加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - Top 10 Lessons Experience Has Taught Me about EB-5s


Top 10 Lessons Experience Has Taught Me about EB-5s July 26th, 2011 by H. Ronald Klasko 1. There is a difference between an approved regional center and an approved project.a regional center designation has absolutely nothing to do with whether any particular project within a regional center is a good project for EB-5 purposes. 2. Don’t just accept an I-526 or I-829 package prepared by a regional center.if the package prepared by the regional center raises questions or issues in the mind of the investor’s attorney, it may very well raise questions in the minds of USCIS. The issues should be resolved in advance of filing. 3. It’s all about the I-829.the I-526 EB-5 petition must be prepared with the I-829 condition removal application in mind. 4. Only 6 regional centers have I-829 approvals.this does not mean that the other regional centers have had their I-829 applications denied. A very large majority of regional centers have not been around long enough to reach the I-829 approval stage. 5. An investor is best advised not to be the first or last investor in a project.the first investor may find to his chagrin that the project does not attract sufficient investors to be fully funded. The last investor might discover that insufficient jobs were created, and all of the created jobs were allocated to the earlier investors. 6. It is critical for a regional center to have a more general and conservative business plan, rather than a specific, aggressive business plan.any change in a business plan might be considered a “material change.” The more specific the business plan, the more chance of a change. Also, a more conservative business plan may have more reachable targets. 7. The availability of a reduced $500,000 investment is not known until each investor’s I 526 petition is approved.USCIS regulations and interpretations are that the targeted employment area (TEA) issue is not decided until the time of investment. In the case of an investment put in escrow until the I-526 is approved, the date of investment is considered the date that the escrow is released following the approval. (看来我的解释也是错的,TEA不是按526申请拿到收据的时候,而是按526批准时。这就更难保证了,除非投资人的钱不进ESCROW,直接进入项目方。移民局够绝的了)。 8. An investor does not have to prove the lawful source of all of his or her money.an investor only has to prove the lawful source of $500,00 or $1,000,000, depending on the amount of the investment. 9. There is a difference between a direct job as defined by USCIS and a direct job as defined by an economist.USCIS defines a direct job as being a W-2 employee of the new commercial enterprise in which the investor invests. Economists define direct jobs as direct employees of the job creating enterprise or the construction company, as opposed to indirect or induced employment. 10. It is better to rely on indirect and induced jobs, rather than direct jobs.reliance on direct jobs could result in condition removal denial if there are less direct jobs than projected or if some of the employees can’t be proven to be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Relying on indirect or induced jobs, such as through an economic model that relies on expenditures, may result in the regional center having more control over proving the required facts for condition removal. http://blog.klaskolaw.com/2011/07/26/top-10-eb-5-lessons/

回复: Top 10 Lessons Experience Has Taught Me about EB-5s为什么都是50万刀的项目,而没有100万刀的项目? 这100万刀能否找外资银行贷款美元?抵押物能否是国内房产?若不行,能否是人民币5年期的定期存单?

回复: Top 10 Lessons Experience Has Taught Me about EB-5s为什么都是50万刀的项目,而没有100万刀的项目? 这100万刀能否找外资银行贷款美元?抵押物能否是国内房产?若不行,能否是人民币5年期的定期存单?点击展开... 可以做一个投资人100万投资的小项目。很多的地方是100万起先的,这种项目更好找。 应该在美国的银行可能不会以国内房产抵押贷款的。

回复: Top 10 Lessons Experience Has Taught Me about EB-5s我可以负责任地告诉大家,用国内房产抵押贷款做EB-5投资移民是可以的。定期存单的质押贷款也是可以的。 另外中国境内的执牌资银行,不管是内资还是外资的都可以办理国内房产的抵押贷款。

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关为什么都是50万刀的项目,而没有100万刀的项目? 这100万刀能否找外资银行贷款美元?抵押物能否是国内房产?若不行,能否是人民币5年期的定期存单?点击展开...国内存单可以贷款90%

回复: Top 10 Lessons Experience Has Taught Me about EB-5s没错,也有内存外贷的例子

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关Top 10 Lessons Experience Has Taught Me about EB-5s July 26th, 2011 by H. Ronald Klasko 1. There is a difference between an approved regional center and an approved project.a regional center designation has absolutely nothing to do with whether any particular project within a regional center is a good project for EB-5 purposes. - 就是说,即使是移民局批准的区域中心推出的项目,也未必符合EB-5规定,才造成象水厂的项目,整体被挂。 2. Don’t just accept an I-526 or I-829 package prepared by a regional center.if the package prepared by the regional center raises questions or issues in the mind of the investor’s attorney, it may very well raise questions in the minds of USCIS. The issues should be resolved in advance of filing. - 就是说,别用区域中心指定的移民律师,投资人自己另请律师,提自己检查所投的项目是否符合EB-5的规定,别听中介和区域中心的。 3. It’s all about the I-829.the I-526 EB-5 petition must be prepared with the I-829 condition removal application in mind. - 有经验的移民律师,会向项目方索要额外的资料,做I-526的申请象一个I-829的线路图,让移民局一目了然。 4. Only 6 regional centers have I-829 approvals.this does not mean that the other regional centers have had their I-829 applications denied. A very large majority of regional centers have not been around long enough to reach the I-829 approval stage. 今年很多区域中心会有项目有829申请,看看有那些项目是整体批准100%829通过,特别是花费型的。拭目以待! 5. An investor is best advised not to be the first or last investor in a project.the first investor may find to his chagrin that the project does not attract sufficient investors to be fully funded. The last investor might discover that insufficient jobs were created, and all of the created jobs were allocated to the earlier investors. 6. It is critical for a regional center to have a more general and conservative business plan, rather than a specific, aggressive business plan.any change in a business plan might be considered a “material change.” The more specific the business plan, the more chance of a change. Also, a more conservative business plan may have more reachable targets. 7. The availability of a reduced $500,000 investment is not known until each investor’s I 526 petition is approved.USCIS regulations and interpretations are that the targeted employment area (TEA) issue is not decided until the time of investment. In the case of an investment put in escrow until the I-526 is approved, the date of investment is considered the date that the escrow is released following the approval. -按这种说法的话,非农村的大型项目的TEA几乎是没有什么意义了。因为大型项目申请周期长,常常有要求补材料,一拖就很久,等投资人526申请下来的时候,就业数据又变了。 特别是现在的州政府发的鉴定信是根据前一年的就业数字,等投资人526批准的时候,相差快两年了,那个数据都失效了。 8. An investor does not have to prove the lawful source of all of his or her money.an investor only has to prove the lawful source of $500,00 or $1,000,000, depending on the amount of the investment. 9. There is a difference between a direct job as defined by USCIS and a direct job as defined by an economist.USCIS defines a direct job as being a W-2 employee of the new commercial enterprise in which the investor invests. Economists define direct jobs as direct employees of the job creating enterprise or the construction company, as opposed to indirect or induced employment. 10. It is better to rely on indirect and induced jobs, rather than direct jobs.reliance on direct jobs could result in condition removal denial if there are less direct jobs than projected or if some of the employees can’t be proven to be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Relying on indirect or induced jobs, such as through an economic model that relies on expenditures, may result in the regional center having more control over proving the required facts for condition removal. http://blog.klaskolaw.com/2011/07/26/top-10-eb-5-lessons/点击展开... 揭露中介的谎言,再顶一下

回复: Top 10 Lessons Experience Has Taught Me about EB-5sTop 10 Lessons Experience Has Taught Me about EB-5s July 26th, 2011 by H. Ronald Klasko 1. There is a difference between an approved regional center and an approved project.a regional center designation has absolutely nothing to do with whether any particular project within a regional center is a good project for EB-5 purposes. - 就是说,即使是移民局批准的区域中心推出的项目,也未必符合EB-5规定,才造成象水厂的项目,整体被挂。 2. Don’t just accept an I-526 or I-829 package prepared by a regional center.if the package prepared by the regional center raises questions or issues in the mind of the investor’s attorney, it may very well raise questions in the minds of USCIS. The issues should be resolved in advance of filing. - 就是说,别用区域中心指定的移民律师,投资人自己另请律师,替投资人检查所投的项目是否符合EB-5的规定,别听中介和区域中心的。 3. It’s all about the I-829.the I-526 EB-5 petition must be prepared with the I-829 condition removal application in mind. - 有经验的移民律师,会向项目方索要额外的资料,做I-526的申请象一个I-829的线路图,让移民局一目了然。 4. Only 6 regional centers have I-829 approvals.this does not mean that the other regional centers have had their I-829 applications denied. A very large majority of regional centers have not been around long enough to reach the I-829 approval stage. 今年很多区域中心会有项目有829申请,看看有那些项目是整体批准100%829通过,特别是花费型的。拭目以待! 5. An investor is best advised not to be the first or last investor in a project.the first investor may find to his chagrin that the project does not attract sufficient investors to be fully funded. The last investor might discover that insufficient jobs were created, and all of the created jobs were allocated to the earlier investors. - 花费型的项目也是如此。 7. The availability of a reduced $500,000 investment is not known until each investor’s I 526 petition is approved.USCIS regulations and interpretations are that the targeted employment area (TEA) issue is not decided until the time of investment. In the case of an investment put in escrow until the I-526 is approved, the date of investment is considered the date that the escrow is released following the approval. -按这种说法的话,非农村的大型项目的TEA鉴定书几乎是没有什么意义了。因为大型项目申请周期长,常常有要求补材料,一拖就很久,等投资人526申请下来的时候,就业数据又变了。 特别是现在的州政府发的鉴定信是根据前一年的就业数字,等投资人526批准的时候,相差快两年了,那个数据早就失效了。

回复: Top 10 Lessons Experience Has Taught Me about EB-5s这篇文章第一时间就看过,不过楼上的英文翻译是政治课老师教的

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关 超赞 赏 美 美新 0$(VIP 0) 1392011-08-10#10 回复: Top 10 Lessons Experience Has Taught Me about EB-5s学习了,谢谢!

回复: Top 10 Lessons Experience Has Taught Me about EB-5sTop 10 Lessons Experience Has Taught Me about EB-5s July 26th, 2011 by H. Ronald Klasko 7. The availability of a reduced $500,000 investment is not known until each investor’s I 526 petition is approved.USCIS regulations and interpretations are that the targeted employment area (TEA) issue is not decided until the time of investment. In the case of an investment put in escrow until the I-526 is approved, the date of investment is considered the date that the escrow is released following the approval. -按这种说法的话,非农村的大型项目的TEA鉴定书几乎是没有什么意义了。因为大型项目申请周期长,常常有要求补材料,一拖就很久,等投资人526申请下来的时候,就业数据又变了。 特别是现在的州政府发的鉴定信是根据前一年的就业数字,等投资人526批准的时候,相差快两年了,那个数据早就失效了。点击展开... 第七条 是错的,详见http://forum.iask.ca/showpost.php?p=7172593&postcount=2

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关第七条 是错的,详见 [URL="http://forum.iask.ca/showpost.php?p=7172593&postcount=2"]http://forum.iask.ca/showpost.php?p=7172593&postcount=2[/URL]点击展开... 根本不是一个论题!

回复: Top 10 Lessons Experience Has Taught Me about EB-5s到底是filing 还是 approved? 看清楚了吗? 你就无地自容吧

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