加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 【中国日报】美国投资移民项目:拿钱来呀,中国投资者,要么。。。
EB-5 program: Treat or trick for Chinese investors美国投资移民项目:拿钱来呀,中国投资者,要么。。。 By Tan Yingzi China Daily Published:7/1/2010 中国时报 7月1日 WASHINGTON华盛顿 ― Brian Dickens, an administrator in Idaho’s Department of Commerce, is busy luring Chinese investors to his state through the EB-5 regional center pilot project in the United States. 谭白江,爱达荷州商务厅的一位官员,正在忙于通过美国投资移民计划(eb-5)吸引中国投资者到爱达荷州。 With US economy still relatively stagnant, local governments are seeking more foreign investment. One way they are doing so is the EB-5 (Employment Based Visa, Category 5) program, which some call the “green card for money” program. 美国经济依旧虚弱,地方政府正在努力吸引外国资金。其中的一个方式就是所谓的eb-5,也就是就业为基础的第五类签证计划,通俗地说就是“拿钱买绿卡”项目。 “The competition among the US EB-5 regional centers is strong,” Dickens, who is in charge of setting up Idaho’s regional centers, told China Daily. “美国的各个eb-5项目方为此竞争得很厉害”谭白江这样对中国日报讲。谭负责建立爱达荷州区域中心(注意:这点引述有问题 ) “Two years ago, there were only 19 EB-5 regional centers in the US and now we have more than 90 of them. And the number is increasing fast.” “两年前全美总共只有19个区域中心,但是现在有超过90个。而且数量还在快速增加”(注意:到7月6日为止,美国移民局网站上USCIS总共有批准的区域中心99个,这个表格最晚更新时间是6月24日。该表格每两周更新一次。这当中佛罗里达州有11个,加州26个,华盛顿州7个) The EB-5 program essentially makes it possible for foreigners to get permanent US residency in exchange for helping establish US businesses and creating jobs. Eb-5计划让外国人通过帮助在美国建立生意并产生就业来换取美国绿卡。 Under the program, foreign investors must finance commercial projects in the US by investing either $500,000 or $1 million and create at least 10 full-time jobs. They can set up a new commercial enterprise, invest in a troubled business or invest directly through the EB-5 regional center pilot program. 根据该项目,外国投资者或者投资50万美元,或者100万美元来产生至少10个全职就业机会。可以成立新公司,也可以帮助有问题的企业或者直接投资到区域移民中心项目中去。 All investors must undergo a background check, identify the source of their wealth and maintain the 10 full-time jobs they create. The investor, as well as the investor’s spouse and children, can obtain US citizenship after five years. 所有投资者必须经过背景调查,并且证明他们自称来源合法,并且投资可以产生10个就业机会。投资者及其配偶和子女(21岁以下未婚子女-孙路备注)可以在取得绿卡5年后申请加入美国国籍。 At least 3,000 temporary visas for foreign investors are available through the program. 至少每年为此保留的签证名额为3000个。 The regional centers offer a wide range of investment opportunities in various industries, including real estate, retail trade, agriculture, manufacturing, construction, technology, clean energy, professional services and the arts. 区域中心提供了各行各业的投资机会,包括房地产,零售业,农业,制造业,建筑业,技术,清洁能源,专业服务和艺术等。 California, which has the largest number of Chinese immigrants of any US state, has 26 EB-5 regional centers so far. 加州这个有最多中国移民的州迄今已经有26个区域中心。 Seemingly eager to catch up, landlocked, mountainous Idaho, which is home to only 1.5 million people, is setting up what will be its third regional center in less than half a year. The state’s regional centers mainly offer investment opportunities in mining and resort projects. 看上去非常迫切要赶上,拥有150多万人口的内陆的多山脉的爱达荷州半年内正在设立第三个区域中心。爱达荷州区域中心主要提供矿产开发类和度假村开发类的投资机会。 The Idaho state government regards China as one of its major potential markets for the program and has hired Chinese market specialists to help sell the state as an investment destination. 爱达荷州政府视中国为该州投资移民项目最主要的最有潜力的市场,并且雇用了中国市场专员来帮助推广该州的投资机会。 Dickens made his third trip to China, bringing along Idaho governor C.L. “Butch” Otter to promote the regional centers. 谭白江今年第三次到访中国的时候带来了爱达荷州长欧士杰(governor C.L. “Butch” Otter)来推广该州的区域中心。 Idaho launched its first regional center in December last year and the second in January. It has not had any success story yet out of the program. But the centers are still new and hopes are still high. 爱达荷州去年12月份发起第一个区域中心,今年1月发起第二个。由于刚刚开始,迄今为止还没有成功的先例。中心依旧很新,州里的希望也很高。 “It will happen soon,” said Dickens. “马上就会发生”谭白江这么讲。 Immigrating to the US is still a popular move among rich Chinese people, although it’s harder than migrating to Canada or Australia, other favored destinations, EB-5 program marketing expert Brian Su told China Daily. 移民到美国对中国人来说依旧很吸引人,尽管相对加拿大、澳洲或其他国家,美国移民相对较难(这是过去的情况 ? 孙路备注)。Eb-5专家Brian Su先生告诉中国日报。 The program kicked off in the late 1990s, loosely modeled on a successful initiative started more than 20 years ago in Canada to lure Hong Kong investors. Mainland investors became eligible only four or five years ago, Su said. 该计划1990年成立,当时简单参考加拿大20年前的成功吸引香港投资者。大陆的投资者仅在过去4~5年有资格办理该项目(这是个错误信息,可能的意思是仅从过去的4~5年前中国大陆的人开始有钱办理美国投资移民了 ? 孙路备注) “But China is the fastest growing EB-5 market,” said Su. “但是中国是成长最快的eb-5市场”苏先生说。 Last year, China surpassed South Korea to become the largest source of EB-5 participants, with 1,979 Chinese people getting visas through the program. South Koreans got about 900. 去年中国一举超越韩国成为最大的美国投资移民来源地,总共有1979个中国人获得该签证,而韩国仅有900个。 “The US is still a huge attraction to Chinese people and is always the first pick for the most capable investors,” said Su. “And the EB-5 program can be a fast track to a US green card.” “美国依旧对中国人来说有巨大吸引力,并且一直是所有投资者的首选”苏先生说“而eb-5项目是最快取得美国绿卡的方式”。 In major Chinese cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou, wealthy Chinese are often invited to glamorous EB-5 promotions events, where high-level state officials greet them. 在中国的主要城市,包括北京,上海,杭州,富裕的中国人被邀请参加迷人的eb-5推介活动, 那里高阶的官员在欢迎他们。 Most of the invitees to such events are entrepreneurs who start private companies or those who made their fortune from China’s real estate bubble. 多数被邀请的是私企的企业家或在中国房地产泡沫里挣到钱的人。 “They are not sophisticated investors,” said Dickens. “They are extremely conservative with lower risk tolerance than other foreign investors.” “他们一般不是复杂的投资人”,谭白江(Brian Dickens)说。“他们(的投资风格)都非常保守,与其他国家的投资人相比不想忍受很低的投资风险”。 Chinese investors often choose to invest in familiar industries, such as real estate and retail trade. 中国投资者常常选择他们熟悉的行业来投资,比如房地产或零售。 Potential investor’s main concern, aside from the security of the investment, is whether or not a project will be able to create the 10 jobs necessary to eventually get a green card, according to Sima Muroff, the managing partner of one of Idaho’s regional centers. 潜在投资者的主要担心,除了投资安全以外,是是否该项目能产生10个就业职位使得他们最终能拿到永久绿卡。司马慕(Sima Muroff),爱达荷州区域中心执行合伙人表示。 He said his center is the first to offer an insurance program designed to repay investors their original investment amount in case the projects do not generate enough profit to cover the original capital costs. 他表示,他的区域中心是第一个有第三方保险公司愿意提供担保,来最终使投资者拿回他们最初的50万美元投资款的项目,如果该项目执行过程中未能产生足够的50万美元的利润给每个投资者的话。 Even so, Su is cautious about promoting the program in China. 即使如此,苏先生也对此计划在中国的推广活动报审慎态度。 “It is a risky investment,” he said. “The number of regional centers is growing too fast and they can barely control the quality of the projects.” “那依旧是一个有风险的投资”他说。“区域中心的数量增长非常快,控制项目的质量很难。” Dickens agreed that only 20 percent of all the EB-5 investment projects in the US are compelling. 谭白江(Brian Dickens) 也同意在全美的所有区域中心项目里仅有20%左右的项目有吸引力。 Immigration lawyer Zhang Runan in Washington said she also hesitates to recommend EB-5 projects to her clients, most of whom are not serious business investors but just want a quick green card so their children can go to school in the US. 华盛顿的移民律师张汝南(音译)说她在对客户推荐项目时很犹豫,客户多数不是严肃的商业投资人,他们仅仅想快速取得绿卡以便他们的子女能上美国上学读书。 “It (EB-5) is a new thing in the US, so the whole market is not well regulated and contains a mix of good and bad projects,” Zhang told China Daily. “投资移民是一个新事物,整个市场还没有完全规范,项目有好有坏”张汝南告诉中国日报。 “Even on the government administration side, they are still trying to figure out how to coordinate with different departments, which means the processing the paperwork usually takes a really long time.” “即使在政府管理层面,他们也在试图弄清该如何协调不同部门,这意味着处理文件一般时间很长。” Zhang said one of her clients was involved in an EB-5 project in New York in which none of the investors received a green card. 张汝南说她的一个客户参与了一个纽约的投资移民eb-5项目,那个项目的投资者还没有一个取得绿卡。 “So investors need to be warned of the risk,” she said. “所以需要提醒投资者风险”她说。
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