加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民分享给父母办来加“旅游”及“探亲”签证的资料+模板信


先要谢谢老妈来,帮我干了好多活,让我能有空在这里写写我一共给我妈妈办了两次加拿大签证,一次是单次旅游,一次是多次探亲,都是顺理通过。我们是去年登陆的时候带着老妈一起来的,因为是首次登陆,这边没人,所以就办的旅游。当时是打了一个擦边球,就说我们来是登陆+旅游,老妈是旅游,行程之后回国,签证在北京交的,2天就签下来了。还没登陆的也推荐考虑此种方法哈~~此次文件提供的主要是:1)母亲退休证 + 退休工资的存折2)母亲银行存款证明,10-15万 (当时想的是加一年福利线是CAD40K,10万人民币吃喝住也够3-4个月了吧,所以就给了这个数的存款证明)3)父母房产证4)给签证官的信,含**情况介绍(我们是移民首次登陆,和母亲同行旅游)以及**详细的行程计划,日期+线路。(我参考了一些旅游书和VIA的火车网站,做了一个横穿加拿大的宏伟旅行线O(∩_∩)O~这也是我的梦想之旅!主要是为了凑够天数一个月,从多伦多到大瀑布,到魁省看鲸鱼,渥太华,蒙特利尔,向西到班夫,到温哥华,坐火车,时间都是按照VIA的定的,看着很靠谱!还有**阐明我妈妈的亲属关系,我祖母和父亲都在中国,结论是她一定会回去。5)重要!让机票代理给出个行程单,证明你来去行程,能如期归国。注意,这个文件在加拿大入关时也很重要!到时候就用机票行程单。第一次我们有回程机票,海关直接就没给盖离境日期,也就是说如果我们愿意,旅游能玩6个月,哈哈!6)亲属关系证明(独生子女证或户口本)因签证类型不同所需提供的资料不同,详细资料链接请参考:http://www.vfs-canada.com.cn/chinese/applicationforms.aspx

爱家❤爱生活❤爱自己 超赞 赏 反馈:麦麦子枫子, Dana Li, 枫叶红棉 和 3 其他人 时光爱语 0$(VIP 0) 852013-06-06#2 回复: 分享给父母办来加“旅游”及“探亲”签证的资料+模板信第二次是办的多次往返探亲!因为母亲是第二次来,使馆没有要求提供邀请信,只需要申请人阐述行程目的及计划就好,但我还是双重保险准备了,结果收材料的都没让往里递,先放一些文件供大家参考哈邀请信:Feb.18th , 2013Canadian EmbassyBeijingDear Visa Officer,We, XXX(passport no.G) and XXX (passport no. G) are permanent residents of Canada, residing at 地址. We would like to invite XXX (passport no.G), to visit us in Canada for around 5 months, starting from early 月份 to 月份 2013.The purpose of this visit is social as well as tourism with in Canada. During her visit, she will stay with us at the above address. 申请人名字 will be responsible for all expenses occurred during her trip to Canada, and in the mean time, we would be grateful to take full financial responsibility of her stay too.子女 is the only child of 申请人(我是独生子女,拿来说事儿O(∩_∩)O~). I(指我先生) and my wife kept a very close relationship with my mother-in-law. Before we came to Canada, we went back to her home everyday for dinner and spent every weekend with her. And besides, my son, 名字, who is staying with us in Toronto now, was grown up in his grandma’s home and lived with her from the first day he came to the world.Our life in Toronto is happy and stable now. I got a job as permanent employee with satisfying income 日期; my wife made a lot of new friends and is enjoying her housewife life here; my son goes to kindergarten everyday with fun. Everything is here nice and enjoyable; just we all miss her very much and hope she can come to Toronto to visit us again.We will also guarantee that she will leave Canada before the expiration of her authorized stay. Please kindly grant her Temporary Resident Visa.Please do not hesitate to contact us via telephone or email if there are any further questions.Sincerely yours,申请人名字

爱家❤爱生活❤爱自己 超赞 赏 时光爱语 0$(VIP 0) 852013-06-06#3 回复: 分享给父母办来加“旅游”及“探亲”签证的资料+模板信我母亲写给使馆的信,行程说明:日期Canadian EmbassyBeijingDear Visa Officer,I,申请人姓名 (passport no.) would like to apply for a multiple entries visa to visit my daughter and her family in Toronto.My daughter, 姓名 (passport no.), who lives in Toronto now as a permanent resident, is the only child of mine. She kept a very close relationship with me and lived with me till she got married. Even after she moved out to stay with her husband, they went back to my home everyday for dinner and spent every weekend with me. And besides, my grandson was grown up in my home and lived with me from the first day he came to the world. We haven’t seen each other for a very long time since my last visit to Toronto in 日期. I always teach my daughter to be strong and confident in front of the difficulties. But now I feel so weak because of missing them. I would be very grateful if I could visit Toronto again to see them!The reason why I would like to apply for a multiple entries visa is that 1) my husband is in China, I can’t stay long in Toronto, so I would like to visit them periodically; 2) my mom, who is 年龄 years old, is not in good health condition(这是我家实情,可以意会,并酌情调整). In case of some unexpected conditions, she needs my attendance in China too. In this case, I plan to stay with my daughter from April, and then go back to China no later than 日期. I hope that I could accompany my grandson together on his first day to elementary school!After I went back to China in last 日期, I can’t stop missing my daughter and my grandson, missing them even more than I was expected! On the other hand, I heard a lot of good news from them, which made me feel very happy for them. My son-in-law found a new job in last October as a permanent employee. My grandson entered a kindergarten with a very good reputation among the parents. My daughter is enjoying her housewife life now and makes a lot of Canadian friends. Their life is quite stable now and they said they love the diversified city, Toronto. They would like to invite me to share the happiness with them as well as to visit more beautiful places in Canada.Spring Festival is coming. It’s Chinese New Year and also a traditional holiday for family gathering. I am really expecting to see my daughter and her family right after the holiday.I will be responsible for all expenses occurred during my trip to Canada.Below my daughter’s contact information in Canada is for your reference:Thank you for your understanding and your time! Sincerely yours,申请人签名本着实情+渲染的目的,可以结合一些节日,比如新年~~春节~~国庆日~~感恩节~~生日~~等再烘托一把气氛

爱家❤爱生活❤爱自己 超赞 赏 反馈:roisin 时光爱语 0$(VIP 0) 852013-06-06#4 回复: 分享给父母办来加“旅游”及“探亲”签证的资料+模板信准备一份文件清单,自己和签证处的人用着都方便我这一份是有过访加记录的申请的清单,请大家酌情参考,一定以使馆的为准!Temporary Resident Visa Application Document ChecklistSection A: VFS required documents (For clients who have previously obtained a Visa and have travelled to Canada in the past five years)1.IMM 5257 5257签证申请表2.IMM 5645 5645 家庭信息表3.Two identical photos 两张近照4.Valid passport 有效护照5.Copy of national identity document 身份证复印件(正反面)6. A statement explaining XXX’s current purpose of travel to Canada. 此次申请访加目的的说明Section B: Other supporting Documents7.Invitation letter from daughter & son-in-law 致XXX的邀请信8.Xianghui LI’s Certificates of Deposits XXX存款证明9.Proof of relationship with the inviter in Canada (copy of birth certificate & copy of marriage certificate,) 亲属关系证明 (女儿出生证及申请人结婚证)10.Copy of daughter & son-in-law’s Permanent Resident Card 女儿及女婿枫叶卡复印件(正反面)11. Son-in-law’s employment letters showing salary 显示收入的雇佣证明信12. Son-in-law’s Pay stubs 工资单13. Daughter & son-in-law’s Banks statements 加拿大银行对账单14.List showing the number of people in inviter’s household. 邀请人居所内人员详单及证件号码15.Photos took in prior visit in Canada 与女儿的旅加照片16. Photos with mother& husband in China与在中国的母亲&丈夫的照片17. 房产证原件祝各位爸爸妈妈们都能顺利通过签证,家人团聚!

爱家❤爱生活❤爱自己 超赞 赏 时光爱语 0$(VIP 0) 852013-06-06#5 回复: 分享给父母办来加“旅游”及“探亲”签证的资料+模板信稍后再贴老妈独自进入加拿大海关时,写给海关官员的信。

爱家❤爱生活❤爱自己 超赞 赏 若宇 0$(VIP 0) 1242013-06-06#7 回复: 分享给父母办来加“旅游”及“探亲”签证的资料+模板信好贴

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回复: 分享给父母办来加“旅游”及“探亲”签证的资料+模板信谢谢楼主

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回复: 分享给父母办来加“旅游”及“探亲”签证的资料+模板信谢谢分享

Enjoy each and every day! 超赞 赏 时光爱语 0$(VIP 0) 852013-06-06#13 回复: 分享给父母办来加“旅游”及“探亲”签证的资料+模板信加拿大入关时因为父母多有语言问题,所以给妈妈特意写了一封给海关官员的信,这一封是第一次持旅游签证时用的:意外的发现了当时写的行程,长达一个月的旅程呀,也请玩过的给些建议,这个真是我的梦想之旅呢,有点跑题日期Dear Customs Officer:My name is XXX, passport number XXX and I am a visitor from P.R. China. I don’t know English at all, so I have to show this letter.This is the first time I travel to Canada. I will have a sightseeing tour together with my daughter, 名字, passport number XXX in Canada from 日期 to 日期 , 2012. Below draft tour schedule is for your reference:Jul. 21-22 Toronto SightseeingJul. 22-23 Toronto to Ottawa& Ottawa SightseeingJul. 24 Ottawa to QuebecJul. 24- 30 Montreal, Quebec City, Perce & Whale WatchingJul. 30 Quebec to VancouverJul. 31- Aug.4 Vancouver, Whistler, Victoria & Vancouver island sightseeingAug.5 Vancouver to Jasper by VIA trainAug.5- 11 Jasper National Park, Banff National Park, Icefield ParkwayAug.11- 14 Jasper to Toronto by VIA trainAug.15- 18 Toronto & Niagara Fall sightseeingAug.19 Toronto to Beijing, ChinaAfter the sightseeing tour, I will go back to China. My daughter XXX will support all the expenses occurred during this trip.Toronto contact information:Mobile: Address: 家庭旅馆的If you have any further questions, could you please introduce me to an interpreter for help? Or call 电话号码 for more details.Thank you very much and have a great day!Best Regards,

爱家❤爱生活❤爱自己 超赞 赏 倩 倩倩 0$(VIP 0) 2382013-06-06#14 回复: 分享给父母办来加“旅游”及“探亲”签证的资料+模板信谢谢分享:))

超赞 赏 J jerrica 0$(VIP 0) 552013-06-06#15 回复: 分享给父母办来加“旅游”及“探亲”签证的资料+模板信thanks for sharing

回复: 分享给父母办来加“旅游”及“探亲”签证的资料+模板信实用贴 MARK!

时间混够,就成了老移民 超赞 赏 lfangzhou 0$(VIP 0) 4,2682013-06-06#17 回复: 分享给父母办来加“旅游”及“探亲”签证的资料+模板信mark

回复: 分享给父母办来加“旅游”及“探亲”签证的资料+模板信谢谢分享

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