加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民超级签证都两个多月了还没消息,咋办啊?
4月19日递交的,第二天就要求体检4月28日体检结束到现在7月1日了还没消息咋办啊?网上一直是 we need your medical information我是用爸爸的本人申请的网申,没有第三人。所以也不能电话查询,谁能帮帮我啊! 日夜期盼爸爸能来啊!都等了两个月了。论坛里其他人提前体检一个星期就下来了。那我可以再重新申请一遍吗? 怎么发催签信呢?
NiuJun 说:1)用这个链接,网上询问:https://secure.cic.gc.ca/enquiries-...-eng.aspx?_ga=1.60756527.343624913.1451916908Case Specific EnquiryYou may use this form if:You have submitted an application.Your application has exceeded normal processing times. We will not respond if your application is within normal processing times.2)这个页面下方有Upload your documents 选项,建议您把父亲的体检回执上传,这样会对您的询问有帮助。点击展开...太感谢了,我已经把爸爸的体检回执上传了。真不知道还有这种表,但是几乎查不到超级签证的Normal proccesing time.我这么写的,I submitted my super visa online on April 19th,application (V308746755) .I did my medical check on April 25th and the clinic said the result have been mailed to the embassy .Now it's been more than 8 weeks I just hope to get my visa ASAP as my grant child is almost 100 days I really eager to see him so much. Would you kindly check my visa processing state and reply me.I attached my medical receipt ,really appreciate your great help and happy Canada's national day! 再次感谢您!
喜欢走路 说:太感谢了,我已经把爸爸的体检回执上传了。真不知道还有这种表,但是几乎查不到超级签证的Normal proccesing time.我这么写的,I submitted my super visa online on April 19th,application (V308746755) .I did my medical check on April 25th and the clinic said the result have been mailed to the embassy .Now it's been more than 8 weeks I just hope to get my visa ASAP as my grant child is almost 100 days I really eager to see him so much. Would you kindly check my visa processing state and reply me.I attached my medical receipt ,really appreciate your great help and happy Canada's national day!再次感谢您!点击展开...如果有加项检查,结果迟2、3周出来,这是我家人体检的经历,希望有帮助
lindanew 说:如果有加项检查,结果迟2、3周出来,这是我家人体检的经历,希望有帮助点击展开...就是说会被要求再次体检吗?可是都没有任何消息。感谢哦。加项检查一般也都会过的吧。
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