加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 移民中介的误导(三)


中介说,区域中心是移民局批准的,这个项目是没问题的。 投资人最好跟项目方要移民局的批准原件,对比项目的商业计划和批文,看是否投资人要投资的实际项目和移民局所批准的假设项目有什么相同和不同。 Regional Centers​ Once USCIS approves a proposal for Regional Center designation, the Regional Center does not​ have the flexibility to accept a project or offer investment options outside its original application​ area of operation. If the Regional Center wishes to pursue a project outside its original application​ area of operation, an amendment must be filed with USCIS. There is no requirement to include an​ exemplar I-526 document when filing an amendment for a Regional Center. We have not seen​ many of these yet, but we have issued a couple of amended Regional Center approvals. At this​ time, it is too soon to determine if having the exemplar documents along with the I-526 make iteasier to adjudicate the I-526.​ In some cases, USCIS may approve a proposal for Regional Center designation when an actual​ investment project does not yet exist. The approval is therefore based upon a hypothetical​ investment project. If this is the case, when the immigrant investor files Form I-526 Immigrant​ Petition by Immigrant Entrepreneur, an analysis will be done to determine if the actual business​ plan provided in support of the Form I-526 comports with the hypothetical business plan providedin support of the Regional Center application. ​ For example, a Regional Center may have a hypothetical plan to build assisted living facilities. Although the geographic location of these assisted living facilities has not been identified, the hypothetical business plan demonstrates the logistics and feasibility of building the facilities within ​the geographic area of the Regional Center. Since the business plan does not relate to an actual project, it is considered a hypothetical investment project.​

回复: 移民中介的误导(三)谢谢,你的引用又一次支持了我们的观点。 Exemplar中文翻译:样本例子、模范、原型、模型、标本、样本、范例 What is an "exemplar" project? It's akin to a model type project -- a model type of project hypothetical project. Actually, an "exemplar" project can be either a hypothetical or "actual, shovel-ready" project; and the current pre-approval process allows for the pre-approval of both types of projects via either "exemplar" pre-approval procedure or amendment pre-approval procedure. Therefore, the name "exemplar" does not indicate whether the underlying project is a model type of project or an actual project.

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关 超赞 赏 Z zoema 0$(VIP 0) 2,6062011-08-08#3 回复: 移民中介的误导(三)你太有点自恋了吧。 Top 10 Lessons Experience Has Taught Me about EB-5s July 26th, 2011 by H. Ronald Klasko 1. There is a difference between an approved regional center and an approved project. a regional center designation has absolutely nothing to do with whether any particular project within a regional center is a good project for EB-5 purposes.

回复: 移民中介的误导(三)What is an "exemplar" project? It's akin to a model type project -- a model type of project hypothetical project. Actually, an "exemplar" project can be either a hypothetical or "actual, shovel-ready" project; and the current pre-approval process allows for the pre-approval of both types of projects via either "exemplar" pre-approval procedure or amendment pre-approval procedure. Therefore, the name "exemplar" does not indicate whether the underlying project is a model type of project or an actual project.点击展开...[quoted from page 1 of Proposed Changes to USCIS's Processing of EB-5 Cases] Regional Centers submit I-924 applications in one of two varieties. First, “actual” applications present “shovel-ready” business projects that are sufficiently developed to support the immediate filing of actual I-526 petitions from participating investors. “Actual” applications are supported by specific business plans and economic analysis, the actual capital-investment structures and documentation for the investment offering, the anticipated regional economic impacts, and the Regional Center’s operating plan and structure. The review of the specific documentation to be provided in I-526 petitions for projects that can be started immediately after the approval of the I-924 application promotes efficiency and predictability within the EB-5 immigrant petitioning process as issues can be identified and resolved within the I-924 application prior to the filing of any I-526 petitions. Second, “exemplar” applications present feasible business projects that are not yet “shovel ready,” together with an exemplar I-526 petition, for a preliminary determination of EB-5 compliance. The “exemplar” process allows Regional Centers to seek approval of new, job-creating projects in principle before the business projects are fully developed to the point where participating investors can submit their I-526 petitions.​

回复: 移民中介的误导(三)不要书呆子气,有什么好争的,谁也没说exemplar project 就是 Shovel ready project啊 回去问问英文老师 "can be"是嘛意思。

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关Top 10 Lessons Experience Has Taught Me about EB-5s July 26th, 2011 by H. Ronald Klasko 1. There is a difference between an approved regional center and an approved project. a regional center designation has absolutely nothing to do with whether any particular project within a regional center is a good project for EB-5 purposes.点击展开... 这个贴的主题是,区域中心有移民局的申请批准,跟下属项目是否适合做EB-5项目一点关系都没有!!! 每个项目的成功,要看i-924的actually filing (exemplar filing 现在看也是没用的,里边实际材料还缺着),或 I-526的申请的结果。 不然都是未知数。所以中介不要瞎保证,这只能害投资人,最终也搬石头,砸自己的脚。

回复: 移民中介的误导(三)There is a difference between an approved regional center and an approved project. 本身就是一句废话!

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关 超赞 赏 Z zoema 0$(VIP 0) 2,6062011-08-09#8 回复: 移民中介的误导(三)“区域中心有移民局的申请批准,跟下属项目是否适合做EB-5项目一点关系都没有”!!!这是移民律师协会的主席律师的评论,比你这250中介的一知半解对投资人更有参考作用!!! 我引用这些知名律师专业人士的论点就是为了揭露你这种中介的骗局!!!

回复: 移民中介的误导(三)中介说,区域中心是移民局批准的,这个项目是没问题的。 我引用这些知名律师专业人士的论点就是为了揭露你这种中介的骗局点击展开... 这句话你那只耳朵曾经听过我说过?


You and I have memories Longer than the road That stretches out ahead.用幻听和幻觉作为证据,再用自相矛盾的观点表述是某人的一贯做法。 不过,也可以理解。一直没有水鱼上钩,黄花菜都凉了,压力大。 还要时不时的跟白人练习对眼。。。想想都可怜。点击展开...我说过,她的角度不对!唉。。。。。。白费劲!

回复: 移民中介的误导(三)我说过,她的角度不对!唉。。。。。。白费劲!点击展开... 终于知道你是谁了。“加美商务专家”换个马甲变成了“美国EB5专家”了。 请问,你是否实际建立,经营过EB-5项目吗? 门外汉就敢称自己是专家,愚惑众听!!!!! 我亲身在做一个EB-5直投项目和一个EB-5区域中心的项目,也是要研究整个EB-5项目的风险防范的问题。我都不敢称自己是专家,因为每天要学的东西太多了。 一句话,越说自己是专家的人,越是骗子!

回复: 移民中介的误导(三)“海棠花好看,不在颜色,而在神韵……做人也一样,不在外表,而在涵养……”。 经商要有道,做人要有德。

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关“海棠花好看,不在颜色,而在神韵……做人也一样,不在外表,而在涵养……”。 经商要有道,做人要有德。点击展开... 自己要身体力行啊!!!!

回复: 移民中介的误导(三)“海棠花好看,不在颜色,而在神韵……做人也一样,不在外表,而在涵养……”。 经商要有道,做人要有德。点击展开...

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