哥嫂探亲白本首签居然1天就获批.724529/

选Visit,就不用提供写旅游计划,不用提供Itinery, Travel吗?还有机票旅店信息这时是必须的吗?

cherry001 说:选Visit,就不用提供写旅游计划,不用提供Itinery, Travel吗?还有机票旅店信息这时是必须的吗?点击展开...选Visit,必须提供旅游计划必须提供Itinery Travel, 不过我是用purpose of travel 代替的。也就是说我一个pdf文件交了 2个地方。机票旅店信息有最好,没有也可以。


lucy 你好 你姐姐姐夫他们 入境的时候给了几个月的停留时间 有半年吗? 另外,申请时写的所有费用都他们自付吗,我想写我们这边提供食宿但又怕无事生非,毕竟老外的想法和咱们不一样。谢谢啦

visitor入境后 按缺省值是半年停留期。如果费用自付,资金够的话, 没有问题的。如果加上 invitor 提供费用,就要出示自己的收入和加拿大存款证明, 这个其实有利于visa通过。

Lucy7777 说:visitor入境后 按缺省值是半年停留期。如果费用自付,资金够的话, 没有问题的。 如果加上 invitor 提供费用,就要出示自己的收入和加拿大存款证明, 这个其实有利于visa通过。点击展开... 太感谢了~~

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