加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 移民中介的误导 (一)


常听到投资人说,中介说的,区域中心的项目,一个人拿了829批准,其他的人就都会拿829的批准。 听听一个移民律师的解释吧。 [Q] If there are 50 investors in a RC based project, and CSC approves I-829s for 20 investors, does this mean others will be approved? Not really. First, whether the job-creation requirement has been met depends on each I-829 case. Second, even if the job-creation requirement for all 50 I-829 petitions have been satisfied, the way CSC adjudication seems to work, each examiner makes his or her determination even where all relevant facts are the same; therefore, even though some examiners may have already approved I-829s in a particular EB-5 project based on the same facts, another examiner may decide 3 or 4 months later to issue RFE or deny the I-829. Although from a legal perspective, each petition stands on its own, logically or common sense wise, as many of our users point out, this makes absolutely no sense.This may be the case because CSC does not appear to have any data system to track multiple I-526 or I-829 petitions filed for one EB-5 project, or because each examiner may have a different understanding of the preponderance of evidence standard or sometimes different understanding of the controlling EB-5 law. Therefore, even if it appears that CSC has been approving multiple I-829s for the same project for the past 6 months, this does not guarantee future I-829s will be approved, even if the job-creation has been met. Many of our users have aptly noted that this points out the issue of inconsistency in adjudication at CSC, but currently, there appears to be nothing we can do except complain. http://eb-5center.com/node/897

回复: 移民中介的误导 (一)常听到投资人说,中介说的,区域中心的项目,一个人拿了829批准,其他的人就都会拿829的批准。 听听一个移民律师的解释吧。 [Q] If there are 50 investors in a RC based project, and CSC approves I-829s for 20 investors, does this mean others will be approved? Not really. First, whether the job-creation requirement has been met depends on each I-829 case. Second, even if the job-creation requirement for all 50 I-829 petitions have been satisfied, the way CSC adjudication seems to work, each examiner makes his or her determination even where all relevant facts are the same; therefore, even though some examiners may have already approved I-829s in a particular EB-5 project based on the same facts, another examiner may decide 3 or 4 months later to issue RFE or deny the I-829. Although from a legal perspective, each petition stands on its own, logically or common sense wise, as many of our users point out, this makes absolutely no sense.This may be the case because CSC does not appear to have any data system to track multiple I-526 or I-829 petitions filed for one EB-5 project, or because each examiner may have a different understanding of the preponderance of evidence standard or sometimes different understanding of the controlling EB-5 law. Therefore, even if it appears that CSC has been approving multiple I-829s for the same project for the past 6 months, this does not guarantee future I-829s will be approved, even if the job-creation has been met. Many of our users have aptly noted that this points out the issue of inconsistency in adjudication at CSC, but currently, there appears to be nothing we can do except complain. http://eb-5center.com/node/897点击展开... Young Noh的文章还是值得大家自学的。他的博客形式完全采用回答问题的形式,浅显易懂。Young Noh是现任AILA 的EB-5委员会的10个成员里面除Linda Lau之外的唯一一位亚裔律师(如果我的信息准确的话)。可惜他只想接能用英文交流的投资者客户。他对EB-5 Pilot Program在2012年是否能够延期,如何延期有他很特别但很有见地的看法。

回复: 移民中介的误导 (一)我就听到过移民中介这么说的,还没我专业,说一个项目一个人批了I-829其他人都能批准,太业余了

回复: 移民中介的误导 (一)看看,希望有二三四五。。。

回复: 移民中介的误导 (一)楼主的问法,本身就有问题。 其他人能不能过I-829,主要看这个项目的就业模式是哪种?需不需要以底层的直接就业人数为计算依据。 登陆的时间也不同,这个时间上的不同也会有影响。

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关我就听到过移民中介这么说的,还没我专业,说一个项目一个人批了I-829其他人都能批准,太业余了点击展开... 对于花费型的RIMS II是这样的,要过全过!

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关对于花费型的RIMS II是这样的,要过全过!点击展开... 请拿出一个花费型项目,829全过的。

回复: 移民中介的误导 (一)CMB


回复: 移民中介的误导 (一)CMB点击展开... 我以为是你们的项目的呢 CMB的哪一期? 招了多少人? 多少个已经拿了829绿卡。 CMB的第一个829批准好象是今年年初的事。

回复: 移民中介的误导 (一)http://www.cmbeb5visa.com/news.aspx?deid=21 CMB Regional Center now has I-829 approval of our Investment Structure. The approvals are as deep as our third project, CMB Infrastructure Investment Group I. This is the very first I-829 approval of any Regional Center based solely on indirect job creation not using any direct jobs. The number of operating Regional Centers that can say they have an I-829 is extremely small. CMB investments are all structured exactly the same. All investors from the very first to our latest (now approaching 400 investors) can be assured CMB Investment Structures have received USCIS approval every step of the way. The greatest challenge for every potential EB-5 investor is knowing the job creation will occur and the USCIS will accept methodology used to prove those jobs. CMB has met both challenges and prospective and current investors now know CMB will live up to it's obligations of creating and proving job creation​

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关http://www.cmbeb5visa.com/news.aspx?deid=21 CMB Regional Center now has I-829 approval of our Investment Structure. The approvals are as deep as our third project, CMB Infrastructure Investment Group I. This is the very first I-829 approval of any Regional Center based solely on indirect job creation not using any direct jobs. The number of operating Regional Centers that can say they have an I-829 is extremely small. CMB investments are all structured exactly the same. All investors from the very first to our latest (now approaching 400 investors) can be assured CMB Investment Structures have received USCIS approval every step of the way. The greatest challenge for every potential EB-5 investor is knowing the job creation will occur and the USCIS will accept methodology used to prove those jobs. CMB has met both challenges and prospective and current investors now know CMB will live up to it's obligations of creating and proving job creation​点击展开... Are you just kidding me? Only one I-829 so far! And you thought you earned a bragging right? 间接就业不是不能通过829。只是项目的829不一定能全部通过。要看多少EB-5的投资是否在TEA内,这是项目方两年的操作问题,和靠直接就业计算的项目一样有风险。

回复: 移民中介的误导 (一)花费型的项目比直接就业型的项目的确好操作一点,但并不是没有风险了。 就象直接就业的风险是人不定按计划雇够,花费型的风险是移民局未必承认花费的对象符合规定。哪些公司可以承接EB-5的工程,哪些不能,移民局有自己的一定之规。 这个问题随着今明两年大批的花费型的829出炉而见分晓。也别忘这个移民律师的评论!

回复: 移民中介的误导 (一)浮上来!

回复: 移民中介的误导 (一)你在13楼已经口吐白沫了,咎由自取。请你以后不要拿这种只言片语而断章取义地攻击我们守法中介。你这么想说话,不如出一本书,书名我替你想好了,叫《为什么移民中介总是错的?》,估计一定能吸引眼球。哈 哈 哈。 这个话题显然是有上下文的,在双方都知道这是第三代就业模型,LZ也不能否认这种项目的存在,即以每投入100万美元创造多少就业人数来计算,这种情形下,通常就是I-829要过全过,要不过全不过。

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关 超赞 赏 Z zoema 0$(VIP 0) 2,6062011-08-09#16 回复: 移民中介的误导 (一)Top 10 Lessons Experience Has Taught Me about EB-5sJuly 26th, 2011 by H. Ronald Klasko 5. An investor is best advised not to be the first or last investor in a project.the first investor may find to his chagrin that the project does not attract sufficient investors to be fully funded. The last investor might discover that insufficient jobs were created, and all of the created jobs were allocated to the earlier investors. 这里说的就业不只指直接就业导出的间接和虚拟就业。花费项目上,如果移民局认定一部分资金花费方向不符合TEA的要求,不承认其产生的就业,投资人就要承担就业人数不够的风险。

回复: 移民中介的误导 (一)你在13楼已经口吐白沫了,咎由自取。请你以后不要拿这种只言片语而断章取义地攻击我们守法中介。你这么想说话,不如出一本书,书名我替你想好了,叫《为什么移民中介总是错的?》,估计一定能吸引眼球。哈 哈 哈。 这个话题显然是有上下文的,在双方都知道这是第三代就业模型,LZ也不能否认这种项目的存在,即以每投入100万美元创造多少就业人数来计算,这种情形下,通常就是I-829要过全过,要不过全不过。点击展开... 如果移民局认定一部分资金的投资方向不符合移民规定,这部分资金产生的就业会不备认可。 对于花费性的项目,移民局要项目方详细列出资金的投入方向和时间表,象SONY 项目补材料的要求一样,供移民局在829阶段核查。如果有偏差,就业就有风险,有些投资人可以过,有些未必能过。如果全部按商业计划执行了,是的,一个投资人过,其他的投资人也会过。 回复: 近期EB-5的补料信内容和分析 - troyD, SONY(电影,电视制作)2,USCIS较笼统的要求提供项目方详细的商业计划书:包括EB-5资金投入的具体方向及时间表;SONY公司拍摄电影电视的具体目标影片,拍摄的预算及相应的时间表. 以证明项目经营和建立工作岗位之间的联系

回复: 移民中介的误导 (一)楼上的又吐了一地!真恶心!这是她转换话题的一贯伎俩,标志性词语是“如果”。(附:SONY项目出问题不是在I-829,而是在I-526) 还是回到我们谈论的主题。花费型项目的I-829有一个出来了,后面的真的都可以出来。

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关 超赞 赏 Z zoema 0$(VIP 0) 2,6062011-08-09#19 回复: 移民中介的误导 (一)SONY项目的问题虽然在526阶段被移民局质询,但涉及LIONGATE和华纳一期829去除条件的问题。如果这两个项目如有829被拒,就可以理解起原因了。 现在没有一个项目是整体829批准的,你就不要拖投资人陷阱了。 花费型可以做829绿卡,但不一定是100%,就象其他就业模型一样。 我不愿跟你这种没修养,没水平的人见识,但不得不说,你的做人真让人恶心。

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