加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民工作签证 - 關於Dual Certificate畢業後工簽申請
想詢問目前想就讀公立學院的2 years (5 terms) (16個月) Dual Certificate Full-time但卻有人說Certificate不容易申請畢業後工簽(申請機率低)不知道確實情況是這樣嗎??對方告知最好是讀diploma跟degree較好但明明看畢業工簽省認定裡面有提到Certificate1) a degree, diploma or certificate from an eligible post-secondary institution in CanadaYou must submit your registration to the BC PNP within two years of the date shown on your officialtranscript indicating that you have completed all requirements of the degree or diploma program.還請各位說說自己的經驗 感謝
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