加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民在新加坡生孩子小孩也可以变成新加坡人么?
如题。 在香港落地可以拿香港身份证,那新加坡呢?
回复: 在新加坡生孩子小孩也可以变成新加坡人么?新加坡孩子的身份是要随父母的。如果父母一方是新加坡公民,孩子出生在新加坡,那么孩子的身份会自动成为新加坡公民。如果孩子在境外出生,要申请才可以成为新加坡公民。If your child is born in Singapore after you have become a Singapore citizen, he/she will automatically become a Singapore citizen. If a child is born overseas, you have to apply Singapore citizenship for the child.
回复: 在新加坡生孩子小孩也可以变成新加坡人么?如果孩子在境外出生,对于申请公民的条件如下:An overseas-born minor (child) may be eligible for Singapore Citizenship by Descent under Article 122(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Singapore, if his/her parents meet any of the following conditions: Male Singapore citizen by Birth who has a lawful marriage at time of minor's birthMale Singapore citizen by Registration who has a lawful marriage at time of minor's birth and minor does not acquire citizenship of the country he was born by reason of his birth in that countryFemale Singapore citizen by Birth and minor born on or after 15 May 2004Female Singapore citizen by Registration and minor born on or after 15 May 2004. Minor shall not acquire citizenship of the country he was born by reason of his birth in that countryMale (who has a lawful marriage at time of minor's birth) or Female Singapore citizen by Descent has to declare their residence period in Singapore. The application can only be accepted if the parent fulfils the requirements stipulated in the Annex.
回复: 在新加坡生孩子小孩也可以变成新加坡人么?如题。 在香港落地可以拿香港身份证,那新加坡呢?点击展开... 如果父母都不是PR或者公民,孩子即使在新加坡出生也不能拿到新加坡的身份?
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