加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - ***最新新闻*** 移民局终止了Victorville区域中心。这是移民局净化行业的第一个这类举动。
(Source: Daily Press) VICTORVILLE • The federal government has terminated Victorville’s foreign investor program, ending the city’s hopes to raise tens of millions of dollars for projects at Southern California Logistics Airport.It’s the first time U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has ever terminated an EB-5 program, agency spokeswoman Mariana Gitmore said by phone Tuesday. 看样子移民局对区域中心的监管会加强。这对投资者是好消息。当然这个事情和Victorville与XXX区域中心的恩怨是有关系滴。
回复: ***最新新闻*** 移民局终止了Victorville区域中心。这是移民局净化行业的第一个这类举动。XXX 的mm应该很高兴,呵呵这个中心经过三次折腾,早该结束了
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