加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民弟弟和侄女的签证被拒,谁给分析下原因
没申请全家的,以为这样通过率高点,purpose还写的探亲,悔死了。选了弟弟有full custody, 因为懒得再弄一个文件。是不是全家一起申请反倒好申请一些呢。You have not satisfied me that you would leave Canada at the end of your stay as a temporaryresident. In reaching this decision, I considered several factors, including:**travel historyimmigration status in country of residence**Family ties in Canada and in country of residenceLength of proposed stay in Canada**Purpose of visitEmployment prospects in country of residenceCurrent employment situationPersonal assets and financial statusHaving a legitimate business purpose in Canadaany history of contravening the conditions of admission on a previous stay in Canada.I
如果弟弟填的married, 但是又写的full custody, 说不通喔
enrry 说:没申请全家的,以为这样通过率高点,purpose还写的探亲,悔死了。选了弟弟有full custody, 因为懒得再弄一个文件。是不是全家一起申请反倒好申请一些呢。You have not satisfied me that you would leave Canada at the end of your stay as a temporaryresident. In reaching this decision, I considered several factors, including:**travel historyimmigration status in country of residence**Family ties in Canada and in country of residenceLength of proposed stay in Canada**Purpose of visitEmployment prospects in country of residenceCurrent employment situationPersonal assets and financial statusHaving a legitimate business purpose in Canadaany history of contravening the conditions of admission on a previous stay in Canada.I点击展开...最近好像这种兄弟姐妹一个人带孩子来的很少有通过的。请问你准备多少存款证明?有无房产?弟弟在国内一线城市吗?有没有也提供弟妹的收入情况?弟弟收入如何?我第一次也是和你一样,我姐姐带孩子,也是被拒了。现在我又申请了一次,20天了,还在等。我这次提交了姐姐姐夫两个人工作证明,姐夫也一起申请了,存款不到10万。。以及解释信写了七八百字,还有他们和国内亲戚的照片,工作以及参加志愿者等照片。不知道这次是不是可以,如果还不行的话,那只能说签证官太没有良心了。希望这次能够遇到一个有良心的签证官。。。
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