加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民网申超签,神速寄护照,但是同时有一封信,大家帮看下
如题。我3月7日网申超签,体检提前完成的,9号下午收到寄护照信,同时还收到一封correspondence letter. 打开后是一个类似表格的东西让签字。大概内容如下,请大家帮看看Medical surveillance undertaking engagementPart A to be completed by processing officer末尾处需要声明并签字,声明内容是I understand that provincial/territorial health authorities in Canada may wish to monitor my health. I agree to them doing so. I understand my landing in Canada is conditional upon my reporting to a provincial/territorial health clinic within days of my admission to Canada as a permanent resident. I shall report any changes in residence forthwith to Canada Immigration and the appropriate provincial/ territorial authorities.Signature of applicant................Part B to be completed by secondary examination officer at port of entry..........我之前成功办过母亲的超级签证,上一次收到寄护照信时并没有收到这个。所以很纳闷。这封信签字之后,是入境时带着入关用呢,还是随护照一起寄北京用呢?这封信是不是2016年新增加的?有人遇到过吗?
selinalovetony 说:如题。我3月7日网申超签,体检提前完成的,9号下午收到寄护照信,同时还收到一封correspondence letter. 打开后是一个类似表格的东西让签字。大概内容如下,请大家帮看看Medical surveillance undertaking engagementPart A to be completed by processing officer末尾处需要声明并签字,声明内容是I understand that provincial/territorial health authorities in Canada may wish to monitor my health. I agree to them doing so. I understand my landing in Canada is conditional upon my reporting to a provincial/territorial health clinic within days of my admission to Canada as a permanent resident. I shall report any changes in residence forthwith to Canada Immigration and the appropriate provincial/ territorial authorities.Signature of applicant................Part B to be completed by secondary examination officer at port of entry..........我之前成功办过母亲的超级签证,上一次收到寄护照信时并没有收到这个。所以很纳闷。这封信签字之后,是入境时带着入关用呢,还是随护照一起寄北京用呢?这封信是不是2016年新增加的?有人遇到过吗?点击展开...cic 给你的信是寄到了你家里还是你从mycic 中看到的?从你的口气中看像是收到的纸质的信, 所以想确认一下。
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