加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民【注意】只授权三类人做有偿移民顾问(代理)。否则CIC一律拒收。
The only representatives who may charge a fee to represent or advise you on immigration and refugee matters with the Government of Canada are:1.lawyers who are members in good standing of a Canadian provincial or territorial law society 律师2.Immigration consultants who are members in good standing of the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants, and CSIC移民顾问(注意只是CSIC协会的,不是其他协会)3.notaries who are members in good standing of the Chambre des notaires du Québec (Chambre des notaires du Québec 的协会的公证人)The Government of Canada will not deal with non-authorized representatives who charge a fee for their service.来自CIC网站,以下参考链接:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/representative/rep-who.asp大家找移民顾问的时候一定要问清楚,不要上当受骗,依个人经历,加拿大本地依然有很多不符合这个规定的公司,国内就更多了。大部分公司都是只有1个或者2个有资质的人最后签个字,有的公司甚至没有。
回复: 注意只授权三类人做有偿移民顾问(代理)。否则CIC一律拒收。自己顶吧……
回复: 注意只授权三类人做有偿移民顾问(代理)。否则CIC一律拒收。帮你顶一下。也后怕一下
回复: 注意只授权三类人做有偿移民顾问(代理)。否则CIC一律拒收。偶公司现在开始换外籍律师代理了省的还要受csic的管理限制
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